According to Verse 1, Peter wrote his letters to the DIASPORA which is the official title and designation for the Jews who had been displaced from Jerusalem.
This group of the DIASPORA was located just to the East of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, the Seven Churches of Revelation. The Book of Revelation was written to these seven churches some 30 years after Peter wrote his letters.
Peter wrote his first letter around 63 A.D. right before his arrest in Rome. Peter wrote from Rome, but he used the cryptic name Babylon in his first letter in 1 Peter 5:13.
The reason for this was so that if the officials somehow got a hold of the letter, they wouldn't see that there was this much of the work of the Lord going on in Rome, and Peter didn't want any of the Christians in Rome to suffer if they were to get a hold of the letter. So, he used the cryptic name Babylon in making reference to Rome.
According to I Peter 5:12, Silvanus, or Silas, received the dictation of this first letter. The second letter (2 Peter) was written by Peter himself.
So, there is a difference in writing style, not so much in vocabulary as it is in writing style. That's because Silas took the dictation of the first letter, and it was in Silas' writing style. And 2 Peter was written by Peter himself.
According to Verse 1, Peter wrote his letters to the DIASPORA which is the official title and designation for the Jews who had been displaced from Jerusalem.
This group of the DIASPORA was located just to the East of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, the Seven Churches of Revelation. The Book of Revelation was written to these seven churches some 30 years after Peter wrote his letters.
Peter wrote his first letter around 63 A.D. right before his arrest in Rome. Peter wrote from Rome, but he used the cryptic name Babylon in his first letter in 1 Peter 5:13.
The reason for this was so that if the officials somehow got a hold of the letter, they wouldn't see that there was this much of the work of the Lord going on in Rome, and Peter didn't want any of the Christians in Rome to suffer if they were to get a hold of the letter. So, he used the cryptic name Babylon in making reference to Rome.
According to I Peter 5:12, Silvanus, or Silas, received the dictation of this first letter. The second letter (2 Peter) was written by Peter himself.
So, there is a difference in writing style, not so much in vocabulary as it is in writing style. That's because Silas took the dictation of the first letter, and it was in Silas' writing style. And 2 Peter was written by Peter himself.
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