Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex1900 - 1 year ago
    Good morning....Let me talk about that New Creature for just a Min...Which is the H.G. that is new to us but old to God...Mat.13 :52...Jesus said they shall bring forth things out of their treasure new and old....Which is our new innerman the H.G. as that which is born of the spirit is spirit...Our new hearts and new spirit....That New Creature...The H.G....Nothing availeth anything in Christ Jesus but a New Creature....not circumcision nor uncircumcision....only a New Creature which is the H.G. the Child of Promise...The Regeneration and multiplication of Christ Jesus is us via his precious seed the words of that New Covenant...I will know them all impling a baby Christ the H.G. The Child of PROMISE...And the only Elect....We the Church answers to the Elect lady but the H.G. is the absolute Christ the Elect Son....The bride is a joint heir with Christ the bridegroom....The Elect son who is heir to everything the father has....All that the father has is mine and all mine is thine....Simply b/c they are the Elect Couple to inherit the Kingdom...But unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...This New covenant is a birthing Covenant....Thats y he has to know us....We marry our son which has been born to us the H.G... Isaiah 62:5...Thats y Isaiah is saying as a young man marries a virgin so shall thy SONS MARRY THEE...As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall thy God rejoice over thee....Our son is the H.G the son of man...The regeneration of Christ Jesus in us via his seed his words...Our sons is the H.G. That has been born in us, that New Creature.

    Psalms 62:5....Kiss the son lest he be angry with thee which is our husband...Our new innerman ...the H.G...The gift of God...The elect Son...ok mi voy....We the Church are tHE ELECT LADY....John said he saw the new Jerualem coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband... Rev 21:2

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