Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jesustime - 1 year ago
    Bible Study to win the lost !

    Luke 24:47,48 Jesus said!

    Mark 16:16,17 Jesus said!

    Acts 2:38,39 Peter preached what Jesus said!

    Acts 4:12 No other name!

    John 3:1-6 Must be born again of the water & Spirit!

    1 Peter 3:21 Baptism saves us!

    Acts 10:44-48 Can't be good enough without Jesus!

    Acts 8:1-6 Ethiopian Eunic gets baptized in Jesus name and starts a 2000 plus year revival still going on today !

    Acts 19:1-6 have you received the Holy Ghost since you been a believer?

    Acts 5:32 gotta obey Him!

    1 Corinthians 14:2,22,39 tongues are for a sign!

    Acts 2:4 The Spirit gives the utterance!

    Acts 1:8 Receive power !

    John 21:15 Jesus loves you dearly!!!!!!!
  • Texsis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you.! For typing these verses helping us to win the lost to Jesus & be 'Reborn/Saved by Repenting. Awesome.! Bless you.

    Yet to clarify for those that are new: 1 Peter 3:21, (as goes w/a few other verses suchas John 3:3-21, 12:43-50 & Titus 3:5. "To be born again/saved after repenting is *except Christ as Lord, believe in His DBR & therefore being in His spirit as one by Gods grace & it is thru this, that we are saved*, which is the ONLY thing getting us to heaven.! NOTHING else is needed.!

    Referance of being baptised 'of' (not 'in') water is of the mothers womb for God being ALL OMNI- knew man would some day try & duplicate His creation. (As man is now). BEFORE Christ DBR there was water baptism. Spititual baptistm is when one chooses (Gods freewill, not forced) to repent excepting His DBR as truth in their heart.! Wolves in sheep clothing may lead them to Christ yet God will guide them to His truth in His time for His purpose.

    Water baptism is merely an outword show of our salvation for others to help hold us accountable. We can be comforted w/His peace that passes ALL understanding if we continually seek His word. We'll go through trials till He knows if we're strong enough in His wisdom to complete His way for us.! Did the thief nx to Jesus come down from the cross, get baptised & placed bk up to die? No, Christ knew his heart was sincere, forgave him instantly, of his sins & said "today you shall be with me in paradise".! No water needed.!

    As for " 1 Cor 14, Yes tongues Is a gift for some (NOT entire congregation) from God or at times were 2-3 (no more) gather (again HE knows their heart so to do so w/out an interpreter in anyother situation is blasphemy). Only truly believing His DBR will get us eternity in heaven.

    John 3:15-21 (Christ own words). Doesn't say 'believe in me & do this or that'. The period after Everlasting life.

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