Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Leviticus 9 - 1 year ago
    Leviticus Chapter 9 continued.

    After completing all of these offerings, Aaron turned, raised his hands and spoke a blessing over the people, (most likely the Aaronic blessing Num. (6:23-27) and then came down from the place of offering the sacrifices. Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting together and came out and blessed the people again.

    Then the glory of YHWH appeared to all of the people (they all saw and experienced it together) and fire came out from YHWH to the altar and completely consumed all of the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. This showed that He accepted the sacrifices and also brought to the people what these sacrifices signified. The people shouted fell on their faces.

    We are not told what the glory of the LORD was like, nor what they shouted.

    This was one continuous ceremony from start to finish. It must have taken all day for it to be finished. And then Aaron would be beginning the evening sacrifice at sundown that day. Verse 1 said that it was on the 8th day. (of which month?)

    In regards of the foreshadowing of Christ in this lengthy ceremony that initiates the priestly morning and evening sacrifices day in and day out. Perhaps it foreshadowed the length of time Jesus was on the cross. But it may be showing that before we can thank God for saving us and having communion with him, Jesus needed to be the sin and burnt offering on the cross first. He not only had our sins taken upon himself on the cross, but he also was the only perfect burnt offering, wholly giving himself to the Father' will until the preordained purpose for and work of the cross was completed. When it was finished, then we can bring a thank offering and celebrate a peace offering.

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