Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 26 - 1 year ago
    Psalm 26 is very similar to the previous Psalm 25 as integrity is mentioned (verse 1 and 11); and David not sitting in the "congregation of evil doers." (v. 5). Again as my comments were there this is also as Psalm 25 reflecting the characteristic of Psalm 1.

    Verse 10 brings up bribery specifically as a new detail. Also verse 6 reminds us of the ritual hand washing of the Pharisees; which didn't do them too much good to say the least ( Matthew 23:27 etc). It has to be accompanied with the proper attitude on the INSIDE (see Psalm 51).

    The Psalm ends with David stating that he will bless the Lord "in the congregations." One thought that I have here is that we need to be discerning as to whether the house of God that we fellowship with isn't turning to the world and hence becoming reprobate. Apparently the word "congregation" can be used in a positive or negative light; generally. We need to be cautious not to always go with the majority concensus; when it comes to decisions such as approving or disapproving new leadership or members to the church; decisions on spending money in the church budget that aren't focused first on the Great Commission; entertainment brought in and in general any error coming in (a little leaven ruins the whole loaf) ( Gal 5:9).

    No further thoughts at present.

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