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Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Who are the ones (taken)? (Lu 17:34-36) These verses tell us "the one shall be (taken) and the other left". The word (taken) is in the New Testament 68 times. It has the following meaning in only 5 of those 68 verses, those 5 verses are in (Lu 17:34-36) and ( Mt 24:40-41) The word (taken) is #3880; it means to receive near, i.e. associate with oneself ( in any familiar act or relation) to assume an office, receive, take (unto, with) to get hold of, to seize or remove, take (away, up). The meaning is all good, nothing bad or negative for those (taken) Now lets look at (Lu 17:37) They asked Him, Where Lord? What did they ask Jesus? He just said to them "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall BE TAKEN, and the other left. (They are saying to Him, one shall be (taken) Where Lord?) Now the word (body) in this verse is #4983; it means the body (as a sound whole) "safe" to save, i.e. deliver or protect, heal, preserve. So the (body) in this verse is "safe" saved, delivered. So this (body) is speaking of the one (taken) The word (eagle) is #105; it means an eagle (from its wind like flight) (to breathe unconsciously, respire, by analogy to blow) "air" (as naturally circumambient) air, to breathe. (Nothing bad) Now what is this (body)? ( Col 1:18) Tells us the (body) is the (church) Also ( Col 1:24) This (body) are the ones that are (taken) which means to receive near. In ( Jn 14:1-4) v3 The Words of Jesus "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, ((AND RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF)); that where I am, there ye may be also." Jesus receives those (taken) unto Himself. That is the (body) of Christ which shows a gathering together in (Lu 17:37) That would be the same (gathering together) of the (elect) in ( Mt 24:29-31) v30 Tells us "and they shall see the Son of man (Jesus Christ) coming in the clouds. v31 tells us "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall (gather together) his elect" those (taken) His (body) the church.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob let me help you a bit...The 2 men and the 2 woman are in the spiritual realm....The seed of the Sower is sown in our hearts, a spritual seed...As my words are spirit and life...Its the Wheat and the Tares that make us 2 ppl...But this war is in our hearts and minds...Thats y Paul was saying with my mind i serve the law of God but with my flesh the law of sin...Paul had become 2 ppl...Thats y he says when i wd do good evil is present...Paul had become2 ppl. There is war in heaven but this heaven is with in us...As Jesus said not here nor there but with in you....Its the Tares that are gona be taken...AS Jesus said gather up the Tares and burn them....Which is satans seed...Exactly like Rev. 12:5..Satan is trying to destroy the woman and her Child which is the H.G. that Child of Promise....But this war is raging in our hearts and minds...Simply b/c that where the 2 seed has been sown....In our hearts and minds....As Rev 22:11 is telling us....1 is always Filthy and 1 is always Holy....Thats the wheat and the tares that are at war with in us....Thats y Jesus says we must endure to the end....( When the TARES are taken...The Wheat is a baby Christ the Kingdom...Unless ya receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...This Kingdom is within our bodies....In our hearts and minds....one shall taken and 1 shall be left...Where lord ?....Wheresoever the BODY is there will the eagles be gathered to gether....Remember Jesus says the Kingdom will be with you....N Our bodies...The war is over now we are in the kingdom..Right here on this earth....Gather the Wheat to my barn the Kingdom....But the Tares are gathered up and burned.....But all this is in our hearts....Where the 2 seeds have been sown...The 2 woman grinding at the mill are just 1 woman that has been bornagain of an incorruptible seed...But Satan has sown a Tare in her making her 2 woman...As Paul says when i wd do good evil is present with me...That other woman in her heart is a TARE.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pierre1939 I think I would rather take the Word of God ((as it is written)) AS TRUTH Pierre as to take your interpretation of what you think it is saying as truth. (Pro 30:5-6) v5 "EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE". v6 ADD THOU NOT UNTO HIS WORDS, lest he reprove thee, AND THOU BE FOUND A LIAR. You are changing the Word of God like those Words have very little meaning. In ( Jer 23:36) The word (perverted) is # 2015; it means to change. You are perverting, changing the Word of God like those Words have no clear meaning. ( John 14:23) "Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him". Are you keeping His Words Pierre? No you are not keeping His Words, you are (changing His Words) ( John 17:17) Tells us "Sanctify them through thy truth: THY WORD IS TRUTH. Those who add to or take away from His Words are warned of this in ( Rev 22:18-19) We should be very, very careful in treating the Word of God as if the (Words) have little meaning. ( Ps 12:6-7) The words of the LORD are pure words. No offence Pierre, but I believe these verses are 100% TRUTH. They need not to be changed by what we think they are saying. Let the Word of God speak for itself. Truth matters. Blessings.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jim no offence but it is you that is twisting the scriptures with that mans Concordence interpretation...The scripture is very CLEAR Rev. 11:15...Jim listen up....The 7 th angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the Kingdoms of THIS WORLD have become the Kingdoms of our lord and his Christ....And he shall Reign FOR EVER AND EVER....Do you not see that the Kingdom of God is gonna be here on this earth....And Christ is gonna reign for ever and ever....Thats y Jesus is telling us not here nor there but with in you...The Kingdom is gona be with in you...Thats y the kINGDOM SEED IS SOWN in our hearts... Matthew 13 .. Luke 17:20 And right here on this earth....Jim do you not understand that God wd not send the manchild to rule all nations with a rod of iron ( the word of God ) if the Kingdom were not on this earth....The Clouds are just symbolic of ppl that have the H.G. That Living water, The water that i shall give you is well of water springing up up everlasting life..Which is the H.G. THE Gift OF God.. when God will pour out of his spirit on all flesh... Joel 2 :28...Thats right here on this earth....Jim let the anointing teach you...Not a concordence that is made up of a zillions of different Mans interpretations...Clouds is just symbolic language of ppl us sinners that have been washed in his blood...The bride the ELECT LADY....The very fact that the good seed the living word is sown in our hearts proves the kingdom is gonna be with in us....He dwelleth with you but he shall be with in you....The bride the Elect lady is only the Elect lady b/c Christ shed his blood for her....We are all bought with a price his blood....Jim God wd not send that angel to preach the everlasting Gospel to all that dwell on this earth if the Kingdom were not on this earth and with in us... Rev 14 :6 kjv And Jim we will not meet him in the AIR...Air is just symbolic of the Spirit...They met him in the AIR on the day of Pentecost but the mighty wind WAS THE SPIRIT THE H.G.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pierre1939 That mans Concordance interpretation as you call it, is the only way we can take any word out of the King James Bible and get the TRUE meaning of that word in the Original Languages of Hebrew, and Greek. The True meaning of the word not what we think the words mean. You are relying to much on your own interpretation of so many things, you have some truth mixed with many things that are not truth but twisted, it is confusion. The Word of God will speak for itself. You change many things in the Word to what you think it means. Sorry Pierre I really don't mean to offend you, but you are the one twisting Scripture and anyone reading these comments can see that. God is not the author of confusion Pierre, His Words are pure Words. ( Ps 12:6-7) ( Proverbs 30:5-6) The word (pure) is #2889; it means unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound. (How can you say anything is wrong with the TRUE meaning of the word (pure) in the Original Language?) If you believe God preserved His Word, then you should believe the Words of the LORD are (pure) Words! You are contaminating the True Words of the LORD. I honestly see no reason to continue a discussion with someone who thinks their words or interpretation of the Word is more important, or is more trustworthy or truthful than God's pure Words. Have a good day Pierre. Truth matters. Blessings.
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob you do not realize it but you are in essence saying that the clouds and the air and wind are the gifts of God....But its only the H.G. that is the gift of God....But clouds/Air and wind is just simbolic language for folks that have that living water the H.G. The spirit.. the gift of God.. 2 Thessalonians 1:10... He is gonna be admired and Glorified in his saints simply b/c he comes in his saints....Not literal clouds....As the gift of God is the H.G....You keep saying we will meet him in the AIR...Buts not true, Air is just symbolic language for the Spirit the gift of the H.G...folks that live right here on this earth....Ya gotta realize that its only the H.G. that is the Kingdom of God....We cannot meet him in literal AIR...We can only meet him in

    the spirit the gift of the H.G. is spirit not literal AIR OR WIND....Clouds are just symbolic for folks that have that living water the H.G. the Kingdom of God....But you keep making all these derogatory remarks of me not understanding that i am right...This Rev.11:15 kills any and all physical literal Rapture doctrine....As the Kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our lord and his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever...Right here on this earth...Thus there is no physical Rapture...We are caught away but only in the spirit the gift of H.G...As our God is spirit....Not AIR...Yes there are some scriptures that say that GOD is coming in the clouds...But the clouds are symbolic for folks that have the H.G the Kingdom of God....Thats y the sower of that good seed wants to sow his precious seed in our hearts....That the Kingdom might be right here on this EARTH....Defeating satan who is the god of this earth at this present time...k Gbu
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob love ya no offence....We can discontinue if ya like...But lemme say just this...You do not understand there are 2 words the written word and the living word...Remember Israel was sola scriptura written word only...But Israel stoned almost all the prophets and rejected the Christ...And David comes to mind, But the scriptures the written word cd not help David when he saw Bathsheba bathin....Thats y God wanted a New Covenant a covenant that cd change mans evil adamic to a Godlike nature but this required a living word Christ Jesus to die for the sins of the world....That he might be multiplied as the stars of heaven...When a seed dies it multiplies...Thus regeneration by this heavenly seed...Not by an earthy seed but by a heavenly seed...As we have borne the image of the earthy we must also birth the image of the heavenly...Thats y Peter is saying being bornagain NOT by a corruptible seed ( the written word ) but of an incorruptible seed the living word that liveth and abideth for ever....The written word can be molested and has been molested by many religions and Churches....Thats y Jesus is saying in john 5:39....Search the scriptures the (written words) in them you think you have eternal life but it is them that testifies of me....Who testifies of Jesus only the living word the H.G.....When he the spirit of truth is come he will testify of me the H.G. The living word a living being ... John 15:26....Jimbob what you are not understanding is Pure words are not written words but living words....Jesus was the only Pure word of God but Jesus was a living being that died for us...and is God the son....I hope you can comprehend that there are 2 words....But its only Christ Jesus that is the Pure Word of God that neva sinned....That New Covenant the living word by his blood trumps the old covenant the written word....Jimbob we are now under this N.C...If righteousness came by the law the written word that old covenant then Christ died in vain...Gal :21...ok Gbu...
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob no offence but you are deceived by mans Concordences....Jimbob we can make the bible say anything by using a Concordence....There are over 30,000 different Churches on almost every corner all using a Concordence of some kind...Its gotta come by divine revelation.....As Jesus said these things are hid from the wise and prudent but only revealed unto babes....Which is the H.G. our new heart and new spirit a New innerman...Jimbob we cannot unlock what is hid in the spirit by using a Concordence.....Jim Sorry but a Concordence is just an extension of mans carnal minds...Grasping for truth....But when something is hid by God Almighty it cannot be revealed by a Concordence.....Thats y Jesus was saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...Which is the result of his good seed sown in our hearts....Faith cannot come by using a Concordence...which is just mans version of the written word....Faith can only come by hearing his voice the living word...Which is spirit and life....We cannot be bornagain by studing with a Concordence....Its a stench in the nostrils of God to think we can be bornagain by using a Concordence....Its gotta be by the living word the H.G....His voice...The seed of the sower is his voice... Mat. 13 Not a Concordence....Remember my words are spirit and life...Not paper and ink....But is his spirit which is God....The only book that pleases God 100% is that book in the fathers right hand which is that book of life that Jesus wrote with his own blood....Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire...This book of life has been written by JESUS'S own blood thus that NEW COVENANT in his blood....But as Jesus said these things are hid from the wise and prudent but only revealed unto babes who are the babes? a baby spirit a baby ANOINTING...As that which is born of the spirit is spirit...When he breathe on them they were impregnated by his seed his words...His voice.
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Jimbod you have such nice words and you have scriptures. And everything is right in a way, it's true. So when you mention Matthew 24 29-31, you've already done it here. Note the first sentence in this section:

    Immediately after the Tribulation of those days...

    There is no rapture here. Here we are all gathered. Whether it is from the first death, or the second death. Then the elect are with the Lord here. He gathers everyone for the final game. When He comes. So those who live then are jerked away YES; like Fillip in a way. Not to Heaven or Paradise, but to be present when the Lord will put everything in order. It will be the last game. to the last match.

    So we want to be with Him, we're not spared, like this conversation is about. we are warriors for the Lord today. Should we lie down before the last game begins? What kind of unreasonableness is that? Not from the Lord in any case.

    He has today made this easy for us. We have the Holy Spirit. That's why we're all able to be in this fight. We WILL be standing Jesus victorious people. And finally when we've done the last war. Then we will stand before God's throne to praise Him forever.

    And there will be a new Jerusalem and everything will be new. And OUTSIDE there will be thieves, liars, and everything unclean will not be allowed to enter. Just look what a nice picture it is? No one can touch us today either. If God's light is in us, we are not at all in darkness. And nothing shall harm us in any way in this assurance. Not in the upcoming one either. Therefore, it gills and stands firm, watch and pray incessantly. So that we are empowered for the big day. Amen

    There is always something bad when one holds back. But be open in mind and look at the central scriptures once more. If you're not sure, wait a bit, know that He understands and loves us just as much. He wants all those He has predestined to COME into the rest He has decided. There we cannot do anything God gets what He wants.

    Love u allin Christ

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