Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    There are eight Simons in the New Testament. This Simon is designated in the New Testament as Simon Peter.

    Peter's father was named Jonas. In Matthew 16:17, Jesus called Peter "Simon Bar-Jona, or Jonas. Bar means "son" in Aramaic and Jonas is Aramaic for John. So, Peter's original name is "Simon son of John."

    Peter had a brother named Andrew. Andrew was the first to meet Jesus and come to know Him as Messiah as recorded in John 1:35-40.

    Andrew introduces his brother Simon Peter to Jesus in John 1:41-42

    At this time, that is, when Peter came to Jesus, Jesus tells Simon Peter that in the future he will be called Cephas, which is Peter in Aramaic. Both Cephas, and PETROS for Peter mean the same thing.

    During the Lord's ministry when He was traveling in the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus applies the name Peter to Simon as recorded in Matthew 16:18. Jesus said, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

    The name for Peter, when He says thou art Peter, the Greek word is PETROS. The Greek word for "rock," upon this rock, is PETRA. These are two different Greek words.

    PETROS means "rock" or pebble. And PETRA means "foundation stone." They are two different things. One is a large foundation stone, and PETROS for Peter is a small stone or a pebble.

    The word PETRA also is used for Jesus Christ in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 10:4 is an example about the rock that followed the Jews in the wilderness, and this rock was Christ. And the word rock is PETRA.

    Peter calls the Messiah PETRA in I Peter 2:7.

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