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The Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost represent two but the same attributes of the comforter.
The Holy Ghost is that which guides and directs our mortal bodies in this world. It can appear in what we can see and hear. It actually becomes our navigator , seeing things as they really are in the spiritual world, that we live in! We can find ourselves in circumstances we no little about, but the Holy Spirit knows and thereby uses us to convict others of sin. Our character is the effect of the Holy Ghost on others.
The holy Spirit however, is what we read in the scriptures and it is the fruit, the soil we grow by. The Holy spirit is what convicts us of sin, teaching us to obey all things which it has taught us. They are the same , but different . One complements the other. You cannot have one without the other. Jesus said when the comforter comes He will teach you ALL things. Those in Christ will see and teach even as Christ taught. It is His Spirit that is living in us! This is truely a miracle, as the Anti Christ is becoming more prevalent the Holy Ghost has become even more so. This spiritual warfare is real, guiding and teaching us all the way. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have. We must use it at any given instant. Pray without ceasing!
He that believeth on me, out of His innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. This is the Holy Spirit we receive. For the Holy Ghost was not yet given! Because Jesus had net yet been glorified. John 7:38-39.
So you might see the difference is acute, We must rightly divide the word of truth. 2 timothy 2:5.
Being filled with the Spirit is a supernatural "gift through faith in the word".
The Holy Ghost however, appears as fire upon those who are present and obey His commandment's. Such are we, who even now are experiencing, (LIVING) His glorification (THE HOLY GHOST). Seeing Him as He is.
His and our glorification is seeing Him as He is, much more than just a Spirit , but communing with Him on our road to Emmaus! Can you see Him eating and drinking, this Great physician who has come to heal the sick!
This one they call a wine bibber, and glutton! Oh yes ,they have misjudged Him! Watch I say, Watch! His redemption draws nigh.
As a matter of interest Fred, the wording of 'Holy Spirit' and 'Holy Ghost' in John 7:39 happen to be the same word in the Greek, 'Pneuma'. It would be hard to apply a more distinctive meaning or application to what was given & understood. Why John gave both names of the Spirit of God, maybe one of our esteemed Greek speaking brethren can enlighten us. This interests me also.
My brother, I do find it interesting that John 7:39 uses both spirit and ghost in the same verse. Whether these were John's exact words, or for some unknown reason the translators decided to put it in there that way, I do not know.
I can tell you that in the Greek text, the first word Spirit in John 7:39 is PNEUMATOS, and the second word Ghost is PNEUMA. Both Greek words translate to Spirit in English, so Holy Spirit would have been correct.
There is a different word used for Ghost in the Greek. That word is PHANTASMA and is where we get our English word phantom from.
There are 90 places in the King James NT where Holy Ghost is mentioned. However, if you look these verses up in the Greek text (Textus Receptus), every place that the KJV uses Holy Ghost, the Textus Receptus says Holy Spirit (HAGION PNEUMA). Why the translators decide to use Holy Ghost instead is something I am not sure of.
I also find it interesting that there are places in the KJV where the word spirit is used, but the Greek text uses the word ghost.
Matthew 14:26 is one place. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a (spirit); and they cried out for fear.
The word spirit in this verse is PHANTASMA for ghost. They thought He was a ghost. It is not the word for spirit (PNEUMA). It is the word for ghost.
So every place in the KJV New Testament where it says Holy Ghost, it can be correctly translated Holy Spirit.
I emphasize the KJV because if I'm not mistaken, most other English versions say Holy Spirit, not Holy Ghost, which would be considered correct according to the Greek.
I think that whether we choose to say Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, we are speaking of the same Spirit of God, the third person of the triune God.
Thanks brother Jesse for your thorough explanation. I too, saw the 'Spirit' as Pneumatos, and the second mention of the Spirit, as Pneuma, which rather intrigued me. If the Greek is then consistent in the word's meaning, then the difference in wording must have been applied at the translation level. Given that this work was done in the 17th Century, there may have been certain applications of those words that meant something special to the translators or the Church, or for some special emphasis. I guess we might never know. Thanks for the trouble in reviewing this verse for us.
Hi Jimbob. That's a good question. True believers with the Holy Spirit within them, One Who will lead them into all Truth, will always believe & declare what is true as revealed to them from God's Word. There maybe differences of opinion but that may come when the Scriptures aren't clear on the subject or very little information given. But when the Scriptures are clear on the major doctrines such as of the Godhead, of Sin, of Salvation, of Judgement, of Eternity, etc., there can be no doubt as the Bible is profuse with undeniable proofs.
When false teaching is given, either the false unregenerate teacher is under control of another spirit, or the believing teacher is convinced that the right position that he holds on a subject, must be what the Scripture teaches; whereas the opposite is true: what the Scripture teaches, must be what we ought to believe. In other words, his mind dictates his belief & therefore forces the Scriptures to fit his teaching. And those unlearned in the Word, can be easily convinced by such contorting of Scriptures, mixed with the teacher's oratory & emotive expressions and thus be led astray.
The Church during the apostolic days as even today, are warned of such dangers & to be alert & deal with such intrusions before they go viral & render God's people ignorant, ineffective, casting aside the Truths from God's Word. We've seen the proliferation of groups that have laid aside the teaching given within the Bible to bring out their own interpretations to fulfil their own purposes. And this they do to the destruction of their own souls & of others. But when believers begin studying & searching the Word for themselves, leaving the human intellect & imaginations aside, then Truth will begin to surface & release them from the errors they've received. Our beloved S. Spencer & Gigi have shared some important Truths lately around the question you raised here.
Being led by the Spirit has become controversial within the church. For whatever reason they continue to change language . Without any consideration to the third person in the trinity.
Living in this world has become difficult for us why? Because God's word is a medicine for our condition ,everyone knows how we hate to take the .edicine.
I would like to add that we continue to grow and share as we go.
A teacher shares what he has gleaned from scripture by the revelation of the Spirit.
Everyone that shares is not a teacher but plays a profitable role in ministry. I myself is no teacher but one who shares what I believe.
There's a difference in being taught the word of God, and the word of God teaching us.
There should be production taken place "fruitfulness displayed" by virtue of the truth. I believe this is why Jesus says "You shall know them by their fruit.
There should be a shaping taken place that displays a connection to the vine, so their draw should be more than just doctrine.
If you can understand what this means, you will find yourself clothed in his garment as you wait with your lamp. This demands for no substitution while we wait. It is one kind of material
This material will be his choice , this the holy ghost will provide to those who are in tHe Spirit
HIS promise to return and findIng u waiting! This lamp is his word , HIS PROMISE. Watch , I say watch. Repent and be baptized
Thank you for sharing that, brother. No one should ever claim to have all the answers - we must be humble before the Lord & His Word, waiting patiently for His Teaching, with Him opening our hearts to receive as much as we need to hear & learn. When the teacher & student know that they are in the same position (one of learning), albeit at different levels, the whole acquiring of knowledge (& wisdom to apply it correctly), should become a time of mutual fellowship around God's Word, sharing together what they learn. As you wrote, 'our connection together is to the Vine' - what we draw from Him will be our spiritual sustenance & what we receive, must be imparted for another's good.
Thank you Chris for your answer. I've got another question for you, if you don't mind or anybody who wants to answer. do you think the Spirit of truth in John Ch.14,15,and 16 could be the King James Bible? Which is The true Words of the LORD. Jn.14:26 speaks of the Comforter being the Holy Ghost and says it will "teach you all things". but in Jn.16:13 when the Spirit of truth is come this verse says he will "guide you into all truth". The word "guide" here means to show the way, (teacher) lead. All truth sounds like it has to be the True Words of the LORD..
Hi Jimbob...If i understand you correctly ..are you saying that maybe the written words of the bible
are the real spirits of truth words of life .etc...Jimbob if the bible the written word cd have atoned for the sins of the world then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the cross was just foolishness.
Its only the spirit as Jesus said that which is born of the spirit tis spirit is the real words of life the H.G a living being....A living being that has to be born in us...via his seed his words...The H.G. That Child of PROMISE.Our new birth is in the spiritual realm.
We refer to the H.G the spirit of truth as a him not an it...He is our 1st born our only son as Zech 12.10 says..When we are bornagain of his incorruptible seed.
And in 1st John 2:27 The Anointing which you have received of him is the H.G. will teach you all things..You need no man teach you
Under the New Covenant we have an internal pastor/teacher which is the H.G....God That Child of Promise....The Anointing
But Jimbob ISRAEL was sola scriptura...The bible only....But there in no liife in written words....Israel stoned every prophets that God sent them and rejected the Christ...Which of the prophets have not your fathers stoned Jesus asked....Written words cannot atone for the sins of
the world....Or change mans adamic nature....David comes to mind...But Jimbob you are right the comforter will teach us all things
But what folks don't understand is this comforter has to be born in us....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. That Child of Promise..Thats y he cannot speak of himself he is just a spritual infant.our new Born.
not an it...Jesus words are living beings (Gods)...To whom Jesus word came His seeds his breath they were impregnated by his
seeds and they birth Spirits as God the H.G. is spiri
Alex1939 We have the true Words of the LORD somewhere today, God promised that He would preserve His Words for ever.. Where are they? Jn. 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jn.1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,. . . (JESUS WAS THAT WORD) Jn.6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (Jesus said His words are spirit and they are life) Peter said in verse 68 Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. The words of Jesus are ETERNAL life, in Jn.14:23-24 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. verse 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Fathers which sent me. Jn.17:17 Sancitfy them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (God promised His pure Words would be preserved for ever, which means we have it for the final generation, it is the KJB, the Spirit of truth!) Pro.30:5 tell us EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE! pure means unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound.. Ps.12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. (A time in the Bible in many places means 1 year, purified seven times= purified 7 years.) How long did it take to translate the KJB? 7 YEARS!
You are right Jimbob but Jesus tells us search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal life but it is them that testify of me which is the Living word the H.G a living being that has to be born in us via his seeds that y he has to know us....Remember the letter, the written word is a killer.... 2 Cor. 3:6....God has made us able ministers of the new covenant not of the letter but of the Spirit....The letter is a killer....But the Spirit giveth life....But be carefull there are folks in this room that will tells you its the letter that gives life and the spirit is a killer....Stay away from the Spiritual revelation of the bible they say....gbu Jimbob....Remember Moses face shone with Glory when gave them the law (written words) ...But that Glory had to be done away with....As Jesus said my words are spirit and life....No eternal life in written words.... John 5:39...Search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal life....If we cd have had eternal life in the written word than Jesus shed his blood in vain...
Jimbob i just read your post saying where are the words of God....Remember God told Daniel 12:9 the book has the words of life but this book is sealed till the time of the end....Which answers to Rev 5...That book in the right hand of the father....That N.C. That Jesus wrote with his own blood....And Jere. 31:34....God Almighty tells us i will put my words in your hearts and minds....As Jesus says the sower will sow his seed the living WORD in our hearts and minds....by hearing his VOICE....And God tells us in Joel 2 :28 i will pour out of my Spirit on ALL FLESH....Which are his words his voice the living word...Your sons and daughters are gonna prophecy impling the whole family....I will KNOW THEM ALL from the least to the greatest....Thats everybody...That N.C. IN HIS BLOOD at Calvary....If i be lifted up ( his blood ) I will draw ALL MEN unto me....ok gbu
Alex1939 We have to have the True Words of God today or you wouldn't even know that Jesus died on a cross for the sins of the world. I didn't say words save anybody anywhere in my comments. But the Words of the LORD are pure Words that are the only Truth we have, our instructions from God in this evil world today. We have Gods Words and we have mans corrupt words. Did you know that the Words that Jesus spoke will judge the dead at the great white throne judgment? Jn.12:46-48, 46. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. 47. And if any man hear ((my words)), and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48. He that rejecteth me, and ((receiveth not my words)), hath one that judgeth him: ((the word that I have spoken)), the same shall judge him in the last day. Now we look at Rev.20:11-12, 11. And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and ((the books)) were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. (Those books that are opened to judge the dead in the last day are ((the Words of Jesus Christ)), Jn.12:48 tell us this is true. Jer.23:36 tells us that (perverting) the words of the living God, is changing His Word! All modern versions change His Words, and All modern versions are corrupt. those corrupt books will not be the books that judge the dead at the great white throne judgement! The 66 books in the KJB are the books, (the Words of Jesus Christ) that will be opened to judge them in the last day. Mt.24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.) Jn.1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Hi again Jimbob. Clearly, from reading those chapters in John's Gospel, the Spirit of Truth is God's Holy Spirit and the King James Bible, or anything or anyone else, was never intended to be inferred by that Holy Name.
But I hear what you're saying. If indeed the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts from the Word, as He does in whatever other way that seems good to Him, then the Word we read must be true & faithful to the actual words & events that took place & recorded for us. Often I think, 'how wonderful it would be if every new born believer was strongly encouraged to learn Hebrew & Greek (at least at the elementary level), that we might have a stronger understanding of the Word'. Maybe some of our questions & disputes could easily be settled at that level. The KJV translators have done a remarkable work in translating from the original manuscripts, as many of them were skilled in these languages; but by using verbiage that was in vogue at that time, can at times be misunderstood or even misleading today, if the original language is unlearned.
A classic example is found in Psalm 82 where the mention of God & gods (in verses 1 & 6) are the same Hebrew word, Elohim. Yet, that word is not strictly confined to always mean the One True God, and can also refer to divine beings, other gods/goddesses, judges, & mighty rulers. But the Hebrew reader would understand this broad meaning, but will also know its specific meaning in the context of the verses. As we see in verse 1, that the One Holy God who "judges among the gods", immediately reprimands these 'gods' for judging unjustly & showing partiality. And again in verse 6, these same judges, given special appointment by God, will be dealt with greater harshness.
And yes , I would only read from the KJV, but have to admit that if a new believer or seeker of Truth finds he is unable to grasp that 17th Century English style of writing, then I would allow him, with caution, to read the Bible in modern English.
Thank you again Chris for your answer. it seems to me that the Spirit of truth is connected to the Comforter the Holy Spirit, they are mentioned together in several verses, and in Ps. 12:6-7 we are told that the words of the LORD are pure words, (pure means unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound) and that they are preserved for ever. it seems like that has to be the King James Bible, and in 2 Pet.1:20-21 we are told the prophecy of the scripture is not of any private interpretation (private means ones own) and that the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (the word spake here can mean to lay forth, relate in words) I believe these holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost were the translators of the KJB. thats how God preserved His Word for people in this last generation. they were moved by the Holy Ghost translating every word, the Spirit of truth and the Holy Ghost are connected. Jer. Ch.23 is written to false prophets, and pastors, in verse 36 it says "for ye have perverted the words of the living God", the word perverted means (to change) so this verse is saying they changed the words of the living God. Modern versions are private interpretations (ones own) the Holy Spirit is not connected to them. Jn.16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. The things to come is prophecy for the Lastdays. It's the KJB.. what are your thoughts?
So what happened? What was once delivered & correct, came into other hands to translate into their respective languages, using whatever copies of writings/manuscripts that they deemed worthy (usually the oldest ones were preferred, which were not necessarily the best for accuracy). Is this then still God's Word (KJV, NIV, other English translations, plus the Bible translated into & available in other languages)?
Though the KJV is the more preferred (by some anyway) for its accuracy & reliability from the Textus Receptus MS, it is still known for some 'errors' however minor (copyist or printer), just as any other version. Does this make the KJV flawed, unreliable & equal to the other versions? No. I believe that the KJV is still superior to the others by its faithfulness to the original (reliable) texts & God has blessed this work of translation that has come to us. Can no other translation be used of God & be effective in soul-winning & Bible teaching? God can use His Word in spite of human weakness or even human wilfulness in translating it, to draw men to Him.
For this at least, we should be content that the Word can be read by so many in the World & the Holy Spirit is still working before people & in people, that takes the sinner or saint into those deeper Truths where translators may have fallen short. God will not miraculously remove all other versions of the Bible in existence, nor expect us to attempt to do so, but He can still use the Word that's in our hands to direct our hearts. The Lord knows our weaknesses & how men have treated His Word, but He promises to continue to use His Word, sending it out & accomplishing all that He wills ( Isaiah 55:11).
Chris the (prophecy) of the scripture is not of any private interpretation. What is the (prophecy)? Rev.1:1-3, 1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2. Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. (This verse says "Who bear ((record)) of the (word of God), and of the ((testimony)) of Jesus Christ") 3.Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the (words of this prophecy), and keep those things (which are written therein): for the time is at hand. Rev.22:7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that (keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book). Blessed are they who keep the sayings of THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK! What book? We do have that book today if we believe Gods Word is True, I believe the KJB is the ONLY True Word of God for this final generation. What does God say about adding to, or taking away from His Words, from His prophecy? Rev.22:18-19, 18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. 19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (The PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK!) Now how did we get the prophecy of this book? 2 Pet.1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. This prophecy that came in old time, came in 1611, its this book we have called the King James Bible.. It is the record of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, as we are told in Rev.1:1-3. All modern version Bibles add unto and take away from the Words of the living God.
Thanks Jimbob, you've presented some interesting information, which I will begin with from your first page.
a. the question of preservation of God's Word. Is the Bible telling us (as in Psalm 12:6,7) that God's Word will remain untouched, unchanged, unadulterated forever? Or, are the Words of God, throughout the OT & NT, given as utterly pure & reliable from the Mouth of God to his servants the prophets, to deliver to God's people? And this Word given will abide forever, even to its fulfilment - nothing, not even one jot or tittle can be changed from what God has decreed & will perform.
Then we come to the recording of that Word, first by those who wrote & passed them onto Israel. We then get the Septuagint (the Hebrew OT translated into Greek for the benefit of the Greek-speaking Jews in Egypt). Other translations developed throughout the centuries. Can we confidently state that God would have protected His Word, first given to Israel, throughout those translations? We know for a fact that there are errors (minor & major) in all the translations we have available to us. You have listed a couple (which I'll come to later), & we can't forget that even in the KJV, queries can be raised, such Deuteronomy 8:9, "a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass." We know that brass cannot be dug out of the ground; copper is found in the earth, from which bronze is produced (a name given for a variety of copper alloys); as also for 'brass', a combination of copper & zinc. Why then did the KJV translators use 'brass', instead of 'copper' (Heb: 'nechosheth')? Were they thinking of the final product, but shouldn't they translate it as given?
Another: Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth", where the Heb. 'hassa-mayim' is in the plural. Now it's interesting that in Genesis 2:1,4, the KJV uses the same Hebrew plural word as 'heavens' - but not in Genesis 1:1. Maybe small errors, but errors nonetheless. And there are many more. So how then do we classify the KJV as error-free, when even some differences are seen from the original? As earlier stated, I don't believe that the 'preservation of God's Word' extends altogether to translations, but the Word that was spoken & delivered which cannot be altered & that Word cannot disappear or be annulled even if man wilfully or ignorantly changes that Word. I don't think that the Spirit's enabling to the KJV translators, compels that accuracy to the point that we're discussing here; rather, the translators considered everything available, finding the best most reliable texts in the Textus Receptus, which weren't giving problems & conflicts as the other 'older' MS were giving, using their knowledge of languages & abilities to deal with transferring of words & ideas into the English language & continual checking & re-checking of their work - all this with the Spirit's help, to produce the best translation we can get in our language.
b. Psalm 10:5, "his ways are always grievous." Where the NIV & most other versions state, 'prosperous, or succeed'. I've spent much time over this one, & unfortunately haven't come to any clear conclusion. The Hebrew word used is 'chuwl, pr. khool', & this is variously translated as 'to twist, writhe in pain, to dance, to whirl': a mish-mash of definitions in my opinion. I guess a Hebrew reader might pick up on that one, which maybe a reason why most translations go for 'prosperous', whereas the KJV & Douay-Rheims, for 'grievous, filthy'.
Ecclesiastes 8:10. To this verse, the Hebrew is clear, that the KJV, NASB, & some others attest to. So, I believe the NIV is incorrect here.
p.2) 2 Tim. 3:16 All (scripture) is given by (inspiration) of God, and is profitable for (doctrine), for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (scripture) #1124; it means a document, i.e. holy Writ, (or its contents or a statement in it) to write, write (-ing,ten) (inspiration) #2315; it means divinely breathed in, given by inspiration of God. (doctrine) #1319; it means instruction, (the function or the infomation) learning, teaching. ((scripture)) means a document, so this inspired scripture, the Word of God is documented or written down in a book somewhere. ((inspiraton)) means God breathed, so that written document is God breathed. ((doctrine)) means instruction, learning, teaching. So this doctrine is our instructions from God and its what we learn from, or what we teach from, which ever Bible we use thats our doctrine. 2 Tim.4:3-4 For (the time will come) when ((they will not endure sound doctrine)), but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. 4. And (they shall turn away their ears) ((from the truth)), and shall be turned unto fables. (Turning from sound doctrine, this verse says we will have doctrine thats not sound) (sound) #5198; to be uncorrupt, (true in doctrine) 1 Tim.4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter days some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. (The latter days is now, so there are doctrines of devils for people to learn from and teach from today, where, or what could they be? The Words of the LORD are pure Words) In 2 Tim.2:15 we are told to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, (rightly dividing the word of truth). How can we rightly divide the word of truth from 10 or 20 different Bibles that all have different words, and left out verses? We have a word of truth somewhere today or this verse would not say this, it is the KJB.
Hi Jimbob & thanks for your comment. After going through it, I think we can focus on the Book of the Revelation as your comments appear to center on that.
You asked, "Ok which Bible does that book of Revelation have to be in?; referring to Revelation 22:7,18,19. Even as verse 10 states, "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." So we know that Jesus is speaking of this particular prophecy that He gave to John, to which John faithfully recorded. Had he not done so, I feel sure that he would have been checked, reprimanded & also become the first recipient of the dire warnings given in verses 18 & 19.
So what John had recorded was then passed on, presumably as copies to the Churches. Now for us, does it become a matter of which Bible version is the exact representation of Jesus' Message to John, considering the many hands it has passed through & the great passage of time as well? One could say, 'it does matter for we must read it as originally given' (and as you believe, the KJV is that version). But really apart from what we have now in our hands, we cannot refer to anything that the translators received & studied, & certainly not the original writings. So, if we are to state, 'KJV & nothing else', we must be entirely certain that it faithfully represents the original; to say that the words or prophecies given at the beginning can only find its complete accuracy in the KJV & nothing else, lacks verifiable proof. Why I say this, is because the contents of the Bible never point to the KJV as the repository of Truth - only one's acquired belief that the KJV is without error.
P2) Chris you said in your comment "so to say that the words or prophecies given at the beginning can only find its complete accuracy in the KJV and nothing else, lacks verifiable proof" I completely disagree with that statement.. The Words of the LORD are pure Words that we are told (not to add unto) or (take away from). (The Words) in the KJB are verifiable proof if we Believe the Words of the LORD are the Truth! You referenced Is.55:11 in one of your comments, It says "So shall my words be that goeth forth OUT OF MY MOUTH: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it". Now lets look at a couple of examples of the KJB and the Niv again. (KJB) Eccl.8:10 I saw the wicked buried, and they were forgotten. Now the (Niv) I saw the wicked buried, they receive praise. (Would it make sense for God to say the wicked that were buried receive praise as the Niv tells us? Or the wicked were forgotten which is what the KJB says? Gods Words are pure Words! Here's 1 more. 2 Cor.2:17 (KJB) we are not as many, which (corrupt) the word of God. (corrupt) #2585; it means to adulterate. Now the (Niv) Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God. (Remember the (pure) Words of the LORD, pure#2889; it means sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated. (Chris the verifiable proof is in the Word itself.) Jesus tells us in Mt.4:4 But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD. (The Bible says the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, What, or where would that doctrine be thats not sound doctrine today? Connect that corrupt doctrine with all the modern versions that change and leave out complete verses and we get the answer to that question) I do appericate you responding Chris, as I told GiGi, no one has all the answers but Iron sharpens Iron and the Word of God is Alive today.
I guess this part of the discussion (& thread) must soon come to an end dear Jimbob, simply because that "every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God", and what we have & read in our Bibles today, are understood differently by us.
I understand & appreciate your strong belief & assertion (that's admirable, but in my mind, rather wishful): that since God's Word given is pure & the recorders of that Word did so accurately, then no other Bible can possibly fit that description of faithful transmission, except the King James Bible. And to restate my position, that I don't subscribe to that view, simply because we don't have such a Bible in existence that brings out God's Message without some differences (large or small). That type of transferring of a given message to other languages that have evolved over the centuries, simply cannot be done successfully. I even gave you a few examples of differences in Revelation chapter 22; differences in what the original Greek showed.
One quick example of a missionary involved in translation work amongst tribal folk in India: Isaiah 53:6 says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." A straight forward work of translating this verse into another language, even with some grammar changes & sentence reconstruction. But the difficulty arose with these 'sheep'. These tribals had never seen sheep nor ever heard about such animals with wool, as they were far removed from civilization. So, Isaiah 53:6 took a new turn: 'All we like pigs have gone astray'. Oh, now they understood that & how their herd of swine (once wild, now domesticated) could easily wander away - which no doubt gave further license to speak about the filth of sin & obstinacy to obey the herder, even the LORD.
What should that missionary have done in such a situation? Forced the word 'sheep', which they had no inkling about, or change God's direct Word to something that they could understand & relate to?
To expect that God's Word as uttered by Him that is now exactly the same we have in the KJV, is really wishful thinking. The work of translation itself proves that this cannot be done, simply because a verbatim transference of certain words & ideas is unachievable (unless notes are added to help direct the reader to variations of meaning); and I'm not referring to the words or chunks of Scripture that might be missing in other versions (probably due to the many manuscripts the translators use). You can check with any translator who is engaged in this work - the difficulties are immense. The KJV translators did an extremely good job, but certainly not a perfect work - but we can be grateful for their perseverance & providing us a Bible we can love & trust.
Hello jimbob, your quotation from the niv is incorrect. mine goes like this:
eccl 8:10 "then i saw the wisked buried who had come and gone from the place of holiness, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done. this also is vanity."
that is word for word from my niv and my kjv says the same thing, word for word.
GiGi You should also check Jer.23:36 The Niv changes the word perverted, which means (to change). They change it to distort, which is perverting the Word! That also takes away the opportunity to get the true meaning of the word. Thats their intent, twisting the words , which makes them not true Words of God..
Hello again Jimbob. My NIV says perverted, not distort in that verse. Please continue to give examples so I can check in my NIV and NKJV I have here in hand. You can also go to Bible Hub which shows multiple versions of the same verses.
Hi Jimbob, my 1995 NIV says the same as the KJV except for "you" instead of "Thou". So, I do not know the published date of teh NIV you are looking at. But, we can continue to look at discrepancies and I am glad to respond, but there may be a point where this becomes fruitless, and I will bow out. I hope you understand.
GiGi This Niv has a date June, 1978, (Revised August 1983) Here are the verses. Ps.12:6-7 (6. And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. (7. O LORD, you will keep us safe and protect us from such people forever. (The subject in verse 6 is the Words of the LORD) I understand completely GiGi, it was good communicating with you.
The Holy Ghost is that which guides and directs our mortal bodies in this world. It can appear in what we can see and hear. It actually becomes our navigator , seeing things as they really are in the spiritual world, that we live in! We can find ourselves in circumstances we no little about, but the Holy Spirit knows and thereby uses us to convict others of sin. Our character is the effect of the Holy Ghost on others.
The holy Spirit however, is what we read in the scriptures and it is the fruit, the soil we grow by. The Holy spirit is what convicts us of sin, teaching us to obey all things which it has taught us. They are the same , but different . One complements the other. You cannot have one without the other. Jesus said when the comforter comes He will teach you ALL things. Those in Christ will see and teach even as Christ taught. It is His Spirit that is living in us! This is truely a miracle, as the Anti Christ is becoming more prevalent the Holy Ghost has become even more so. This spiritual warfare is real, guiding and teaching us all the way. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have. We must use it at any given instant. Pray without ceasing!
He that believeth on me, out of His innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. This is the Holy Spirit we receive. For the Holy Ghost was not yet given! Because Jesus had net yet been glorified. John 7:38-39.
So you might see the difference is acute, We must rightly divide the word of truth. 2 timothy 2:5.
Being filled with the Spirit is a supernatural "gift through faith in the word".
The Holy Ghost however, appears as fire upon those who are present and obey His commandment's. Such are we, who even now are experiencing, (LIVING) His glorification (THE HOLY GHOST). Seeing Him as He is.
His and our glorification is seeing Him as He is, much more than just a Spirit , but communing with Him on our road to Emmaus! Can you see Him eating and drinking, this Great physician who has come to heal the sick!
This one they call a wine bibber, and glutton! Oh yes ,they have misjudged Him! Watch I say, Watch! His redemption draws nigh.
Repent and be Baptized
My brother, I do find it interesting that John 7:39 uses both spirit and ghost in the same verse. Whether these were John's exact words, or for some unknown reason the translators decided to put it in there that way, I do not know.
I can tell you that in the Greek text, the first word Spirit in John 7:39 is PNEUMATOS, and the second word Ghost is PNEUMA. Both Greek words translate to Spirit in English, so Holy Spirit would have been correct.
There is a different word used for Ghost in the Greek. That word is PHANTASMA and is where we get our English word phantom from.
There are 90 places in the King James NT where Holy Ghost is mentioned. However, if you look these verses up in the Greek text (Textus Receptus), every place that the KJV uses Holy Ghost, the Textus Receptus says Holy Spirit (HAGION PNEUMA). Why the translators decide to use Holy Ghost instead is something I am not sure of.
I also find it interesting that there are places in the KJV where the word spirit is used, but the Greek text uses the word ghost.
Matthew 14:26 is one place. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a (spirit); and they cried out for fear.
The word spirit in this verse is PHANTASMA for ghost. They thought He was a ghost. It is not the word for spirit (PNEUMA). It is the word for ghost.
So every place in the KJV New Testament where it says Holy Ghost, it can be correctly translated Holy Spirit.
I emphasize the KJV because if I'm not mistaken, most other English versions say Holy Spirit, not Holy Ghost, which would be considered correct according to the Greek.
I think that whether we choose to say Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, we are speaking of the same Spirit of God, the third person of the triune God.
pneuma = spirit
pneumatos = of the spirit
When false teaching is given, either the false unregenerate teacher is under control of another spirit, or the believing teacher is convinced that the right position that he holds on a subject, must be what the Scripture teaches; whereas the opposite is true: what the Scripture teaches, must be what we ought to believe. In other words, his mind dictates his belief & therefore forces the Scriptures to fit his teaching. And those unlearned in the Word, can be easily convinced by such contorting of Scriptures, mixed with the teacher's oratory & emotive expressions and thus be led astray.
The Church during the apostolic days as even today, are warned of such dangers & to be alert & deal with such intrusions before they go viral & render God's people ignorant, ineffective, casting aside the Truths from God's Word. We've seen the proliferation of groups that have laid aside the teaching given within the Bible to bring out their own interpretations to fulfil their own purposes. And this they do to the destruction of their own souls & of others. But when believers begin studying & searching the Word for themselves, leaving the human intellect & imaginations aside, then Truth will begin to surface & release them from the errors they've received. Our beloved S. Spencer & Gigi have shared some important Truths lately around the question you raised here.
Living in this world has become difficult for us why? Because God's word is a medicine for our condition ,everyone knows how we hate to take the .edicine.
I would like to add that we continue to grow and share as we go.
A teacher shares what he has gleaned from scripture by the revelation of the Spirit.
Everyone that shares is not a teacher but plays a profitable role in ministry. I myself is no teacher but one who shares what I believe.
There's a difference in being taught the word of God, and the word of God teaching us.
There should be production taken place "fruitfulness displayed" by virtue of the truth. I believe this is why Jesus says "You shall know them by their fruit.
There should be a shaping taken place that displays a connection to the vine, so their draw should be more than just doctrine.
Thanks and God bless.
The church is his bride
If you can understand what this means, you will find yourself clothed in his garment as you wait with your lamp. This demands for no substitution while we wait. It is one kind of material
This material will be his choice , this the holy ghost will provide to those who are in tHe Spirit
HIS promise to return and findIng u waiting! This lamp is his word , HIS PROMISE. Watch , I say watch. Repent and be baptized
God bless you and all you do to help this community, by example and word.
God bless.
are the real spirits of truth words of life .etc...Jimbob if the bible the written word cd have atoned for the sins of the world then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the cross was just foolishness.
Its only the spirit as Jesus said that which is born of the spirit tis spirit is the real words of life the H.G a living being....A living being that has to be born in us...via his seed his words...The H.G. That Child of PROMISE.Our new birth is in the spiritual realm.
We refer to the H.G the spirit of truth as a him not an it...He is our 1st born our only son as Zech 12.10 says..When we are bornagain of his incorruptible seed.
And in 1st John 2:27 The Anointing which you have received of him is the H.G. will teach you all things..You need no man teach you
Under the New Covenant we have an internal pastor/teacher which is the H.G....God That Child of Promise....The Anointing
But Jimbob ISRAEL was sola scriptura...The bible only....But there in no liife in written words....Israel stoned every prophets that God sent them and rejected the Christ...Which of the prophets have not your fathers stoned Jesus asked....Written words cannot atone for the sins of
the world....Or change mans adamic nature....David comes to mind...But Jimbob you are right the comforter will teach us all things
But what folks don't understand is this comforter has to be born in us....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. That Child of Promise..Thats y he cannot speak of himself he is just a spritual infant.our new Born.
not an it...Jesus words are living beings (Gods)...To whom Jesus word came His seeds his breath they were impregnated by his
seeds and they birth Spirits as God the H.G. is spiri
But I hear what you're saying. If indeed the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts from the Word, as He does in whatever other way that seems good to Him, then the Word we read must be true & faithful to the actual words & events that took place & recorded for us. Often I think, 'how wonderful it would be if every new born believer was strongly encouraged to learn Hebrew & Greek (at least at the elementary level), that we might have a stronger understanding of the Word'. Maybe some of our questions & disputes could easily be settled at that level. The KJV translators have done a remarkable work in translating from the original manuscripts, as many of them were skilled in these languages; but by using verbiage that was in vogue at that time, can at times be misunderstood or even misleading today, if the original language is unlearned.
A classic example is found in Psalm 82 where the mention of God & gods (in verses 1 & 6) are the same Hebrew word, Elohim. Yet, that word is not strictly confined to always mean the One True God, and can also refer to divine beings, other gods/goddesses, judges, & mighty rulers. But the Hebrew reader would understand this broad meaning, but will also know its specific meaning in the context of the verses. As we see in verse 1, that the One Holy God who "judges among the gods", immediately reprimands these 'gods' for judging unjustly & showing partiality. And again in verse 6, these same judges, given special appointment by God, will be dealt with greater harshness.
And yes , I would only read from the KJV, but have to admit that if a new believer or seeker of Truth finds he is unable to grasp that 17th Century English style of writing, then I would allow him, with caution, to read the Bible in modern English.
So what happened? What was once delivered & correct, came into other hands to translate into their respective languages, using whatever copies of writings/manuscripts that they deemed worthy (usually the oldest ones were preferred, which were not necessarily the best for accuracy). Is this then still God's Word (KJV, NIV, other English translations, plus the Bible translated into & available in other languages)?
Though the KJV is the more preferred (by some anyway) for its accuracy & reliability from the Textus Receptus MS, it is still known for some 'errors' however minor (copyist or printer), just as any other version. Does this make the KJV flawed, unreliable & equal to the other versions? No. I believe that the KJV is still superior to the others by its faithfulness to the original (reliable) texts & God has blessed this work of translation that has come to us. Can no other translation be used of God & be effective in soul-winning & Bible teaching? God can use His Word in spite of human weakness or even human wilfulness in translating it, to draw men to Him.
For this at least, we should be content that the Word can be read by so many in the World & the Holy Spirit is still working before people & in people, that takes the sinner or saint into those deeper Truths where translators may have fallen short. God will not miraculously remove all other versions of the Bible in existence, nor expect us to attempt to do so, but He can still use the Word that's in our hands to direct our hearts. The Lord knows our weaknesses & how men have treated His Word, but He promises to continue to use His Word, sending it out & accomplishing all that He wills ( Isaiah 55:11).
Thanks Jimbob, you've presented some interesting information, which I will begin with from your first page.
a. the question of preservation of God's Word. Is the Bible telling us (as in Psalm 12:6,7) that God's Word will remain untouched, unchanged, unadulterated forever? Or, are the Words of God, throughout the OT & NT, given as utterly pure & reliable from the Mouth of God to his servants the prophets, to deliver to God's people? And this Word given will abide forever, even to its fulfilment - nothing, not even one jot or tittle can be changed from what God has decreed & will perform.
Then we come to the recording of that Word, first by those who wrote & passed them onto Israel. We then get the Septuagint (the Hebrew OT translated into Greek for the benefit of the Greek-speaking Jews in Egypt). Other translations developed throughout the centuries. Can we confidently state that God would have protected His Word, first given to Israel, throughout those translations? We know for a fact that there are errors (minor & major) in all the translations we have available to us. You have listed a couple (which I'll come to later), & we can't forget that even in the KJV, queries can be raised, such Deuteronomy 8:9, "a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass." We know that brass cannot be dug out of the ground; copper is found in the earth, from which bronze is produced (a name given for a variety of copper alloys); as also for 'brass', a combination of copper & zinc. Why then did the KJV translators use 'brass', instead of 'copper' (Heb: 'nechosheth')? Were they thinking of the final product, but shouldn't they translate it as given?
Another: Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth", where the Heb. 'hassa-mayim' is in the plural. Now it's interesting that in Genesis 2:1,4, the KJV uses the same Hebrew plural word as 'heavens' - but not in Genesis 1:1. Maybe small errors, but errors nonetheless. And there are many more. So how then do we classify the KJV as error-free, when even some differences are seen from the original? As earlier stated, I don't believe that the 'preservation of God's Word' extends altogether to translations, but the Word that was spoken & delivered which cannot be altered & that Word cannot disappear or be annulled even if man wilfully or ignorantly changes that Word. I don't think that the Spirit's enabling to the KJV translators, compels that accuracy to the point that we're discussing here; rather, the translators considered everything available, finding the best most reliable texts in the Textus Receptus, which weren't giving problems & conflicts as the other 'older' MS were giving, using their knowledge of languages & abilities to deal with transferring of words & ideas into the English language & continual checking & re-checking of their work - all this with the Spirit's help, to produce the best translation we can get in our language.
b. Psalm 10:5, "his ways are always grievous." Where the NIV & most other versions state, 'prosperous, or succeed'. I've spent much time over this one, & unfortunately haven't come to any clear conclusion. The Hebrew word used is 'chuwl, pr. khool', & this is variously translated as 'to twist, writhe in pain, to dance, to whirl': a mish-mash of definitions in my opinion. I guess a Hebrew reader might pick up on that one, which maybe a reason why most translations go for 'prosperous', whereas the KJV & Douay-Rheims, for 'grievous, filthy'.
Ecclesiastes 8:10. To this verse, the Hebrew is clear, that the KJV, NASB, & some others attest to. So, I believe the NIV is incorrect here.
Hi Jimbob & thanks for your comment. After going through it, I think we can focus on the Book of the Revelation as your comments appear to center on that.
You asked, "Ok which Bible does that book of Revelation have to be in?; referring to Revelation 22:7,18,19. Even as verse 10 states, "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." So we know that Jesus is speaking of this particular prophecy that He gave to John, to which John faithfully recorded. Had he not done so, I feel sure that he would have been checked, reprimanded & also become the first recipient of the dire warnings given in verses 18 & 19.
So what John had recorded was then passed on, presumably as copies to the Churches. Now for us, does it become a matter of which Bible version is the exact representation of Jesus' Message to John, considering the many hands it has passed through & the great passage of time as well? One could say, 'it does matter for we must read it as originally given' (and as you believe, the KJV is that version). But really apart from what we have now in our hands, we cannot refer to anything that the translators received & studied, & certainly not the original writings. So, if we are to state, 'KJV & nothing else', we must be entirely certain that it faithfully represents the original; to say that the words or prophecies given at the beginning can only find its complete accuracy in the KJV & nothing else, lacks verifiable proof. Why I say this, is because the contents of the Bible never point to the KJV as the repository of Truth - only one's acquired belief that the KJV is without error.
I guess this part of the discussion (& thread) must soon come to an end dear Jimbob, simply because that "every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God", and what we have & read in our Bibles today, are understood differently by us.
I understand & appreciate your strong belief & assertion (that's admirable, but in my mind, rather wishful): that since God's Word given is pure & the recorders of that Word did so accurately, then no other Bible can possibly fit that description of faithful transmission, except the King James Bible. And to restate my position, that I don't subscribe to that view, simply because we don't have such a Bible in existence that brings out God's Message without some differences (large or small). That type of transferring of a given message to other languages that have evolved over the centuries, simply cannot be done successfully. I even gave you a few examples of differences in Revelation chapter 22; differences in what the original Greek showed.
One quick example of a missionary involved in translation work amongst tribal folk in India: Isaiah 53:6 says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." A straight forward work of translating this verse into another language, even with some grammar changes & sentence reconstruction. But the difficulty arose with these 'sheep'. These tribals had never seen sheep nor ever heard about such animals with wool, as they were far removed from civilization. So, Isaiah 53:6 took a new turn: 'All we like pigs have gone astray'. Oh, now they understood that & how their herd of swine (once wild, now domesticated) could easily wander away - which no doubt gave further license to speak about the filth of sin & obstinacy to obey the herder, even the LORD.
What should that missionary have done in such a situation? Forced the word 'sheep', which they had no inkling about, or change God's direct Word to something that they could understand & relate to?
To expect that God's Word as uttered by Him that is now exactly the same we have in the KJV, is really wishful thinking. The work of translation itself proves that this cannot be done, simply because a verbatim transference of certain words & ideas is unachievable (unless notes are added to help direct the reader to variations of meaning); and I'm not referring to the words or chunks of Scripture that might be missing in other versions (probably due to the many manuscripts the translators use). You can check with any translator who is engaged in this work - the difficulties are immense. The KJV translators did an extremely good job, but certainly not a perfect work - but we can be grateful for their perseverance & providing us a Bible we can love & trust.
eccl 8:10 "then i saw the wisked buried who had come and gone from the place of holiness, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done. this also is vanity."
that is word for word from my niv and my kjv says the same thing, word for word.
[Comment Removed]