Bible Discussion Thread

  • [email protected] - 1 year ago
    isaiah 53 explained
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
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    Isa 53 The appearances of the Just One.

    Isa 59:16,17 Isa 63:5 fulfilled John 1:14 John 3:17

    53 explains Christ patience's, trials, tribulations & suffering of His life in the great work of man redemption. In His humiliations, being despises, rejected, His not be esteem for who He really was John 1:11 & the world by Whom they were created. The sorrows & griefs He bare on our behalf, His Spirit being wounded for our transgression, & bruised for our iniquities, having the chastisement of our peace laid upon Him.

    God, Ephesians 2:4 has left nothing undone in accomplishing this for us, a complete deliverance from sin; spirit, soul & body of the sons & daughters of men from Satan kingdom. Throughout His life & His passion ( the final day of His life) is describe fully here & we see it displayed throughout His life in His humanity, Hebrews 2:17,18

    Isa 53:10 shows the delight of the Father's heart, as Christ fulfills every requirement of the Law, satisfying the Court in heaven Daniel 7:9-10 Daniel 7:13,14 being given a Kingdom, with Matt 28:18 literally untying the Father's hands so He could reach out to His beloved creatures in the Grace that He has now provided for us through His Son, 2 Cor 5:18-21

    Isa 53:11,12 Grace appearance provides the knowledge that shall justify many, Rom 3:24 Titus 2:11,12 Luke 4:22
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
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    Now He sits at the Right Hand of Power until Psalms 110:1-4 far above all Ephesians 1:20-22. As He works out the redemption that He purchase by His Blood/Life to everyone that would believe in His appearance in Spirit within the conscience, 2 Cor 4:6 He promise the disciples that He would not leave them comfortless, I will come back to you, that your joy maybe full. He pointed to this in the coming of Holy Spirit. John 16:7 the still small Voice in our heart that accuses us when we're wrong, & commends us when we obey Him, Rom 2:15 This is the Treasure we 2 Cor 4:7 that excellency of the power to understand & receive the things of God, is not of ourselves, but of God, for they are only spiritually discerned, 1 Cor 2:11-13
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
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    Isa 53, Now as then, Christ walks the same path as He did then, but in Spirit, He is despised, rejected of men, we esteem Him not, He's experiences the sorrow & grief in mankind unbelief of Him by His appearances in Spirit within our hearts. He has no form of comeliness that we such desire Him, meaning; the Word spoke in our hearts is Christ in Spirit, that Word is God, John 1:1; His first works within us John 16:8 Titus 2:11,12 When we reject His reproof of correction, through unbelief, His words has finds no place in our hearts, we hidden our faces from Him, & run to other things to drown out His Voice, the tender motions of Holy Spirit in His proffering of salvation.

    It is indeed Christ within conscience, the mystery Col 1:26-28 Jesus said to the Jews, John 5:39 as then now, God is a Spirit, we must come to Him in & by His Spirit John 14:6 When Jesus said; Matt 11:25 He wasn't stating the Scriptures, Pastors, bible studies etc; but to Him personally. The Scriptures are profitable as we honor them in their right place, the words of God, but not God the Word, who was in the beginning with God, before the Scriptures were. The true glory & honor of the Scriptures is they give us a true testimony of Him, & that they point us to His 2nd coming in Spirit. Hebrews 9:28 John 16:13 OT promise Isa 54:13 it is only by receiving Him in His Spirit appearance within our hearts/conscience that we receive Him, that He may work out His great salvation for us. There is no other way! John 14:6 For in the working of the operations of faith, Rom 10:17 which is in Rom 10:8 we come into relationship & fellowship with Him who suffered so on our behalf. We experience 1John 1:1-3 in the work of redemption. Trust & love is increased as we grow in Grace.

    John 17:3

    In love & truth
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Pt. 2.

    Our risen bodies will be the same bodies we had before we died, but will by without the sinful nature and also glorified by the Father to be able to inhabit heaven with Jesus. When we are in heaven, we will physically see Jesus face to face with our physical eyes. But our body will be without corruption, immortal, and far more glorious than it was made to be in this life. We cannot really understand just how that will be like, as Paul said, but we will be like Jesus.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    hi Gigi

    ok, would you please give me scriptural references to back this train of thought of yours up.

    in love & truth
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I am done with errands and need to prepare dinner now. I will be preparing to go out of town tomorrow, so I will be packing tonight. I am not sure if I will get to your request or not. But I recommend that you read the accounts in the gospels of Jesus' resurrection and appearances to His disciples, also Acts 1 tells of the ascension.

    You can read the Last Supper Discourse in John 14-16 to see what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit dwelling within believers and when the Holy Spirit dwells in us, the Father and the Son makes their abode in us, too.

    1 Corinthians 15 speaks about the resurrection of the dead. And there are several places in John that say He will raise up our bodies on the last day.

    There is no place in the New Testament that says that Jesus removed His humanity when He ascended to sit on His throne at the right hand of the Father. Stephen, in Acts 7:55, said he SAW Jesus sitting at the Father's right hand. His eyes saw Jesus and recognized him as the Lord he knew on earth.

    If I get time in the next few days I will give you more Scripture.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Frankie,

    I will be glad to give Scriptural citations later today. I am off to do many errands for now.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Frankie,

    It seems that you have confused some doctrinal points in your explanations.

    It is the Holy Spirit who lives in us, the third person of the Godhead. He is also everywhere present at once. Jesus is in heaven sitting at the right hand of the Father. He is not just Spirit as He remains both God and Man forever. He has a physical body, even as the Resurrected One, that He showed to the apostles when He appeared to them. He ascended to heaven in a physical body and at His ascension the angels said that He will return to earth in the same way, bodily with the same resurrection body He showed to the apostles. It is a physical body that can be touched, can eat, drink.

    The Godhead planned this from before creation, that the Son would take on Himself forever a full human nature, body, soul, and spirit that does not take the place of His divine nature. Both natures exist together in the one person of Jesus Christ, and this is a permanent union of God and Man, for He is forever our High Priest, which is a human who intercedes for other humans.

    this plan is remarkable and an unfathomable mystery in how the Son of God who is God can also take on humanity and be both God and Man forever.

    The Scriptures say that Jesus is with us by the indwelling Holy Spirit, because, although there are three distinct persons in the Godhead, they are One Being. So if one has the Spirit within, then also the Father and the Son is within us because the Being of God cannot be divided.

    Also, the Scriptures are clear that the second coming of our Lord is a physical bodily coming that will be visible to every eye.

    Also, our resurrection will be like Jesus'. He was raised in the same body that died on the cross, but was glorified in His human body by the Father. He did not get a new body, but the one He had before He died was made alive and also transformed to be glorified forever. Our bodies will be raised like Jesus' body was raised, miraculously being given life and wholeness.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I am sure there will be other responses here. This is what is often either ignored or deliberately avoided in Jewish communities; as the whole chapter is prophetic in regard to the crucifixion of Christ centuries later. Verse 53:3 shows that He was a man of sorrows; despised and rejected. This and so many other verses show how Christ was not revered for being God in the flesh; but often was revered for all the wrong reasons. Isaiah 52:14 in the previous chapter shows that He was marred beyond belief; so to speak. This was the ultimate expression of love; but love for His enemies and showed the cost of that committment. When Christ was followed He often had to weed those out looking for a free meal ( John 6:26-35); or those trying to justify themselves ( Luke 10:29). Those who wanted to follow Him often had loyalties more to money or family ties; and many if not most regarded Him as a Prophet or a great teacher ( Matt. 13:16-20). These verses indicate how only God can reveal that Christ is indeed; the "I AM" or God in the flesh (see also John 8:58). Such comments; no doubt would bring upon a reaction of madness from the Pharisees and others who could not accept this saying despite the prophecies such as in this book.

    Verses 10 through 12 give us some indication of Christ's exaltation coming in the Millennial reign after we come back with Him to rule and reign from heaven. This will bring to fruition many other prophecies not yet fulfilled (such as Isaiah 61:2). This time delineation explains why Jesus only read the first verse in that chapter in Luke 4:18.

    There will be complete fulfillment of all prophecies not yet complete after He returns to earth. Genesis 3:15 shows the first Messianic prophecy about Christ's wounds on His hands and feet which will always be present as a reminder; as well as Satan's ultimate defeat.

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