Bible Discussion Thread

  • David T on Hosea 5 - 1 year ago
    We have much to rejoice in the LORD. For the LORD has given us a look at what is before our own country at this time. This being October 10, 2022. We have gone our own way and expect GOD'S blessings. We have allowed "strange" children in our midst because of our tolerance and desire to "live together." The framers of our country would say to us - we need to get back to our foundational roots that gave us our nation in GOD in the first place.

    The framers and especially the Word of GOD told us that "the people perish because of lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 29:18

    Our children have been out of school too long; and if they are in school, they are being taught ungodly things. We must seek the LORD diligently and faithfully. As Hosea writes and admonishes us to seek the LORD quickly while HE may yet be found.

    Let us pray for the leadership of our nation for they have changed our boundaries, not the physical landmarks but the spiritual lines given by our GOD and Savior. Changing the boundaries between right and wrong; between true and false religion. Too many of the up coming generation are strangers to the LORD'S truth and HIS ways.

    Let us call on the LORD as HIS word tells too. 2 Chronicles 7:14, 15; 1 Timothy 2:1-5; Colossians 3: 1-10

    GOD to shine HIS face on our Nation and give us grace and HIS wisdom. Vote on November, 2022
  • Alan Stickle - In Reply on Hosea 5 - 1 year ago
    All these statements are true, as a nation we are moving away from God. Few I fear realize our creation is all about God and for Him, for His purpose. How long will He be patient with us? We are his children and He loves but if we turn from Him He will punish us.

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