Bible Discussion Thread

  • Wayne on Matthew 28 - 1 year ago
    What is the Bible's view of Homosexuality ?

    Some have said they are attracted to the same sex but they don't act on it...Is that a sin?
  • Gerald - In Reply on Matthew 28 - 1 year ago
    Jesus taught that if a man looks at a woman with lust in his heart he has already committed adultery .

    The idea that a homosexual who does not the act but holds the desire in his heart is ok then is absurd .

    The deep root cause of homosexuality is found in Romans . Men no keeping the knowledge of God in their minds .

    At root that is the cause . From that root you have many branches of why .

    Homosexuality is not a sickness to be cured of it is a sin to be repented of as any other .

    Indeed we all have to come to a place where we not only repent of what we have done, but must also repent of what we are .Sinners .

    The answer is the same for all .

    "If any man be in Christ they are a new creation ,behold all old things have passed away and behold all things have become new"

    "For if you have dies to sin how then can you live in it"?

    A man may struggle as any man does with sin as Paul also in z Romans shows . But he also gives the answer " Thanks be unto zGod who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ .

    No matter what man says you can be delivered from the power of that sin as any man can be delivered from any other sin .
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Leviticus 21:13 makes it clear about the penalties for such behaviors in O.T. times. Deuteronomy 23:17 and other verses such as 1 Kings 14:24 show the cult practices involved either prostitutes or sodomites involved in worshipping of demonic gods and the associated rituals.

    It has been said that such practices were also done with children and/or slaves in ancient Rome. It has also been stated that the verses about "like the time of Lot" may have referred to same sex marriages at the time.

    The intentions of the heart are addressed in scriptures with sins such as adultery and violence (or thoughts of murder) against a brother. It is the mind where all sins begin. God's design is not just a physical one but spiritual as well; making two come together as one is only possible with a man and a woman; and is only approved by God by the covenant made in a marriage vow. Without such things; one becomes one flesh with someone but without the Lord having established the union; basically Satan has become the one in charge.

    The whole cultural and lifestyle part of living in relationships not heterosexual is something apparently that was missing with such deviancy in ancient times. It was a sick cultural caste system sort of mentality where someone was the perpetrator and another a victim (that is the best I can put it here).

    One of the most encouraging things to go is to see (especially on You Tube) the MANY testimonies of those who used to live that kind of lifestyle who have come to Christ. Becket Cook is one such example; who has interviewed others; including Rosanna Butterfield who was patiently discipled by a former Pastor of mine (Ken Smith) over 2 years time who is now married with 4 kids. There is much more to her story besides her past lifestyle-I highly recommend that you read her book "an unlikely convert" (can't recall the full title). God can and will give a close bond of friendship that is Agape love that is in no way sensual like others.

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