Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi - 1 year ago

    This is because He is the one and only Son of God and Son of Man. He incarnated Himself (as God the Son) into a human body prepared for Him by the Father in Mary. From conception on, Jesus was fully God and fully man in one Person, the Person of the

    Son of God. He is the only Incarnated Being in all of creation. Being indwelt with the Holy Spirit is not an incarnation as it is two persons inhabiting one body, the believer and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's presence in the believer is not natural to mankind since the fall, but one of the wonderful blessings promised by Jesus, our Saviour. With Jesus, it is one Person, (the Son) taking upon Himself fully a human nature with a body, soul, and spirit. When one looks at Jesus one sees The Son of God in a fleshly body, not the Son of God overtaking an already existing human's body. And because of the unity of the Persons of the Godhead, Jesus could say, if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father ( John 12:45; John 14:9).

    Before creation and before all time, the three members of the Godhead existed in complete joy, love, and unity. Together They willed to create a universe that would include heavenly spirit beings and beings made of matter. The heavenly beings and humans are the two groups of beings that were created to have relationship with the Godhead. Before creation, the Godhead decided that They would create both heavenly beings and humans capable of disobeying Him. Satan was the first to sin, being lifted up with pride, attempting to become equal with God and to usurp Him so that the heavenly hosts will worship him instead of their Maker. As many as one third of the angels followed after Satan into sin. God knew this would happen. He already planned not to offer salvation to fallen angels, but prepared the lake of fire for them to spend all of eternity when they are judged. ....


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