Bible Discussion Thread

  • Nick34 - 1 year ago
    I have a question about hearing voices when you read the bible. I suffer from a mental illness, Sqitzopherniam and I hear voices that sound like someone whispering in my ear, or sound more like the remnants of my thoughts. I have these when I am reading the Bible, or if I am praying. And when I hear them, they scare me because I don't know if they are from God or someone, something, or the enemy. But if i hear the enemy thoughts and I told the enemy to flea from me. Wouldn't that make the voices go away? Because it doesn't and I trying to be mediating with prayer and i am hearing this while i pray is concerning me. Please help
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Nick

    Your illness is properly called Schizophrenia. It's a mental illness. You should always take your medicine at the proper times, never omitting them, and have always contact with your doctor. The voices you hear are most probably neither from God nor from the devil. They are voices in your mind from you hourself. Just ignore them and don't get frightened. There is no danger for you at all, don't be afraid. Besides that dear Nick you must know that God can heal all types of illnesses, mental and physical. He made the universe with His word, is there anything difficult for him? So there is your chance to be healed forever. Just keep going to the Lord without fear and hesitation and keep asking Him to heal you until you receive what you ask for. Put any faith you have in action and just go to God. I am sure you will get a solution for your problems. God never sends away those who come to him, especially His children. Just have faith in your heart, dear brother and go to our Father in Heaven. God Bless You. I will pray for you.
  • Shane a plenge - In Reply - 1 year ago
    it's good to hear stories that confirm scripture, yes,we war not against flesh and blood but the battle is a spiritual one. and with us,its within our minds and hearts,and in scripture it says be not divided among yourselves but be of one mind,body and spirit. and in another scripture "be not double minded"rest assure you have a soul that which is a spirit by nature, and i myself have had asked the question to many people "what are you"and i get all the time, i am a human-being.true. but in reply i say i am a spiritual being residing in human form. my spirit is a gift from GOD that will return to him one day,the battle that is on going is being fought on the EVIL side thru your humanism to attack your gift of the spirit pull yourself together as the scripture says choose now on whom thy will serve, FOR me and my family we serve the LORD.... one mind, one body, and one spirit....
  • T Levis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1John 4:18, Revelation 21:6-8, 1John 4:1-3,

    Do you believe John 3:16 ? Do you believe GOD can heal? Do you believe GOD can change everything? Do you believe man who spoke those words over you, or GOD ALMIGHTY that created you!? Be Healed be delivered

    Trust GOD

    James 1:5, Romans 10:17, James 4:7, Luke 11:9-13,

    Nick 34, You're saying only when you pray or read the Bible; the scripture says pray without ceasing 1Thessalonians 5:17. Lay the word on your heart & in your soul, bind on your hand, in front of your eyes, to talk about them often, with your children when sitting, walking along, when laying down, the WORD of GOD, Deuteronomy 11:18-20, Psalms 119:11,

    Is it a spiritual attack to keep you from reading, praying & learning of a Loving Creator our Loving Father in Heaven? Or is it the HOLY Spirit bringing conviction of sin? If it's not peace that is present, your relationship needs work, possibly. Even Isaiah a Prophet of GOD, had to repent to be close to GOD's presence: Isaiah 1:6, These should be helpful
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Fortunately God gave us this test to determine if spirits (including voices) are from God or not:

    1 John 4:1-3

    Also God says do not fear the enemy/satan. He holds no power over us:

    Matthew 10:28

    He can only tempt, but we can resist and he will flee. We always have a way out if we look for it.

    1 Corinthians 10:13

    So, you do not need to worry or have any fear about these. If you rebuke the evil spirits in the name of Jesus they will go away.

    Matthew 4:10

    Mark 9:28-29 Prayer

    I am praying for you now. God bless you in the name of Jesus. I would do absolutely everything to dedicate your life to following Jesus, including fasting, reading the word, prayer, praise. Get rid of any filth you can and replace it with God's purity. Don't hang on to any of it. End times are near. Also, watch out for false prophets. They may lurk anywhere, even in this forum. Rely on God's truth, not on man's itching ears who love to spread lies from satan.
  • Nick34 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you so much for the prayer. I actually did like a walk to a secluded area near where I live and just let go and let God. The weather was good and it helped. I have a question on what do you mean by filth?
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Nick, the world is inherently evil. It will corrupt us if we are not constantly on guard against it wearing the armor of God.

    Romans 12:2, James 1:26-27.

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