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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Discussion-Thread/index.php on line 2 BIBLE DISCUSSION THREAD 217716 Page 2
Hi David, i quoted your words and you replied and asked where you said that. Its now obvious that youre making a distinction between Gods word or word of God and the Bible. To me and many others its the same.
Youre claiming its bad for us to question what you said. I hope you are being genuine and not playing us. But review what you said. Whats the difference to you?
You quoted my words and then stated what "I meant". And what you said "I meant" is a distortion of what I said and what I meant.
But I said what I meant and believe that is what the Bible declares. And I quoted many scriptures in the totality of my discussion with GiGi, which I believe support what I said.
If I am incorrect in anything I say about what I believe the Bible is teaching, I welcome correction.
It is exceptionally serious business to say "thus says the LORD" when the LORD has not said.
Again, If you go back and read all of the comments that I posted in the conversation with Gigi, you will hopefully understand what I meant regarding your questions.
You are not correct when you say that I do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe that every single word in the Bible, in the original autographs, are God's words. They are exactly the words that God chose to use. I don't know how to be any more clear than that.
many actually stopped following Jesus that day he said here in the Gospel of John 6:48-58.
Jesus three times identifies Himself as that spiritual bread ( John 6:35, 48, 51).
And twice He emphasizes faith (a spiritual action) as the key to salvation:
"My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life" (verse 40)
and "Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life" (verse 47).
Jesus then compares and contrasts Himself to the manna that Israel had eaten in the time of Moses: "Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die" John 6:49-50.
The words I have spoken to you-they are full of the Spirit and life" ( John 6:63). Those who misunderstood Jesus and were offended by His talk about eating His flesh and drinking His blood were stuck in a physical mindset, ignoring the things of the Spirit. They were concerned with getting another physical meal, so Jesus uses the realm of the physical to teach a vital spiritual truth.
At the Last Supper, Jesus gives a similar message.
We are to proclaim the Lord's death until he comes"
1 Corinthians 11:26.
Jesus was speaking metaphorically about His flesh and blood and hold that the bread and wine are symbolic of the spiritual bond created with Christ through faith.
Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God'" ( Matthew 4:4, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3). The implication is that the bread is God's Word and that is what sustains us. Jesus is called the Word of God who came to earth and was made flesh ( John 1:14). The Word of God is also the Bread of Life ( John 6:48).
I believe those verses and others that I quoted in the totality of my discussion with GiGi on this subject are consistent with and support what I have said about the Bible, the WORD of God and its relationship to our worship of the LORD Jesus Christ, eternal God Himself.
After we go through the bible we come to the last book and it's called The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
This is the conclusion of what's written the other 65 books.
Here's the scope and purpose of John's writings
In John 20:30-31. "Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.
John's purpose was to introduce the readers of his gospel to Jesus Christ, establishing Who Jesus is (God in the flesh) and what He did, all with the sole aim of leading them to embrace the saving work of Christ.
JOHN 1:1
The Greek word translated "Word" in this passage is Logos.
In that day they understood the usage of the term. Word/Logos.
John is introducing Jesus with a word or a term that both his Jewish and Gentile readers would have been familiar with.
John is in a sense pointing them back to the Old Testament where the Logos or "Word" of God is associated with the personification of God's revelation.
In the Old Testament the "word" of God is often personified as an instrument for the execution of God's will.
John is pointing them back to the Old Testament.
The term Logos brought forth the idea of a "mediating principle" between God and the world in that day.
But John goes beyond the familiar concept of Logos that his Jewish and Gentile readers would have had as a mediating principle and uses Logos to present Jesus as God's perfect revelation of Himself in the flesh.
In John 14:8-9 we see the word of God in the flesh representing what the accurate Logos/Words of the old testament said who would come.
This is what Jesus is telling Phillip.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The Scriptures are the words of God, & a testimony of Him, but not God the Word, who was in the beginning with God before the Scriptures were written. The Jews had the Scriptures the words of God, & crucified the Word of God that was in the beginning with God. John 5:39 As then so now, people refuse to come to Him who has return to us by His Spirit John 16:13, they stick to the letters of the Scriptures without coming to the Author of the Scriptures, & honor the letter before the Author, just like the hardhearted Jews. Jesus said Matt 11:28, a living breathing person, a God who is a Spirit.
The true dignity & honoring of the Scriptures is that they give us a true testimony of Him, & points to His return in Spirit bringing us the words of salvation Hebrews 9:28 Here they are profitable for doctrine 2 Timothy 3:16 confirming to us what the Spirit declare. The Spirit that gave the Scriptures forth, He comes again to bring us into the personal experiential knowledge of them. For only He knows the mind of God 1Cor 2:10,11 thus the Scripture have their rightful place & shine forth their glory for which they were given.
Yes that still small voice , it's so easily blocked out by our own desires , it whispers to us but our sinful flesh screams to us : I want this , I'm gonna do this , its my right , I I I me me me , we drowned this voice out with our worldly ways , the sight of our eyes and our own desires that all pertain to the satisfying of ourselves , our flesh our egos etc . Be still and wait for the Word of the Lord , here is the way , walk in it . The first step is for us to quieten our selves and this world around us . Turn it off as you would the tv . The things of this world are a massive distraction to us because we are flesh and we walk in the flesh , in the sight of our eyes and we are led by our fleshly / worldly desires . It's a very still small voice so we need to tune out of this world and tune into that guiding Spirit of Truth . Don't let the things of this world drown out that voice of Truth . Of course we are all still flesh and we have to live in this world for now but we must learn to tune out of it , turn it off , remove it from our hearts and minds and let the Spirit of Truth be heard in us . Don't get so embroiled in the politics and media and latest trends and opinions and discourses that are about worldly judgements and opinions , none of it matters , this world is going to be filled with the Glory of God and all the irrelevant drivel that goes on around us all day every day , will be gone and forgotten .God never changes , humans don't change . If we are fortunate and open to Him , God will change us into acceptable children and allow us the privilege of being with Him forever in His Kingdom that shall be nothing like these vile evil cold cruel viscious vain and pointless kingdoms of men that only lead to death . See through all these irrelevant distractions , shake off the dust of these kingdoms of men from your feet , don't let it cling to you .
Yes David , I understand what you mean , none of us would even know Christ without that most precious book that God has provided for us in order that we can learn of Him and His Son , I'm not worshipping any church by the way . As Christ says : worship God , fear God , trust God .
It is clear that the religious leaders and priest of Jesus' day were bound to the law and the traditions that added to the law by the Rabbi's. They did not want to be loosed from these. They valued the temple and its service by the priests more than God. They were unwilling to let go of these things to believe in Christ after His resurrection. Jesus knew this all. That is why He predicted the destruction of Jerusalem (the holy city) and the temple with this prediction coming to pass from 66 A.D. to the final blow in 70 A.D. Jesus knew that love of Jews for Judaism needed to cease for them to come to Christ. He knew that their hearts were dedicated to this religion rather than to YHWH. He knew that the Jews of His day were deceived and overburdened by the religious leaders and that the average Jew needed to be delivered from the leaders and their system of religion.
Even today, for the past 300 years or so, Jews practice "davening" before the wailing wall which is said to be a wall of the temple. But Josephus reported that the Romans leveled the temple completely down to the foundations. No stone wall was left, as the Jews believe the wailing wall is today. It actually is a wall of the Antonia Fort and not part of the temple. But the Jews worship at it because they still worship the house of the Lord and not the LORD who made a covenant with them long ago. The davening at the wailing wall was not practiced by Jews for 1600-1700 years because before this time they knew that the western (wailing) wall was not part of the temple. Jews today still mourn for the destruction of the temple, but do not mourn for their sin of unbelief in Jesus, the Messiah.
By destroying Jerusalem and the temple, the LORD made it clear that the practices of the Old Testament Law were done away with forever by the obedience and sacrifice of Jesus. Destroying the earthly Jerusalem and physical temple freed Jews to return to God through Christ. ...cont.
Youre claiming its bad for us to question what you said. I hope you are being genuine and not playing us. But review what you said. Whats the difference to you?
You quoted my words and then stated what "I meant". And what you said "I meant" is a distortion of what I said and what I meant.
But I said what I meant and believe that is what the Bible declares. And I quoted many scriptures in the totality of my discussion with GiGi, which I believe support what I said.
If I am incorrect in anything I say about what I believe the Bible is teaching, I welcome correction.
It is exceptionally serious business to say "thus says the LORD" when the LORD has not said.
David092: "But we cannot separate the worship of God from the Word of God."
The Bible is the Word of God, so this reads like: 'we cannot separate the worship of God from the [Bible]".
We now understand you don't consider the "Word of God" to mean the Bible, so what do you mean by this and what are scripture sources?
Again, If you go back and read all of the comments that I posted in the conversation with Gigi, you will hopefully understand what I meant regarding your questions.
You are not correct when you say that I do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe that every single word in the Bible, in the original autographs, are God's words. They are exactly the words that God chose to use. I don't know how to be any more clear than that.
Part 2.
This reminds me of John 6:60 when
many actually stopped following Jesus that day he said here in the Gospel of John 6:48-58.
Jesus three times identifies Himself as that spiritual bread ( John 6:35, 48, 51).
And twice He emphasizes faith (a spiritual action) as the key to salvation:
"My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life" (verse 40)
and "Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life" (verse 47).
Jesus then compares and contrasts Himself to the manna that Israel had eaten in the time of Moses: "Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die" John 6:49-50.
The words I have spoken to you-they are full of the Spirit and life" ( John 6:63). Those who misunderstood Jesus and were offended by His talk about eating His flesh and drinking His blood were stuck in a physical mindset, ignoring the things of the Spirit. They were concerned with getting another physical meal, so Jesus uses the realm of the physical to teach a vital spiritual truth.
At the Last Supper, Jesus gives a similar message.
We are to proclaim the Lord's death until he comes"
1 Corinthians 11:26.
Jesus was speaking metaphorically about His flesh and blood and hold that the bread and wine are symbolic of the spiritual bond created with Christ through faith.
Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God'" ( Matthew 4:4, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3). The implication is that the bread is God's Word and that is what sustains us. Jesus is called the Word of God who came to earth and was made flesh ( John 1:14). The Word of God is also the Bread of Life ( John 6:48).
God bless.
I believe those verses and others that I quoted in the totality of my discussion with GiGi on this subject are consistent with and support what I have said about the Bible, the WORD of God and its relationship to our worship of the LORD Jesus Christ, eternal God Himself.
After we go through the bible we come to the last book and it's called The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
This is the conclusion of what's written the other 65 books.
Here's the scope and purpose of John's writings
In John 20:30-31. "Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.
John's purpose was to introduce the readers of his gospel to Jesus Christ, establishing Who Jesus is (God in the flesh) and what He did, all with the sole aim of leading them to embrace the saving work of Christ.
JOHN 1:1
The Greek word translated "Word" in this passage is Logos.
In that day they understood the usage of the term. Word/Logos.
John is introducing Jesus with a word or a term that both his Jewish and Gentile readers would have been familiar with.
John is in a sense pointing them back to the Old Testament where the Logos or "Word" of God is associated with the personification of God's revelation.
In the Old Testament the "word" of God is often personified as an instrument for the execution of God's will.
John is pointing them back to the Old Testament.
The term Logos brought forth the idea of a "mediating principle" between God and the world in that day.
But John goes beyond the familiar concept of Logos that his Jewish and Gentile readers would have had as a mediating principle and uses Logos to present Jesus as God's perfect revelation of Himself in the flesh.
In John 14:8-9 we see the word of God in the flesh representing what the accurate Logos/Words of the old testament said who would come.
This is what Jesus is telling Phillip.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
In this regard I believe you are right.
The true dignity & honoring of the Scriptures is that they give us a true testimony of Him, & points to His return in Spirit bringing us the words of salvation Hebrews 9:28 Here they are profitable for doctrine 2 Timothy 3:16 confirming to us what the Spirit declare. The Spirit that gave the Scriptures forth, He comes again to bring us into the personal experiential knowledge of them. For only He knows the mind of God 1Cor 2:10,11 thus the Scripture have their rightful place & shine forth their glory for which they were given.
It is clear that the religious leaders and priest of Jesus' day were bound to the law and the traditions that added to the law by the Rabbi's. They did not want to be loosed from these. They valued the temple and its service by the priests more than God. They were unwilling to let go of these things to believe in Christ after His resurrection. Jesus knew this all. That is why He predicted the destruction of Jerusalem (the holy city) and the temple with this prediction coming to pass from 66 A.D. to the final blow in 70 A.D. Jesus knew that love of Jews for Judaism needed to cease for them to come to Christ. He knew that their hearts were dedicated to this religion rather than to YHWH. He knew that the Jews of His day were deceived and overburdened by the religious leaders and that the average Jew needed to be delivered from the leaders and their system of religion.
Even today, for the past 300 years or so, Jews practice "davening" before the wailing wall which is said to be a wall of the temple. But Josephus reported that the Romans leveled the temple completely down to the foundations. No stone wall was left, as the Jews believe the wailing wall is today. It actually is a wall of the Antonia Fort and not part of the temple. But the Jews worship at it because they still worship the house of the Lord and not the LORD who made a covenant with them long ago. The davening at the wailing wall was not practiced by Jews for 1600-1700 years because before this time they knew that the western (wailing) wall was not part of the temple. Jews today still mourn for the destruction of the temple, but do not mourn for their sin of unbelief in Jesus, the Messiah.
By destroying Jerusalem and the temple, the LORD made it clear that the practices of the Old Testament Law were done away with forever by the obedience and sacrifice of Jesus. Destroying the earthly Jerusalem and physical temple freed Jews to return to God through Christ. ...cont.