Bible Discussion Thread

  • ERNEST ADEKPE on Revelation 11 - 1 year ago
    Please I want to be a pastor , a servant of God and I don't know how to start about

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  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 1 year ago
    Hi Ernest. Elliux2 has given you some very good advice & Scriptures for you to ponder. But I would ask, 'is your desire to pastor a Church fellowship towards an existing congregation, or have you been evangelizing/holding a small group meeting that you want to bring together & be their pastor?'

    In my understanding of this position, a Pastor is a shepherd - one who leads, guides, counsels, & gets beside his flock in their needs. Unfortunately, today, a pastor's role is predominantly centered around teaching/preaching & greeting at the door, leaving the shepherding work to others. If you belong to an existing Fellowship, then the elders are the ones who need to be in prayer & be led of the Lord to determine what Church positions need to be filled and by whom. You may present your desire to them to serve God's people in this way, but ultimately the Elders will need to decide. If there are no elders (or, bishops, as written in the KJV), then I'm sorry, this Fellowship is on shaky ground & may totter over spiritually.

    But if you've been evangelizing and/or gathering folk into the faith & teaching them, then it would be right for you to assume the position of Elder/Pastor, building up the souls in the fear & knowledge of God, seeking to minister the Gospel to the lost around you, and waiting on the Lord to direct you to avenues of ministry & the right men to build up to join you in the work. You have a great & compelling desire Ernest and one never to enter into lightly. Keep the matter before the Lord & before those who may be your elders/leaders - the Lord will surely open up the way for you - even if it means first serving His people in other ways. He looks for men with hearts & hands who are already engaged in His Work, being prepared in the Word & in Faith, so as to lead others closer to Jesus.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother Chris!

    A Pastor is a shepherd - one who leads, guides, counsels, & gets beside his flock in their needs.

    An often overlooked roll of a pastor.

    God bless.

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  • S Spencer - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 1 year ago
    Thanks Elliux2.

    I agree.

    As for the bible translations, I prefer the king James version.

    However I don't believe Gods message don't depend on mans ability to "hear" and unlock the treasures with his intellectual insight.

    I believe pride, hinders spiritual growth as well as partiality more do than bible translations.

    God arm is not to short to where he would have a translation error thwart his plans.

    You can pull up an outline or lesson on any book in the Bible and display it but yet don't even fully understand what is being displayed.

    I believe Giannis or Chris said it in another post.

    You should seek prayer regarding Pastoring a Church.

    If God called one to preach or teach, He WILL teach. He will not be able to get away.

    We layman have a responsibility with this treasure as well

    Ephesians 4:1-32.

    What about the tares in the Church?

    Do we dispose of them like a bad translation? The Lord says no. Matthew 13:28-30.

    What about building one another up in love? How do we do that?

    By knowingly lying to them? Or truth?

    How about false praises?

    We are sold on great performances, great long intellectual speeches and a carnal display.

    Our flesh is attracted to these things.

    We coexist in a worldly culture that influence our Christian walk.

    You see NOT speaking the truth you can avoid persecution.

    I would rather have someone rebuke me "with correct scripture references" than to falsely lift me up.

    The pastors and teachers, by the Spirit of God is to do their part (Minister to the sheep). Reception and spiritual growth depends on the condition of the believers heart.

    God bless.

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