Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jody - 1 year ago
    Is magic that's done for entertainment go against the word of God? I don't mean anything evil, hateful or hurtful, I'm just talking about magicians who perform shows.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    it would be highly advisable for one to not expose himself to any form of magic or tricks. Why glory in satans entertainment when its clearly written he who glory let him glory in the Lord. It's also written1 Corinthians 10:31, 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. each person who is believer in Jesus Christ need to re-evaluate is this glorying God or satan whether is trick or Magic to movies and music check by the scriptures if its glorifying God.

    Love not the world

    Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jody. My opinion on this is, 'No, this type of entertainment doesn't go against the Word of God'. To qualify my belief, what we refer to as magicians performing for entertainment, are more correctly termed, 'illusionists' (i.e. they are not using any supernatural power to show that they are doing anything out of the ordinary). Their 'tricks' are done with the sleight of hand & to take the audience focus off what is being done elsewhere. So, this is all just trickery for amusement & amazement: children will think it's magic & hopefully adults will try to analyse how the trick is being done.

    So, I just see this as entertainment, but like all things done outside the Bible's parameters, including reading of doubtful novels & viewing questionable films for instance, one should take care whether those things can lead one away from trusting in the Lord or even displease Him. And that is why He has given us His Spirit, so that we might correctly discern the myriad of things that demand our thoughts & attention every day.

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