Bible Discussion Thread

  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    Jimbob no offence to you but also fire is just symbolic language....As Rev. 11:5 tells us if any man hurts any of these fire comes out of their mouths and destroys ( kills their enemies )....But its not a literal fire but a spiritual fire which is the H.G. AS OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE.. Hebrews 12:29 kjv....That is gonna consume mans evil and adamic nature ....If ya don't understand symbolic language you will not see that the Kingdoms of this world are gonna become the kingdoms of our lord and his Christ...Thus the clouds are just symbolic language for folks that have that living water..That latter rain doctrine which is spirit...That is gonna flood this earth with his spirit....I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh... Joel 2:28..And Isaiah 11..Of course this knowledge he saw covering this earth was an intimacy....Resulting in a birth of Christ in us....As Jeremiah 30:6 ...he saw all men in travail and birth pains...Thats y he has to know us that the good seed of the sower will be sown in our hearts....And she brought forth a man child that is gona rule all nations....Now y wd we need to be caught up to to the literal clouds when the kingdoms of this world are gona become the Kingdoms of our lord and his Christ...And the manchild which is the gonna rule all nations....And jesus tells us of that spirit of truth that is gonna reprove this whole world of sin and judgement and righteousness....Thus a literal rapture wd kill all these scriptures of the earth at rest and becoming full of his Glory....Seed time and harvest for ever .... Isaiah 6:3 The angels are saying Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty for the whole earth is full of his GLORY....Jimbob yes truth is important but if we took your doctrine of a literal rapture in literal clouds we wd have to eliminate 90% of the bible....And there wd be no need for the manchild to Rule all nations....Or for the angel to preach the everlasting Gospel to all that dwell on the earth... Rev 14:6...ok lemme go...Jim GBU.

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