Bible Discussion Thread

  • Ellyn Wood on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    What is the Holy Ghost? I have never been clear on this. In church when I was a child we would say "I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost". What is the Holy Ghost?

    Thank you
  • Jacqui - In Reply on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    Just a quick point , three times in the Gospel of John , Jesus Himself refers to the Holy Ghost as the Spirit of Truth . That's very powerful to me and it how I always perceive the Holy Spirit , God is the Everlasting source of all Truth .
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I think what is missing in all of this theological discussion is the personal role the Spirit of God plays with an individual believer.

    1 Corinthians 3:16 states that we are the Temple of God now. Thus; as Colossians 2:9 states the "fullness of the Godhead bodily" showed how Christ was fully God and fully man; but also he had the "Spirit without measure". ( John 3:34). We as believers in the N.T. times since Christ's atonement go immediately to heaven after death (see Hebrews 9:27; 2 Cor. 5:8). We are "sealed with the Spirit" ( Eph. 1:13-14) from the moment we are saved (that is TRULY saved); hence the Spirit dwells in us (see John 14:23).

    We can look at the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) as the pneuma in some extent; or what is breathed into us from above much as the soul of man had life given to it when we are born the first time. God therefore rules over all and determines times and seasons; Christ is the 2nd member of the "Godhead" hence in accordance with God's plan became the sin offering for our redemption and thus was "given" all authority over heaven and earth ( Matthew 28:18-20).

    When He humbled Himself a man; he trusted totally in the Spirit to do His miracles as an example for us to do the same. Clearly; there were certain things which are at least primarily limited to the Apostolic era. Nonetheless; we are told to "bear fruits worthy (meet) of repentance ( Matt. 3:8 and elsewhere). There are characteristics of a Spirit filled life; and also various gifts or manifestations given by God to every believer (see 1 Cor. 12). PRIMARILY; the Spirit of Christ brings forth to convict the world of "sin; righteousness and judgment to come." ( John 16:8-11). We know we are one of His children if we have a new heart ( Ezekiel 36:26); and of course if we trust God; obey Him and obey Him to the best of our ability. We desire God and the Spirit will convict us (he chastises all He loves). ( Heb. 12:6 etc).

    I pray that you have a personal experience with the Lord
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    One could say that the miracle of wine early in John was something that He did early on that was perhaps purely of His own Deity as it was "before the time". The walking on water also and other things He did personally with the Disciples as well as explaining the Parables was something that was not to be broadly known. The main point here is that He did NOT want people to know who He was before it was in God's timing; as it would cause not only attempts prematurely to kill Him; but also large crowds attempting to make Him king. That happened in the last week to fulfill all things in their timing. We need to understand that He was our example and had the Spirit "without limit." ( John 3:34 "without measure"). His ministry had to be entirely as a servant as no doubt He deserved every day to be different than it was and indeed He is now "highly exalted". The scars on His hands and feet also serve well to demonstrate what He did for us in our place; as well as being triumphant over "sheol" ( 1 Peter 3:18-20).

    Whatever other things that John mentioned that would take up more than all the books in the world ( John 21:25). Thus; whatever does exist outside the Canon which is largely tales of things before His public ministry are not to be taken as scripture or even seriously. His ministry started publicly after John the Baptist baptized Him to fulfill all things and the Spirit came down on Him as a dove ( Luke 3:22). This makes evident that it was the start of public ministry as even John the Baptist who baptized much of Israel didn't know who the Messiah was until that happened (apparently Elizabeth's children didn't interact with Mary's after the children were born or shortly thereafter from what the scripture seems to indicate).
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey Richard.

    I read your posts, but I do not reply as much anymore but if I may. The statement Jesus was fully God and fully man, I have heard others say as well. From the time Jesus was born until He was resurrected and ascended back to heaven can this be truly said?

    We read in John 17:1-5, shortly before Jesus was arrested, He prayed to the Father to be restored. Jesus left it all behind for us, the only begotten Son of God. The Bible does not clarify what that glory is, but whatever it was, it was lacking in Him while He was human. Jesus came as a human being and had to deal with life as we do, Heb. 4:15, and was obedient to the Father, Phil. 2:6-9.

    Jesus was sent to fulfill the law and the prophets only man could do that. Jesus is the Messiah/Christ that God promised and sent, the Anointed One, the only begotten Son of God, and when He was baptized, He was anointed with the Holy Spirit without measure to do the will of the Father that sent Him, Matt. 10:40 Luke 4:18 John 3:34-35 John 5:30-31 John 17:21.

    Jesus is now back in heaven with the glory He had at the right hand of the Father and will reign until all enemies are put under His feet, 1 Cor 15:25 and we know the last one is death, Rev 20:14.

    There is no other name above His, Phil. 2:9 and no other name where there is salvation, Acts 4:12.

    God bless,

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Richard,

    I guess that this discussion thread did not go to the workings of Holy Spirit in the lives of believers because the question was Who is the Holy Spirit. Thus the thread went on to address this question. However, I think your idea concerning His work in us is a very good idea. Perhaps you can start a new thread on this topic. I would love to hear many voices on that topic as well.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    Hello Ellyn, you can read my response to Jacqui for some ideas that may help you understand Who the Father, Son, and Holy spirit are within the One Godhead. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:29 that Christian baptism is to be done in the name of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He was speaking this revelation to His apostles before He ascended back up to heaven to sit at the right hand of God, the Father. These apostles were Jewish and Judaism and Israelites in the O.T. believed in One God, as God states in the "Shema" in Deuteronomy 6:4-5. These apostles would need Jesus' teaching and the that of the Holy Spirit to come to understand and believe that this One God of their Scriptures (O.T.) consists of Three Persons in One Being, with all three possess this One Divine Essence, yet are distinct from One Another. In this verse ( Matthew 28:19) Jesus reveals that this One LORD of the Shema is a reality of Three Persons in One God. So, when the apostles were taught this by Jesus and given understanding and faith to believe it by the Holy Spirit, they understood the Shema more truthfully than they had been taught about it from the rabbis. Hear, O Israel, the LORD (YHWH) our God, the LORD (duet. 6:4-5) YHWH) is one God here in Deuteronomy was teaching the Israelites that there is only one God, not many, like the pagans believed in the world with them. Jesus, in Matthew 20:19 teaches the Apostles and all believers that this ONE God is not many Gods (as the Shema teaches) but then three Persons in One Godhead.

    Let us know if you have more questions, Ellyn. This topic comes up often on here. You can look under the Bible Questions tab and click on "Is God a Trinity?" link to read more. You can go to sites like Got Questions, Compelling Truth and Test All Things asking "How is God One Being, yet Three Persons?" for more good information.
  • Jacqui - In Reply on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    Hello . I believe something slightly different to Gianni's . I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate being from God . This is not a common belief amongst Christians but I can assure you it's not exactly unheard of either . The Spirit of the Lord or the Spirit of God is a very common phrase in the Old Testament and even pops up in the New . There are very many references that I could give but I will just give a few . If you have a concordance you can look these things up for yourself . Genesis 1 : 2 , Genesis 6 : 3 , Genesis 41 : 38 , Exodus 32 : 3 , Exodus 35 : 31 , Numbers 11 : 29 , Numbers 24 : 2 , Judges 3 : 10 , Judges 6 : 35 , Judges 11 : 29 , Judges 13 : 25 , Judges 14 : 6 , 1st Samuel 16 : 13 , 2nd Samuel 23 : 2 . Matthew 10 : 20 , Matthew 12 : 28 , Luke 4 : 18 , John 15 : 26 . Acts 8 : 39 , Romans 8 : 9 , Romans 8 : 14 , Romans 15 : 19 , 1st Corinthians 3 : 16 , 1st John 4 : 2 . There are a lot more . I hope my reply hasn't confused you , best thing to do is to read everything through for yourself , God wants you to know and understand His Truth and He will help you to do so . Enjoy your voyage of discovery .
  • Adam - In Reply on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    Hello Jacqui, I just noticed a possible misunderstanding. I'm reading Giannis's quote:

    "God is one but there are 3 distinct persons which are called The Father, The Son(who became the man Jesus Christ) and The Holly Spirit."

    And now I'm reading your quote:

    "I believe something slightly different to Gianni's . I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate being from God . This is not a common belief amongst Christians but I can assure you it's not exactly unheard of either . "

    He didn't use the word separate and didn't say anything was separate from God, either, but distinct within God. Deuteronomy 6:4 says God is one. There's only one God. And within the one God 1 John 5:7 says there are 3 parts. The 3 are still one. This is what most Christians believe because this is what the Bible says.

    All 3 components of one God are already spirits. God the Father is a spirit, God the Son (Jesus) is a spirit, and the Holy Spirit is a spirit.

    By your comment, within one God do you only believe in only 2 parts within one God instead of 3 parts within one God like 1 John 5:7 says? God bless.
  • Jacqui - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I believe what I believe and I believe that I am entitled to do so . I have no problem with people believing things that I don't and I would always encourage everyone and anyone to read the Bible for themselves and come to their own conclusions , don't take my word for anything . I believe this site exists for people to share their beliefs and that's what I did and hope to continue doing . May God bless you and everyone on here as we learn from each other and have our interest stimulated by open and free discussions .
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Part 2

    God does not have parts in this way. He does will, express emotions, knows all things, but these are not separate things within Him that can be separated out from this one Divine Essence. All of these and all of what we call His attribute are a human way of speaking about Who He is in essence, but in truth He is all of these in this one single, undivided, unified Divine Essence.

    But this one Godhead (Divine Essence) cannot be added to nor taken away from, as can a being with parts. He is completely and perfectly unchanging. To add or take away would indicate a change in His Essence, which cannot happen because of His perfection in every way.

    The Scriptures, as Adam and Giannis point out, tells us that the Father is God and distinct from the Son and Spirit, that the Son is God and distinct from the Father and the Son, and the Spirit is God and distinct from the Father and the Son. There are multiple instances in Scripture that reveal interactions between these three distinct persons in the Godhead. Jesus prayed to the Father, so He was not the Father, yet God. He promised the Holy Spirit, so he was not the Holy Spirit, yet God. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at Jesus' Baptism while the Father spoke from heaven, so the Holy Spirit is not Jesus nor the Father, yet God. Before creation of anything that exists besides God, the Spirit hovered over the waters of the whole earth. The Son spoke what the Father willed into being. The Father willed all things to be created. Together in unity the Godhead brought ALL that exists, visible and invisible into existence. Each Person executed their own role in creation in agreement and union with One Another as the One Godhead.

    Jacqui, This is what I believe. I am glad we have this forum to speak to our own beliefs and to read what others believe. I am glad that people can discuss topics that helps us learn Scripture more truly. We bless each other with our posts. I appreciate your contribution here.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jacqui,

    I agree with you that this forum is an open forum for people to express their beliefs. It is also a forum for discussion which Giannis and Adam, myself and you are doing when we reply to a post.

    I believe like Giannis and Adam in this way:

    In Scripture the word "Godhead" is used 3 times: Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, and Colossians 2:9.

    The Greek words, Theoion, Theoites, and Theotis are used for this word. It means ALL that constitutes Who and What God is. So the what denotes His nature or essence (GK. ouisa) and the Who denotes the three distinct persons within the one Godhead where all three possess the same Divine Essence totally (100%) and equally so (no degree of difference between three of how much of this essence they each possess. They all three possess this essence completely, to the fullest sense, and eternally.

    Jacqui, this is classic Christian teaching within the Christian church for 2000 years. You can go to site like: Got Questions, Compelling Truth and others to understand what God's essence is and how He can be one God, yet three persons, but not three Gods with divine essence.

    I believe what has been classically taught in the church from Scripture that God is purely Spirit. He is not made of matter in His essence. He created all matter. Jesus, in His human nature is made of matter, but before He became man, He was always Spirit like the Father and the Holy Spirit. He still possesses this Godhood (essence) but also still possesses his humanity, too.

    To continue, God, not being made of any matter, does not have parts or components like all creatures have. We have physical parts (hands, body) made of matter, and soul parts (mind, emotions) and a spiritual part. Animals also have components to their essential nature. Take away absolutely life sustaining parts and we and animals cease to exist. Angels also, though spirits, have a component nature. They have spiritual bodies but also, minds, and wills, like us. ...continued
  • Giannis - In Reply on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    Dear Ellyn

    God is one but there are 3 distinct persons which are called The Father, The Son(who became the man Jesus Christ) and The Holly Spirit. But still God is one, not 3 Gods, not a God with somehow 3 heads. One God, but 3 persons (of the same nature). It is difficult for us people to understand this since there is nothing respective to that in our world but we have to believe it and accept it simply as we hear it. Many things will only be revealed to us in the future, in Heaven. So The Holly Spirit is a person, not a thing. Every person of the Godhead or Trinity (other names of the triune God) has a distinctive work that performs in the church and in the world. GBU

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