Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jordyn - 1 year ago

    Revelation 1:1 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST ........ and he (the Spirit of Christ) SENT and SIGNIFIED IT (the REVELATION of himself) to his servant John:

    Most think Revelation is a prophecy of anti-christ; even though, the WORD says it's the REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST.

    The ENTIRE word of God is the voice and words of JESUS CHRIST, different men through the ages have taken pen in hand and recorded the WORDS of Christ, yet, they are Christ's words, not the words of the one who penned them.

    These are Christ's words, REVEALING himself to the carnal mind of man:

    Revelation 4:7 And the FIRST BEAST was like a lion, and the SECOND BEAST was like a calf, and the THIRD BEAST had a face as a man, and the FORTH BEAST was like a flying eagle.

    Are these FOUR BEAST four different things, or, are they four descriptions REVEALING JESUS CHRIST?

    Scripture says, NO VERSE is the private interpretation of the verse itself, but has to be understood by applying other verses of scripture to understand.

    We have to find the interpretation of Revelation 4:7 in other scriptures to understand.

    Numbers 24:7 He (the Spirit) shall pour the water out of his (Christ's) buckets, and his (Christ's) SEED shall be as many waters (peoples, tongues, and nations) and his (the Spirit's) king (Christ) shall be higher than Agag, and his (Christ's) kingdom shall be exalted.

    Numbers 24:8 God brought him (Christ) out of Egypt; he (Christ) hath as it were the strength of a unicorn (ox): he (Christ) shall eat up the nations his (Christ's) enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows (words).

    Numbers 24:9 He (Christ) crouched, he lay down LIKE A LION, and as a GREAT LION: who shall stir him (Christ, a lion) up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee (Christ, the Spirit of prophecy), and cursed is he that curseth thee (Christ, the spirit of prophecy).

    LOOK to the scriptures; all FOUR BEAST, the lion, the calf, the man, the eagle, are CHRIST.

    God Bless You!
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Ezekiel Ch 1 , this is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God , the Gospel of Salvation in Christ the Son of God , the four faces are the four Gospel books . Which face is which gospel ? Matthews ? Marks ? Luke's and John's ? What do you think ? I think John is the eagle , Matthew the Lion , Luke the man and Mark the ox/ calf . Ezekiel Ch 1 is such an awesome chapter , it terrified me the first time I read it :) .
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You are correct; Ezekiel 1 is a description of the Kingdom of God, the creature becoming ONE with God, through the WORKS of Christ and his cross.

    A wheel within a wheel, and where the Spirit went the wheels followed, and when the Spirit stood still the wheels stood still, just like the CLOUD over the tabernacle in the wilderness.

    God BLESS YOU!

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