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  • Concern Sister on Revelation 3 - 11 years ago
    Hello Michael, (Rev.3:16) In response to your ? I have to ask....Have you a born again believer? If so According to ( Luke 10:19) You have the power of God that's been given to you to overcome the temptations of everyday life; not that you're perfect, but you now by the Holy Spirit you have access to dumas power of God working for you. I think a great help would be to also stay in the word of God for strength daily. Avoid anything that you know is not pleasing to God wherever you may be. You are never alone He is always with you. Check out this scripture ( I Corinthians 15:33-34) as a reminder of who you are in Christ and that you represent him. YOU are a light in the workplace of darkness, let others be drawn to your light, don't be vacuumed into the negative! AMEN?

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