Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Leviticus 20:13 - 1 year ago

    Death begins its work in us from the moment of our conception. Even while our cells are dividing and multiplying and differentiating into various types of cells to make up bones, blood, tissue, nerves, organs, etc. our sinful nature is corrupting every aspect of our being and death is acting on our physical matter. Throughout our life our cells die off and are replenished. Our soul is dead to God from the moment of conception because of the corrupted sinful nature. From the very start we are separated from God because He is so holy we cannot be in His presence and live. We need His mercy from the very start of our life and every moment after that.e

    But, just as through one man, Adam, we all sinned (for he is our federal head-the effectual representative of all persons to ever descend from him); also, through one man, Jesus Christ we made alive because of His perfect obedience. Death came by Adam, life came by Jesus. Condemnation came by Adam; justification came by Jesus. Corruption came by Adam, righteousness came by Jesus (who is federal head of the Body of Christ). ( Romans 5:12-19)

    We are not sinful because we sin, we sin because we are sinful from the start. We all need God's mercy and salvation that comes from the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross to bring forgiveness to all who put their faith in Him. Jesus bore the eternal capital punishment (which we deserve) for the sins of all men, that even though we suffer under physical death, we will not die eternally if we are in Him.

    In His first coming, Jesus came not to bring condemnation to humankind, but to bring salvation. John 3;17-18) in His second coming, He will bring judgement upon all human beings, eternal life for those who are His by faith, and eternal punishment in the lake of fire for those who refuse to turn to Him and reject His provision for salvation for the sinfulness of each person.

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