Bible Discussion Thread

  • Andrew Bolander on Leviticus 20 - 1 year ago
    If he truly repents, can a person be forgiven for violating Leviticus 20:10?
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi GiGi dear,

    I am glad I found your comment here and I am already able to access my account. Firstly, I have a question about Andrew's topic, then I will comment about the prayers for our sons when you reply to this one.

    Leviticus 20:10 points out that (a man commiteth adultery with another man's wife, even he that commiteth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.)

    I have a few questions because this connects to the relatives of mine who are very important and dear to me.

    Situation 1: As far as I understand this verse, it conveys that the status of the man is not specified, so he could be single or married, it is only the woman who is to be a man's wife or married to get involved with that man, that will form the sinful act of adultery on both sides . Does this mean that a married man actually is allowed to have a relationship with a single woman which means, as long the woman is not another man's wife? Is it still not considered adultery in our present period? It is evident in Deuteronomy that some God's chosen men has many wives like Solomon, Jacob, David and others... I know there might be many more. This requires me to continue reading the bible to know the entity. Can men in our present times practice polygamy without committing adultery?

    Situation 2: How will this verse be applied to a woman if she is divorced from his previous husband? It looks that the woman is not permitted to do polygamy just like the ancient men can. One particular verse by St. Paul states that even the divorced wife from his husband may stay away from her husband but should remain single.

    Looking at these facades: Can we still conclude in our present period that a man can practice polygamy as long as the lady is single and not commit adultery, but the same cannot be applied in vice versa to the woman?

    If this is really what God wants, then I will say Amen to this because we are not to question God.

    God bless you all !

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear May

    The commandment say not to commit adultery. This is applied both to men and to women in all circumstances. Jesus said that, as it was in the beginning with Adam and Eve, so should marriage be, one-man to one-woman relationship. As for divorce and remarriage. Jesus was pretty plain about this, too. One who divorces a spouse for any reason other than infidelity is not to marry another as long as this first spouse is alive. To do so is adultery, as Jesus stated and this adultery is not a one time occurrence when a couple remarry and have relations for the first time. It is adultery every time they have relations, in my understanding.

    From what Jesus said, I do not think that polygamy is permissible from the time He taught on marriage until He returns. So, I think that polygamy is outside of God's perfect will for man and woman. In some parts of the world polygamy is the norm, even for Christians, and the women do not have much say in the matter. So, these communities are inviting all kinds of problems from being outside of God's will in this area.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Leviticus 20 - 1 year ago
    Andrew, Yes, one can be forgiven for adultery. As you said, repentance is what God wants of us. This means leaving off that woman and not getting into sinful situations with her anymore. It is a turning from sin to God and confessing this sin and asking for forgiveness. God does grant forgiveness. He does help us when we turn to Him. We can trust His word on this.

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