Bible Discussion Thread

  • Sam Abia on Psalms 40 - 1 year ago
    What happened to some of the verses ? -- Psalms 40 verses 18-31 ( 31-- but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.)
  • Duncan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    what God is telling us in this verse is not to be anxious in our time of need

    a lot of Christians (believers) panic immediately problems and pressure the devil our adversary try to insert on us

    See most believers pick up their phone and start calling friends or someone they call man of God or prophets( false teacher and pastors)

    so here the lord is telling us to be still and know he is God and Blessed is the man whos trust is in the lord.

    Jeremiah 17:7

    ("Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD.( Jeremiah 17:7)

    instead of panicking kneel down make your request know to him and God who if faithful our rock and deliverer will renew your strength and mount up like eagles.

    (this is for me as well as for us)

    repent and believe in the lord Jesus Christ
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sam Abia:

    Isaiah 40:31, not Psalms 40.

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