Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago


    The next section tells of Moses sending messengers to the king of Edom (Esau's descendants) asking for permission for the Israelites to pass through their lands on the way to the place they would go to enter the promised land. This would be going north on the eastern side of the Jordan River where Canaan and Edom bordered one another. Edom's king refused to allow this passage, coming out against the nation of Israel keeping them from passing through. The people travel from Kadesh eastward to Mount Hor.

    The narrative shifts to God speaking to Moses that Aaron would soon die and therefore, Aaron must pass the rights, vestments, and obligations of the High Priesthood onto his son, Eliazar. So the three went up upon the mountain. Moses took the garments from Aaron and put them on Eleazar. Then Aaron died right there. He knew he was going to die. He knew his time in this life was up. He, too, must have looked forward to Christ as Moses did, knowing that there is an eternal land ahead for him.

    It says that Aaron was to not enter the physical land because of sinning with Moses at the event when the water came from the rock again miraculously. But I do think also that Aaron was of the generation that was to die in the wilderness and not enter the land. Only Caleb and Joshua were said to be the ones of their generation to enter the land. So, neither Moses, nor Aaron expected to enter the physical land because they believed what God had prophesied to them on this matter.

    When the people were informed of Aaron's death they mourned him for 30 days. Aaron must have been buried by Moses and Eleazar with the rest of the Israelites not knowing where his grave was located since only the three went up the mountain.

    This chapter reminds me that we will all die. We do not know how much time we have left. But we can be confident that we will live eternally with God, even if we die physically. We know we will be resurrected on the last day.

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