Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Numbers 1 - 1 year ago
    Numbers Ch. 1 cont..

    The Levites were to be in charge of the tabernacle: all of its furnishings, all of the ceremonial duties, protection of the tabernacle. They were to encamp around the tabernacle to safeguard the other Israelites. They had this job for a lifetime.

    We, too, are princes and priests at once. So, not only are we to be numbered among those who "take the kingdom" as the Israelites were to take the land promise; we are to do what God asks of us to advance bring the Gospel to those who need it, war in prayer for those who need it, teach those who are new to the faith the content of our faith and practice, nurture believers onward to maturity, and fight the good fight of faith. As priests, we have the privilege of sitting at the feet of Jesus (our tabernacle) adoring Him and serving Him in worship, praise, and living by the Spirit.

    The Israelites were told to take all the land that God had promised to them. They were to drive out the of the peoples, destroy them in battle and in the streets: men, women, and children. These heathen peoples were to have no place in that which God had promised to His chosen elect children. In the same way, no wicked, unbelieving rebel against God will have any place in what He has promised those He has chosen to live with Him eternally. God fought for the Israelites. He fought for all of us on the cross at Calvary. He won the victory for the Israelites, and He has won the victory for us who believe.

    The Israelites were to war with the heathen of the land of promise; we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with all of the evil powers: Satan and the other fallen angels. God has given us spiritual armor to fight this spiritual battle. But just as He gave victory over victory over the heathen to the Israelites, He gives the same kind of victory to overcome ever spiritual battle we face.

    God asked that the Israelites be numbered. This must have encouraged them when they realized how large their army was.


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