Bible Discussion Thread

  • Christina - 1 year ago
    i'm not gay but Satan temptation me to choose women and not men. i'm a 26 year old women who never been in a relationship. takes these thoughts away.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Every person , including Christians , has sinful thoughts . None of us are exempt from sinful thoughts . It's very important to recognise this , you are not different from others , our sinful thoughts maybe different kind to yours but we all have them . It's also important that you continue to try very hard not to give into these thoughts . So far , you have been successful , thanks to God for that . Are you perhaps in the company of other ladies who practice lesbianism ? If so you must remove yourself from their company , totally . You say you have never had an adult relationship , this is something that a lot of people would be very proud of . There is no need to feel that you are missing out on anything , take your time . If men ask you out on dates and you don't like them then you can say "no" . One day , if it is God's will , the right man for you will come along . What a lovely day that will be for you and for him . Be patient . Sexual and romantic desires are normal and natural . If you don't already go to church then go , try a few out . Read your Bible and talk to God in prayer about your desires and struggles . I said it once but I say again , be patient . Wait for the right one , the one that God has set aside for you , as He has set you aside for the right man . There is no need to feel ashamed of natural desires . You just need to wait for the right man for you and you can give each other love and affection and friendship in Christ . May God keep you strong in your discipline and may He send you your soulmate soon. Wait for him .
  • Cindy - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Christina, James 4:7 says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." How do you resist the devil? Like Jesus did when he was tempted in the wilderness. He did not argue, He quoted the scripture, and the devil fled each temptation.

    The Word of God is our armor against Satan, our bullets, I like to call it.

    Shoot as many as you need at him when he tempts you with unnatural relations. I give you Romans 1:26,27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, and Jude 1:7. Prayers going up.

    Bless you!
  • Sammi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Excellent comment .
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I prayed for you as I poured over scripture after scripture concerning homosexuality, sin, rebellion, and salvation.That God would give me a word for you, or I would not answer with a reply.

    :-) Here's my reply! (Please meditate prayerfully on this verse)

    Matthew 6:33

    But seek ye first The kingdom of God; and HIS righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Let me ask you this question Christina, have you been doing things your own way for a while now?

    Would you be willing to ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and life and really begin to put HIM first? Just like the scripture verse above says to do?

    Learn about Him and HIS righteousness. Learn what the Bible says by going to a Bible only church, join the Bible study group and pray about everything, to God IN JESUS NAME like the Bible says to do.

    Jesus loves you very much, and so do we here at KJBO. Please invite Jesus to be your Lord and Savior TODAY because none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

    He will not force His way into your heart He is the perfect gentleman. Do you hear Him knocking on your hearts door today? Shhhh. the quiet times you will hear Him.

    He will give you power to resist the spirits that have been tempting you. And He will give you good gifts, the Bible says so.

    Taste of Him and see that He is good. He will give you the (true) desires of your heart!
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dearest Christina, I'm praying for you today.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Christina.

    You're starting off on the right track by acknowledging that you have this sinful passion and you are calling on the Lord to deliver you from this.

    The Lord is the only one who can.

    You can trust him.

    I will be praying for you.

    God bless you.
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Lord God Almighty Creator, Our savior and redeemer. You who have created all that is in heaven and on earth. We thank You for life, and all things that we have. We thank You for big and small people with whom we come into contact. This is how we can be Your outstretched hand here on earth. Share Your truth and live by Your word.

    We put everything in Your honor Lord and in Your Holy name Jesus Christ that we shall stand strengthened and protected in Your holy name Jesus Christ. We pray in Your wonderful name above all other names. That which thrones in and is King and Lord over all. That in Your name should "Christina" be free from alluring, seductive thoughts should not lead her away from You Lord! She will belong to You Lord and will live in a family life that gives her a husband and children according to Your arrangement. So disappear now! The the spirit of delusion, the spirit that will destroy and the spirit that will bind in the holy name of Jesus Christ, be free from this deceiver now! In Jesus Christ holy name Amen. Come and save her from this, O Lord, and everything will be so good, and she will praise You all her days. And living right with God is always good. Shower her with Your love Lord, strengthen her in spirit, soul and body Philippians 1:27 in the holy name of Jesus Christ we pray Amen. Philippians 3:8-11

    Stand strong in the Word every day, look another way, invent something new, run to Jesus who will deliver you. Love u in Christ.

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