Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago

    In this chapter we hear of the deaths of both Miriam and Aaron. They did not enter the promised land as they were of the generation that came out of Egypt that were to wander in desert for 40 years.

    The Israelites came into the Wilderness of Zin (again) in the first month (the beginning of the year in Spring). 40 years earlier they were there where the twelve spies were sent out and the people sinned in disbelief of God and His promises due to the evil report of the spies. As a result, the generation that left from Egypt was to die in the wilderness and not enter the promised land.

    Once they had settled in this wilderness (Kadesh) Miriam died She was buried and the people mourned for her.

    Now, forty years later, they come again to the Wilderness of Zin, the place of great rebellion against God, and the people grumble against God, Moses and Aaron again because there was no water for them. They were sure that God had brought them out of Egypt here to die of thirst. Again, they distrusted God and doubted His benevolence towards them and His power to sustain them in this situation. Once before ( Exodus 17) there was no water and the people grumbled against God an Moses. God instructed Moses to strike a rock and when he did water flowed out of it plentifully. God had provided water before, why would they think He would not do so again?

    The land was barren. No place was found for seed or fruits or vines to grow. This area was a deep cleft in the terrain with high cliffs on all sides. It was very rugged territory. The people called it an evil place. Did they not know how close they were to the Promised Land that the spies had explored 40 years earlier? Did they not know that if they believed God and trusted in His goodness they would soon go into the land promised? If God had miraculously given them manna and quail all of these years without fail, why would they think He would not also give them water miraculously again?

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