Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Witnessing: Family

    Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

    Matthew 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

    Jesus despite His statement in Matthew 12:48 (He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?) Jesus demonstrated at the cross his concern for his mother's care and had John live there with her in John 19. It was even worded in the same way "behold your mother"and "behold your son" in verses 26 and 27. We see from the verses above as well as others that family is often the most dificult to reach; even in Christ's case James only believed after the cross. ( John 7:5) shows this; along with unbelief of other brothers at the time. If a sinless Christ was viewed in His hometown as merely being the Son of Joseph and Mary at the time despite the virgin birth being a reality; then of course the only other option would have been as the Pharisees said in John 8:41. And of course we can't expect anything more; since we indeed are all sinners saved by grace. Our family will see something different about us from what we once were; especially if there is a dramatic change in behavior due to certain outward manifestations of behavior radically different after salvation. Of course all of our past mistakes and human weaknesses will be scrutinized by those who grew up with us.

    We have challenges from Jesus in both loving God more than our own family as well as the mandates to honor our Father and mother. Clearly our Lord understood the right balance and we should learn from His example. Our natural family isn't our spiritual one; it may or may not become that in time. In my own life not only do I have 2 unbelieving parents in their 90's; NO one in my family to the best of my knowledge are saved. Having to live at home at present therefore means my walk and behavior has to be consistent. Preaching is not going to accomplish much; they are aware I have been a believer 40 years+

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