Bible Discussion Thread

  • Deborah Phillips on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    Hello and thank you for your assistance today regarding Rev. 19:10.

    My question is who is the person who fell at Jesus' feet.

    Its confusing to me because if its John why would Jesus tell him not to worship him and that he was of his brethren.

    Was it the Spirit that was showing John what John needed to know?
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    Hello Deborah. If you look at the following verses, your query should be answered: Revelation 1:1; Revelation 22:8,9,16; which then answers Revelation 19:9,10.

    One could compare this to the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai ( Deuteronomy 33:2), when the LORD God came down upon the mount with ten thousand of His saints (angels), of whom it was said (in Acts 7:53), were present & used of God in some way in that delivery. There are various interpretations of this verse, but it can be seen that angels, at least certain angels, played an important part in the impartation of God's Message, which were actually voiced & given by the LORD & the risen Savior.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    The previous verse mentions an angel. Men are not to worship angels; which is also synonymous with servants as they are there to serve the saints under Christ and also are messengers. God is in no way diminished by using angels as there are many instances in Revelation where that is the case. Deity always has a capital A in the word angel; as we see with the one who talked with Moses when the other two went to Sodom; as well as when Jacob worshipped the one who he wrestled all night; as well as asking a blessing. Such things would not be done by saints of God with created beings.
  • Tupperdan - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    I'm confused. All humans are sinners, John sinned when he worshipped at the angel's feet. The only perfect person was Jesus. It sounds as if you're doubting Rev 22:8,9,16.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    Hi Tupperdan. I think you are responding to me, since I quoted Revelation 22:8,9,16.

    Yes, John would have done wrong by falling at the Angel's feet to worship. How he perceived this angel, we are not told & to make guesses about this would then be unfruitful. But am I doubting the passage? I only shared the applicable verses to show that it was angel directly before John at this point & not Jesus. But when we read the whole passage, vv 8-11 reveal the angel before John & speaking to him. Then vv 12,13 & 16, show Jesus speaking (the verses 14 & 15 are not in red, but this being man's highlighting does not give us certainty of who is speaking). More than this, I don't understand where my doubt exists. If you could clarify please.
  • Tupperdan - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    My response was meant for the post after yours from Richard H Priday. I'm having a hard time interpreting his post. Maybe look at his post and let me know what you think. Please reference my original response, maybe I missed something but I feel it doesn't make since.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    I read Richard Priday's post quite simply as 'angels are not to be worshipped'; this he stated at the first. And he goes on to state that God, in the past, has used angels to carry out His requirements. We see this at Mt. Sinai, at Sodom, at Jacob's encounter with the Angel, in the Revelation given to John, & other places. Richard of course, mentioned these theophanies (an appearance of God, or a perceived appearance of God, to man); Genesis 32:24-30 being a good example of this, when Jacob exclaimed, "I have seen God face to face". Of course, it was God's Angel that Jacob saw & wrestled with, but his encounter with this Being & the blessing he received (which may have been extensive & with accompanying Glory), brought him as close to God on Earth as humanly possible. That of course was in the OT days. Those "in Christ" now, have God, by His Holy Spirit, residing in our being 24/7.

    And Richard's last sentence, "Such things would not be done by saints of God with created beings", I read it as a summary of his belief that such encounters, as we read in the Bible, can only be had with God & His angelic messengers, not with sinful man. So the belief is still strong: angels are not to be worshipped, but when God sent His angelic messenges, due reverence must be given to God alone, receiving the message or act from His angel as it were from God Himself. I hope I remained true to Richard's comment & this has helped you to come to grips with it.
  • Tupperdan - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    Thanks for taking the time to respond in great detail. God is dealing with me. I've come to realize that sometimes I question things that don't need to be questioned. But on the other hand He tells us in (Mathew 24:4) to Watch out that no one's deceives you. So I know this trait I have of questioning someones statements is good. But I also must realize if I'm wrong I must quickly come to God for repentance.I'm saved by Gods love and grace for His creation.

    Have a great weekend God Bless
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 1 year ago
    Deborah Phillips:

    Revelation 19:10 And I (John) fell at his (Jesus) feet to worship him, and he (Jesus) said unto me (John), See thou doeth it not, I (Jesus) am thy (John) fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony (words) of Jesus: worship God (the father of ALL, including Jesus, Ephesians 4:6), for the testimony (words) of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.

    Jesus is our full brother.

    Romans 8:29 For whom he (the Father) did foreknow, he (the Father) also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his (the Father's) SON, that he (Jesus) might be the firstborn of many BRETHREN.

    We are also servants to Jesus, as Jesus is a servant to his Father. Just as Jesus, the servant, worships his God and Father, we are not to worship Jesus; but God our Father, we are fellowservants and sons and daughters to God our Father, and are to worship the Father.

    Jesus told his disciples as he washed their feet he was SENT to be a SERVANT, a servant does the WORK for his master; therefore, Christ does EVERYTHING for us.

    Colossians 1:27 ...this mystery ....Christ in you ....

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God that WORKETH in you both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.

    John 15:5 I AM the vine, ye are the BRANCHES .....without ME (immortal LIFE) ye can do NOTHING.

    God Bless YOU!

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