Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Numbers 1 - 1 year ago

    In this first chapter God asks Moses and Aaron to take a census of the Israelites to determine the population of battle-aged men.

    This was in the beginning of the second year since leaving Egypt. They had left Egypt on the day of Passover in the first month of Abib. So, this would be one year later plus one month. In our calendar it would be April. God chose the leaders from each tribe who would be as a prince or representative of their tribe. The total of battle-aged men was 603,000. So, if you include Levites, women and children under 20 (which they most likely had many from each family) there was perhaps 3 million people or more.

    They had gone into Egypt 70 in total, and now have left a great multitude as God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    When Jesus left the increase of the church to the apostles after He ascended, there were the 12 and at least 500 disciples (As Paul says that Jesus appeared to 500 all at once after He resurrected). After Peter began preaching after Pentecost, the church was added to by 1000's at a time. Through the work of the apostles over their lifetime, the number of believers multiplied quickly, just as God multiplied the Israelites. And in the centuries since Pentecost, million upon millions have been added to the church through faith.

    The SEED of Abraham (Jesus) produced a people of God (all believers from the beginning of the world up until the last Gentile is saved along with the remnant of Israel, is more numerous than the natural descendants of Abraham. When the last person to be saved comes to Christ by the working of God, then Jesus will return, and the peoples of the world who have died will be resurrected, and all of mankind will be judged. Then the saints will receive their eternal inheritance and the wicked unbelievers will receive eternal punishment.


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