Bible Discussion Thread

  • Roman - 1 year ago

    I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. The resurrection tenants and time-line is specifically laid out in a particular order:

    #1) The saints are resurrected first. They heal the earth alongside millions of mortals, great tribulation survivors, and at the end of the 1,000 years, God defeats the 3 evil spirits that make us behave cross towards one another. The saints are judged at the seventh trumpet, they are the first fruits of the 1st resurrection. You are implying at the 1st resurrection, Jesus is picking out souls for everlasting life, but it's the resurrected saints he's gathering prior to Revelation 14:1. 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Paul is referring to the saints only, not anyone else.

    #2) The Great White throne Judgment, resurrection happens AFTER the 1,000 years, Revelation 20. This is the resurrection of the rest of humanity, the sinners, unbelievers, believers of false doctrine. This is my place, where I belong, you will find me amongst the sea of humble sinners, praying for redemption. Ezekiel 37:1-14, the valley of dry bones ALLEGORY of the 2nd resurrection where God had pity on the whole house of Israel and reestablished him at the last, Isaiah 14:1.

    'Jesus has to prepare a place for us' is synonymous with Jesus creating a new heaven and new earth. The 1st resurrection saints will enter a totally destroyed world, Isaiah 24. The 2nd resurrection group will inherit paradise.

    Hebrews 9:27 God set the parameters for entering the kingdom of heaven, part of it is to require a mortal death. Jesus Christ was the first example of being 'born again'. Jesus is the only man to live, die, having God resurrect him into everlasting life!

    Please consider what I'm saying in accordance to the narrative of what Biblically occurs. I have 1 more intriguing post for you about the saints.
  • Roman - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I didn't intend to put that on the main thread, a thousand apologies. I've got you on my mind.

    You need a sign. You will wonder when the US/Israel put a "scroll" over Tehran, Revelation 6:14. That's the sixth seal, moving the world closer to the day of the Lord, which dismayed the prophet to tears, Ezekiel 21:7. You won't be able to deny it now that I've made you aware.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You know Roman, I appreciate that you are thinking of me and thinking that I "need a sign" of some sort.

    Thank you for your information. I will check it out and consider it. Have a good evening. Going off to bed now.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Roman, I never asked for a sign. I did not say that I know a great deal about eschatology. I am learning. Please, I do not need someone like you warning me to get my house in order. If you knew me well, you would speak to me in a different way. have always been a seeker of truth in God's Word, even since childhood. I trust that God is indeed leading me in His truth every step of the way. I am confident in Him that He will bring me to the place He promised to prepare for those who love Him and believe in what He did to save us. We do not need to have a full understanding of eschatology in order to be saved. But it is always good to ask the Lord to give understanding concerning what is in His Word.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Roman, You have been quite hostile towards me every since I first posted to Richard on HIS thread. I did not respond to you first. But you have been contrary with me in your postings. I appreciate a good discussion, but this one with you is not fruitful, in my opinion. So I will not continue to respond to you because i am under no obligation to do what you are telling me to do. Have a good day. I will continue to study the Word along eschatological lines without you. I say this in love, but I don't accept your bullying.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Ok, Roman. Thank you for sharing your theory with me.

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