Bible Discussion Thread

  • Donna G.Warren on 1 Timothy 6 - 1 year ago
    We are warned to have our perspectives in order , read the Bible ,PRAY,worship God , study. Proverbs 5:3-7 is my favorite go to verses. I have many others but this has been since my childhood. Yes we have to live within our means whatever that may today gone tomorrow. God....Jesus...are ALWAYS with us ...yesterday ,the present, tomorrows that come. Psalms23rd,& the Lords prayer are to me always there ,learned when I was a child . Go outside ,look around as leaves change colors,air is slightly crisp,sun shining ,blue skies,fluffy white clouds, birds flying around calling out to one another ,squirrels & chipmunk scamper around occasionally a deer ,. God is in all I see. Money doesn't buy these. We take alot for granted sometimes. We don't always appreciate what we do " have " vs lamenting what we don't. Trust in the Lord ! God Bless

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