Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 65 - 1 year ago
    Psalm 65. This Psalm has several prophetic overtones; both of the first coming and Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 2 reminds us of Haggai 2:7 as the "desire of nations" shall come. Again; we see specifically mentioned those who are in prayer and God "hearest" them. God does not heed to the prayers of the wicked ( Prov. 15:8); this of course can be extended to those in rebellion. Christ is NOT desired of men ( Isaiah 53:3) in our natural state; and to understand the beauty of the love the Father extended to us who was pleased to "crush His Son" ( Isaiah 53:10) while we were yet enemies is something beyond our comprehension.

    1 Samuel 13 shows how David was chosen; much like the verse 4 in this Psalm. Certainly Christ was chosen as well to fulfill all righteousness ( Matthew 3:13) and His baptism was part of the plan.

    Verse 5 is somewhat indicative of the scenario during His judgments; although there through the rest of the Psalm generally gives God's blessings through the natural cycle with tides (verse 7) and weather patterns of rain v. 9-12; and the resulting harvest (v. 13). These will; of course be brought to the greatest fruition during the Millennial period and we will see an end to much destruction with natural disasters; notwithstanding those who refuse to come to Jerusalem to worship shall have no rain. ( Zech. 14:8).

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