Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago


    Job knew that. Abraham knew that. Moses knew that. Aaron knew that. Miriam must have known that. Physical death will come to us, but eternal life will continue our life after death. This eternal life is from God and not a natural life that everyone has. Only the elect.

    Some people do know that they will soon die. The very aged, those with a terminal illness, those who face martyrdom, or who are engaged in combat. Each person will face this reality in different ways, but God continues to desire for the salvation of people, so He continues to work in the hearts of all people until death takes them. If they turn to God, they will be saved forever. if they refuse to do so, they will be damned forever. So, it is important for us to minister to those near death until the end, if we are able to be involved in the process with them. We are to continue to pray for them until the very end, as David did for his infant son. But when death takes the ones we love, we then entrust them into God's wise and just hands believing that he will always judge rightly. We do not need to pray for these loved ones once they have died. But we can certainly pray and minister to the ones left behind. There can often be open doors for proclamation of the gospel at such times. Sensitivity is important, but we should also be bold enough to speak as the Spirit leads us to do so.

    Miriam and Aaron had easy deaths, it seems. The text does not say that either had illnesses or other factors that would lead to death. Just their advanced age and God's decree that they would die in the wilderness. The 40 years was up, as God had ordained. They must have known that they would die soon and that the people would enter the promised land soon without them. They were gathered to their people-to Abraham, to Job, to Noah, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Joseph, and all of the others who had gone before them believing God. And their faith was counted unto them as righteousness ( Romans 4).
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    BTW not sure if you're going to see this; but my Bible Study was stellar; had 8 to 10 people today with a chance for doing a second one in the Residential (another section) of the facility next time. Was able to pray for 4 people as well; thanks for your prayer!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Richard, glad that you have a good showing for a core group for the study. I will pray that these stick with the study and that your residential group gets off to a good solid start, too.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I appreciate this for my own reasons; in particular with the verse about continuing to "minister to those near death until the end, if we are able to be involved in the process with them." This is because as you are aware I live with aged parents who are unsaved.

    I am trusting the Lord would have me here; as I am particularly weak in certain skills and giftings in regard to undertaking such a task alone. I question as I did after a Jewish man passed a couple years back right before I came here that I made some effort to witness to and he never turned what the purpose is if I am home in my current situation and my folks never come to Christ either.

    I have certainly been steadfast; with my dad who I have talked with for years (we exchanged 2 extensive letters back in 2013/2014 when his mind was clearer as well). My mother who was nominally Catholic for a time; but comes from a Jewish background I have also tried to reason with. Hearing her commentary on someone's so called memories of past lives was depressing the other day although I don't think she necessarily believes in that. She claims to believe in the prophecies as evidence of Christ; but as to be ing God in the flesh; not so much so. My dad doesn't either; he can't believe as a narcissist in sin at all.

    Anyway; I realize this isn't the platform here to belabor the point but I am appreciative what you are saying as I probably needed to hear that.

    It seems so hard to believe that the Rapture could take us out anytime. Obviously at death there is peace and joy; frankly I feel even though they say it is a copout just grateful to be saved; I seem to have done much in my life to forfeit my reward with my unbelief and poor decisions.

    BTW I realize this isn't a prayer format here but I'm trying to continue an old study which may be over soon; also hopeful for a new one that I inquired about a couple weeks back in a nursing home where they are looking for something. Prayer for attendance if you can.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Richard,

    I sure appreciate your response to my postings on Numbers ch. 20.

    I am glad that YOU are the person caring for your parents in their final times. How good for them to have a believing son to continue to hod out the word of life to them. God will help you in your caregiving and in your words and witness for Him for their sakes. He will have you present to give answers and encouragement when they ask questions about what will happen to them after they die or to pray with them when they are in pain or when death is near. We honor our parents in doing these things if we have the opportunity.

    Last May I was blessed to be able to spend time with my Mom while she was hospitalized with sepsis until she died two weeks after first being admitted. That time we shared was very precious and I was glad to be able to assist her in comfort measures and prayer. She was always fairly independent minded and strong. She had 10 children and worked very hard through all those years of raising all of us. I was glad to "give back" to her just a little bit in her time of need. All of my siblings were able to spend time with her as we did so in shifts. That was meaningful to us all to serve her.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I will not forget your kindness; I am sure there will be reward for you in eternity. Looking forward to that day.

    Agape; Rich p

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