Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 16 - 1 year ago
    This Psalm starts off with a rather confusing section in verse 2. Commentaries with other versions seem to indicate this means that David had no good in himself to offer to the Lord. Verse 3 therefore is describing his attitude of service toward other saints of God. I am certainly open to other interpretations or ideas on that passage.

    Verse 4 contrasts this attitude with not being involved with those sacrificing to idols. Such practices among confessing believers today may not be seen (although they certainly go on behind the scenes in the cult world). We need to remember Solomon; David's son forgot what God Himself warned him of when he multiplied foreign wives; who led his heart astray. He may not have done these practices himself; but was involved with those who would do sacrificial rites of children to Molech; worship idols of metal and wood; and have all sorts of abominable sexual rituals (as all 3 actions were tied together).

    Verses 5-6 remind us of the opposite fate in Psalm 28:7 for the lost in hell. Wisdom such as is found in James 1:8 is sort of in line with the counsel mentioned in verse 7. Christ sits at the right hand of God much as verse 8 mentions.

    Verse 10 can be partly applied to David himself (his soul not being left forever in hell); but only to Christ Himself as the "Holy One" who will not see corruption who rises from the grave 3 days later.

    There are pleasurers for evermore with the Lord in eternity. The Psalm certainly ends in a joyous note as do many other Psalms (with the noteable exception of Psalm 88.) Let us rejoice and be glad in Him. (Pssalm 118:24).

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