Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Sanctification; wisdom and experience

    John 17:17 involves Christ's prayer for us to be sanctified; and involves His Word and the truth. James 1:23 and 24 reminds us that we need to be "doers"; and he compares a man in front of a mirror forgetting what he looks like as an example. I am not sure of the context; but I would also quote the verse from Hebrews 10:25 in this posting. The first passage shows the danger of ignoring our own walk; possibly showing us how we forget what we say; or invoking a memory that we are still with a fallen nature; the second passage also shows how forgetting to do corporate worship can also make us forget the experience.

    I state this fact first because I find that no matter how long I learn the scriptures; grow in wisdom and understanding; etc. that it is in the fellowship of the saints where I once again recognize God's presence; and witness anew those with different gifts.

    The danger of being prideful as to our own continued growth; particularly when it comes to learning things from other believers is one important reason to continue in regular church attendance as well as; of course witnessing with fellow believers; small groups; corporate prayer; etc.

    The fact is; that as long as we dwell in this mortal flesh; there is potential to fall into sin. This is one reason we need to be careful not to idolize someone who appears to be someone mature in the faith. On the other hand; it is imperative to have others such as Paul with Timothy or Christ with the Disciples for instruction and discipleship; as "iron sharpens iron" ( Prov. 27:17). Proverbs 27:6 states "faithful are the wounds of a friend." Surely this sort of relationship is rare and needed in the church today.

    As a father with a child; instruction in righteousness should bring us to maturity in our own spiritual walk so that we can go out and make Disciples ourselves as Christ instructed ( Matt. 28:19-20). We need to get beyond "decisions" for Christ that way.

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  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Oh yes Charlie , that has to be an oxymoron if ever I've heard one , prayer should always be from the heart , not a briefcase :) .

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