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I'm just going to come right out and say it, it's silly to get caught up in which translation is the "true" translation. I will give everyone a different view; and, I'll do that by asking a question: Which gospel, (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) is the "real" gospel? You see, these gospels are subtly different, and one more so (John) yet logically, Christ only lived one life on this earth so "logically" there can only be one "true" gospel! The answer is, they are all the true gospel! So, which translation is the "true" translation; the answer to that lies in WHY Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are all the true gospel: Because God desires to speak to us All (humans). The same is true of the different translations, some "hear" Kjv best and some niv etc What is the holy bible but paper and ink? It's God The Holy Spirit who "SPEAKS" to us individually, and as individuals we are unique, therefore God speaks to EACH one of us in our own unique way!
It's important to note that these translations do not use the Westcott and Hort text exclusively but incorporate various critical scholarship and manuscript evidence to produce their editions of the New Testament. Different editions and revisions of these translations may have variations in the Greek text used. Additionally, some translations, like the KJV and the New King James Version (NKJV), continue to use the Textus Receptus as their Greek text source for the New Testament.
NOW that being said... Here is the REAL issue now.
Even if a NEW KJV version would be done using the Textus Receptus TODAY! It would not be as good as the KJV for ONE reason. The men and now "women" translating it are viewing it through the lens of a POST-Feminist Western culture. So they can't help but misinterpret its true meaning. Telling women to submit to their husbands for example in 2023 is NOT socially acceptable.
It's not that I don't see what you're getting at, I truly do. But I feel that not many people are getting what I'm saying! I keep getting from people the reasons other translations are inferior, but my point is; Truly, it doesn't matter! To put things in perspective I'll illustrate: More often than not scholar think that the best way to get the true meaning from scripture is to learn and read scripture in its original language. Now, the obvious problem arises, I have to learn the original language, and this takes time. The obvious response to this problem is, "Well, then learn the original language! For if God means so very much to someone then it's a small price to pay!" And, for the worldly wise this answer may seem appropriate, yet the obvious problem is that until I learn and become fluent in the original language I'm in jeopardy of condemnation because I'm ignorant of the truth!
Now, this is an exaggerated situation but my POINT is exemplified: if the Real Truth is only found in a book then one Must have the "right" book. Some will say "Well, that's true because if someone doesn't have the holy bible then how can they KNOW Christ?" To that I say, if someone needs a book to know God then he truly isn't God! My God and Father isn't bound by ANYTHING, least of all a book! Now, the enemy might stir some to think that I speak against the holy bible, I don't. What I speak against is ANY limitation placed upon God! If God can use a demon or a donkey, why would He be limited by a words or a translation? The obvious question to my statement is, "If someone doesn't have the holy bible then how would they hear of Christ?" To that I refer to Proof that God isn't limited by ANYTHING! Romans 2:13-16 This passage is my Evidence that God is FAITHFUL even though we are faithless. And, that is what the holy bible is, evidence, not God. For how did the Gentiles know the law, thought they never had the law? God placed His Law upon their hearts so that they live by It.
Using your same logic if God can make a donkey talk then he can surely preserve his Holy Words and He did so in all the prior bible versions that lead up to the creation of the King James Version bible. ;-)
The King James Version ER (Easy Read) is also good but no longer in print. :(
The Apostles were writing this stuff down for a reason. They wrote letters to the churches for a reason and demanded they be read to the entire church. Sure initially it was verbal but with time these Epistles of the NT were collected and canonized in part to stop the ton of forgeries circulating claiming to be from Paul and Peter. So "babes" in Christ could know for sure what was legit and what wasn't.
We are in a spiritual battle and Satan was busy creating chaos before the canonization of the bible and continued even after. He used the likes of Westcott and Hort to sow his leaven into the future bible perversions.
Here we are 2000 years later... Not having it written down was not practical.
None of what you said truly addresses what I wrote, that is, you ignored the "meat" of what I said! Quick recap: the holy bible is not God, God isn't limited by anything least of all a translation or a book, God The Holy Spirit engrafts His Law in our heart not a book. I could go on but you didn't address the things that mentioned so I'll stop there. I understand why the apostles wrote things down,( see, I'm addressing your statements),it was to "make" God "accessible" to people not chosen (by God) to "Hear" The Holy Spirit. I also understand that the holy bible, along with scripture and translations, are like crutches for people who are learning to walk; crutches are needful and helpful for those unable to "walk" on there own. But, and hear me out, if someone has God in their heart there is no need for a "crutch"! There is MUCH more I would love to say but unless one has a certain Understanding about Who God and what He actually accomplishes to say more is hurtful; I fear that even what I already said is unhelpful.
Dear Daruled , may I ask ? If you don't need the Bible any more , why do you visit this Bible site ? And instead of berating those of us who do still need it , why don't you enlighten us , in a friendly Christian manner , to the things that you have learned about God by direct revelation through His Holy Spirit ? We would be very interested . Just because we still want , need and enjoy the Bible , does that annoy you ? If it does , why does it ?
Exactly... whenever I hear arguments such as the one Daruled bring up it reminds me of a theology teacher who once said to his student who was now doubting sections of the bible or the bible altogether... The theology teacher asked "My brother, what sin are you entertaining?, the student hung his head low and walked away."
Thank you. I'm sorry that you feel that I berate. I get why you might think that I berate, but Truly it's done in LOVE. What I'm Professing is The Truth, you see, everyone is missing The Message! I'm NOT speaking against the holy bible, I'm rebuking Any declarations that a book is God! God is SO MUCH MORE! A book doesn't "bring" anyone closer to God, and you wonder HOW God reveals Himself to people, Romans 2:13-16. And here is The Prophecy from which it came Jeremiah 31:31-34. You think I call the holy bible frivolous? I call the holy bible holy, just, and good. But, I will never call the holy bible God. Everyone is so incensed that their anger is causing them to sin.
Jema, you ask for a Revelation to "prove" that God has sent me with His Message. Well, Christ was asked the same, Luke 11:29-30; so, what is The Sign of Jonah? Jonah hated the Ninevites, so the Ninevites had No reason to listen to Jonah because Jonah made his distaste obvious. The sign of Jonah is God sending a man who is disliked and even hated to people, who dislike and hate him, to declare their destruction. Why? For if the people "Listen" to their hatred then they will not hear God in the message, but if the people "put away" their hatred they may avoid Destruction.
Jema, you ask me to imagine how quarrelsome we would be without the Bible, very quarrelsome indeed; but, I ask you to imagine how MUCH Faith we would have as a consequence. You see, if everyone yells for you to go left, but God's Holy Spirit directs you right, And you obey God, my God, The Wonders we would witness!
Jema, you ask why the people killed Christ. I tell you, it wasn't because they didn't know He was the Messiah! John 3:1-3 the Pharisees killed Christ because He came to take away their power as priests of God; they were necessary to the people because if a person wanted to seek God, they had to go to them. God "did away with this by making All people a holy nation and priests! Put away anger and Listen!
Dear Daruled , please forgive me because it seems I have been a bit aggressive . That's not my intention , be assured that I am not angry with you and I certainly do not hate you ! Not for one second ! I think that we are perhaps talking at crossed purposes . I don't disagree with you when you say that God is able to communicate with any of us in any way that He chooses , however I am convinced that the Bible is God's primary way of communicating with us and His By Spirit , the Spirit of Truth , guides our understanding . In these last days , the Bible is so important as it will strengthen our understanding of and faith in , Ourselves Heavenly Father . We are going to need faith as we see the Kingdom approaching . I trust the Bible implicitly , if a human told me that the Holy Spirit had told them something in direct opposition to what the Bible says , I would stick with the Bible . That's just how I feel . It's my touchstone , it's my comfort , it's my strength . It's the Word of God , I trust the Word of God . Please don't think that I have any bad feelings toward you , I promise you that I don't :) .
And a warning which all of us have to take seriously.
The belief that many christians have that it is only them who were revealed the truth by God among many other millions of christians woldwide and through all centuaries since Christ is very dangerous. It is not only us that God loves and we are not only us who love God so much and seek for the Truth passionately and sincerely. One who walks such a path will loose his mind and soul at the end. We all have to listen to others and learn from them comparing what they say to the Bible. Sometimes it takes time to accept a different opinion or to understand something but if we are true seekers we will be eventually led to the truth by God. Our brothers and sisters today but also since the ancient times have a lot to teach us, things that were revealed to them centuaries before we were born.
You are right that the Bible is not God. It is a written book about God. The only true book that talks about God.
Jema is right that we need the Bible that reveals us what God wants us to know about Him. Is the Bible necessary to us? Definitely yes. Think about Paul and Timothy. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul asks Timothy, "1Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
The teachings about Christ and salvation were at that time progressing from mouth to mouth. But eventually they were written down in what we call The New Testament. Nowadays we don't have Paul (neither the other wittnesses and apostles) with us to teach us what Christ said to people or what Christ revealed specifically to them BUT we have what the wisdom of God has preserved for us to know (gospels and epistles) which are adequate for our salvation. We don't know everything, but neither Paul did. That is why he said that we know in part, the perfect and complete knowledge about God will be aquired by us when we go to Heaven and speak to God face to face. But what we have now is adequate.
In what you are right is that we need the Spirit of God to give us a deeper knowledge and revelations about the written word of God. But again God will never reveal to somebody something which is in contrast with His written Word. If that may be the case one has to reject such revelations, they are not from God, God doesn't contradict/cancel Himself. A deeper knowledge can be also aquired when we live the Word of God. Example, one may know that God baptizes believers in His Spirit, but the real sense and knowledge about what just a baptizm is, will only be felt by one when they are going through such a baptizm. I hope you get what I want to say.
The Word is GOD, GOD the Father, two thousand years ago the Word -GOD- was made flesh, and the NAME He chose for He Himself was JESUS( John 1:18).
Hebrews 1:2-3:- 2 In these last days (last two days) GOD has spoken unto us by His Son,whom He hath appointed heir of all things,by whom also He made the worlds; 3 Who being the brightness of His Glory, and the EXPRESS IMAGE OF GOD's PERSON -the Word-...He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
1 John 5:7 - There are THREE that (TESTIFY)bear record in heaven,the Father(the Person of GOD the Father-the Word),the Word (GOD Son-the Word made flesh-JESUS),and the Holy Spirit-the Paraclete,the Confort- John 16:12-15 combined with Jn 15:26 (who is not a ghost as is written in English language, but a Person, actually the Ancient of Days- Daniel 7:22, and the God of the earth- Revelation 11:4):these three are One.
By the way, Judgment was(will be) given to the saints of the most High;the time came that the saints possessed(will posses)the kingdom-Dan.7:22-(in LITERAL fulfillment of Rev.11:15to18.Take a look.)
Unfortunatelly, Your thinking is from a human perspective,a stumblingblock,not from GOD's perspective.Who is of the earth is earthly,and speaks of the earth- John 3:31-who is from above is above all.
JESUS said:He that believeth on me,as the Scriptures-the Bible- hath said,out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water- Jn 7:38.And more:Search the Scriptures(the Bible);for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life:and they are they which testify of me- Jn 5:39.
JESUS said to the Devil:Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceedeth out of the MOUTH of GOD-Mat.4:4. By the way,GOD who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,Hath in these last days(last two Days or two millenia)spoken unto us by His Son,whom He has appointed heir of all things,by whom also he made the worlds-Heb.1:1-3
1. The KJV uses the Textus Receputs other translations don't.
2. Some of the other translations use the Wescott & Hort Greek New Testament those too guys were heretics.
The Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament, also known as the "Critical Text," was a significant edition of the Greek New Testament published in the late 19th century. It represented a departure from the Textus Receptus, which had been the basis for many earlier English translations, such as the King James Version (KJV).
Many modern Bible translations use the Westcott and Hort text or a revised version of it as the basis for their New Testament. Some of the popular Bible translations that use the Westcott and Hort Greek text or a similar critical text include:
1. **Revised Standard Version (RSV)** - The RSV was one of the first major English translations to incorporate critical text principles, including the Westcott and Hort Greek text, when it was published in 1952.
2. **New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)** - The NRSV is an update of the RSV and also uses the Westcott and Hort text as a basis for its New Testament.
3. **English Standard Version (ESV)** - The ESV is a more recent translation that has its roots in the Revised Standard Version and the Westcott and Hort text.
4. **Common English Bible (CEB)** - The CEB, published in 2011, also relies on the critical text tradition, which includes the Westcott and Hort Greek text.
5. **New International Version (NIV)** - While the NIV is not based directly on the Westcott and Hort text, it incorporates elements of modern textual criticism and is influenced by critical text principles.
6. **New American Standard Bible (NASB)** - The NASB is another translation that relies on modern critical editions of the Greek New Testament and is influenced by the Westcott and Hort text.
In regard to the previous conundrum; it is clear that there is no perfect word for word translation from the Hebrew; Greek or Aramaic to the English language. Therefore; we can get closer to the original text; or closer to understandable English for sentence composition and keep a balance to preserve the basic integrity of the text. Greek has MORE meanings to the same word so that often we can say several different words for the meaning. Certain words such as and; but etc can be added to make more sense; and Paul's famous "run on" sentences can be shortened a bit to maintain sanity.
Obviously the 1611 version and older Tyndale etc are very hard to understand. The biggest issue for other more modern versions is care needs to be taken so that Christ isn't somehow reduced from being part of the Godhead. Certain politically skewed versions clearly are spurious and need to be avoided.
One other issue is older vs newer commentaries; for instance before the 20th Century no one knew Israel would become a nation again although some were able to ascertain the fact from prophetic truths. The church was often subtituted for Israel; and a Pope said to be Antichrst (who today is more apt to be the False Prophet). There is no doubt that many justified Holy Wars based on a militant church rather than holding to the admonition of Christ that His Kingdom is not of this world. I would say that concepts of Predestination the Reformers revisited are crucial points; but again any doctrine can't be divorced from the rest of scripture (such as the need for Repentance; and Holy living).
In the end; the countless thousands of cross references between the Old and New Testament show how it functions as one book; despite centuries between the lives of the authors we see numerous fulfilled prophecies and many yet to come for the Millennium and beyond related to Christ; Israel and the church.
Thank you for your comments, but I don't think that you are understanding what I'm trying to articulate. Look at my comments to Jimbob: Jimbob was saying that the true translation is the KJV. I responded that the holy bible is only a book, and that the TRUE Word of God is The Holy Spirit not a book of paper and ink, thus translation doesn't mean much because God (The Holy Spirit) makes things make sense rather than a book. Jimbob replied back that the holy bible is more than just a book, (true by the way). Then I said in response to that, that I Love the holy bible and that I only speak against it, NOT out of any I'll will, but ONLY because many people can't tell that the holy bible is NOT God, for God created the holy bible and we are to Worship The Creator NOT the created!
Now, to your response: You go on about how important accurate translation is from the original text so that we may accurately get all patterns and mysteries (cryptic messages numbers of letters etc). To all that I see where you are coming from, in fact I had a conversation with God about this very issue! I point to Jeremiah 8:8-9 and ask, "Father! How can I believe the holy bible when you rebuke the lying pen of the scribes!" My Father said to me "Am I God?", to which I replied "Yes Father." Then He said, "Then accept that though man has changed scripture, I Am God and they have not changed it beyond usefulness." Thus, The True Word of God, (that which He placed in my heart) is intact. Let me be even clearer, The Holy Spirit tells me what to pay attention to and how to lose" it!
"the TRUE Word of God is The Holy Spirit not a book of paper and ink"
"God(The Holy Spirit)makes things make sense rather than a book".
Your thinking is from a human perspective,a stumblingblock,not from GOD's perspective.Who is of the earth is earthly,and speaks of the earth- John 3:31-who is from above is above all,so if you really belived in the Holy Scriptures,you would never say or write what you said above,belittling or underestimating the Book of the Lord,in fact a library of 66 books,called Bible,where you can read even the content that GOD Himself wrote with his finger, understand?
JESUS said:He that believeth on me,as the Scriptures-the Bible- hath said,out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water- John 7:38. And more:Search the Scriptures(the Bible);for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life:and they are they which testify of me- John 5:39.JESUS also says unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book(of the Bible),If any man shall add unto these things,GOD shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:if any shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,GOD shall take away his part out of the book of life,and out of the holy city,and from the things which are written in this book(of the Bible)
JESUS said to the Devil:Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceedeth out of the MOUTH of GOD-Mat.4:4.By the way,GOD who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son,whom He has appointed heir of all things,by whom also he made the worlds;Who being the brightness of His glory,and the EXPRESS IMAGE OF GOD's PERSON,and upholding all things by the Word of His power,when He had by Himself purged our sins,sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high- Hebrews 1:1-3
Be careful or then get ready, the Word is GOD,self-executable, OK?
Amen to you . Why did God preserve His Word ? Was it not for our benefit ? As a means by which we humans might learn of Him and His Son and draw closer to them ? How do any of us know anything about Our Heavenly Father ? Through His Word of course ! God's Holy Spirit helps us to understand His Word the Bible . God thinks of everything , nothing that He provided is extraenious or insignificant .
Wow, I say that God is MORE than just a book, that the holy bible points to God, it doesn't define God (if you can't understand this Revelation then I worry for you). Then, I say that God ISN'T limited by a translation or book. Finally, I say that God The Holy Spirit puts His law in our heart NOT a book so that we are doers of the law NOT merely hearers of the law.
And then you say that my perspective is worldly?!! Just, WOW.
Oseas, you can quote to me everything in the holy bible but the Fact that you don't understand what I'm saying is evidence that the enemy has deceived you! I'm a very BLESSED man who Sees The Sunrise, and you are a blind man rebuking me for describing what I See, then you go on describing a sunrise that was described to you but have Never seen. So, when I tell you that what you are describing barely scratches the surface of THE TRUTH, you rebuke me for my sight, as I struggle (and fail) to NOT rebuke you for your blindness. Here's the thing about blindness;I would be remiss if I rebuked a blind man for his blindness, yet it's my Duty as a man of God to Rebuke a person who is blind because they refuse to open their eyes.
Who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth- John 3:31. Your earthly and devilish verbiage and chatter is good for nothing, what matters and prevails is the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD, self-executing, understand? By the way, be sure that your satanic spiritual guide( 2Corinthians 11:12-15) will be cast down into the bottomless pit from now on, day by day, understand?- Revelation 20:3.
Furthermore, the LAST and main partner of your spiritual guide according Genesis 3:1-, he will be elected soon, that is the LAST Beast to be elected- Revelation 13:1- called Vicarivs Filii Dei, a filii of Devil; he will be cast into the lake of fire - Revelation 19:19-20 - burning with brimstone by the Power of the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD-self-executable- , understand? including their followers, those which he deceived(have been deceived) and received (have received) the mark of the Beast, and they worshipp the Beast making a signal of CROSS- CROSS is CURSE - with right HAND completing the satanic sign on FOREHEAD-AS WAS PROPHESIED- Revelation 13:16- combined with Isaiah 44:20.
These will be cast alive into the hell's fire from now on- 2 Peter 3:7 combined withn Revelation 19:19-20, even in this LORD's Day, in this seventh and last Day, that is the seventh and last millennium, the current millennium, THE MILLENNIUM OF CHRIST, according the righteous Judgment of GOD, the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Get ready, for Revelation 21:8 will LITERALLY be fulfilled: "the fearful(the COWARDS), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
I find that God calls me to fellowship, give knowledge and/or wisdom, also to learn from people.
God gave me, not unique understanding, but truth. Sadly, truth has been skewed to the point of unrecognizability. I actually Love to explain why I believe what I believe, where I get it from and what it means to believe as I do. But, I find that God also calls me to do battle with demons and strongholds. You see, God doesn't Judge us for what me might do, no, God judges us for what we actually do! So, I find that I, more often than not, bring out demons in people so God may JUDGE them. Unfortunately, because demons reside in us, they must be brought out and it looks ugly. To the unknowing, it looks like I say things to get under peoples skin but Truly, I speak Truth! Remember, it is to be HOPED for that God chastens us for that is Proof of sonship. For if God doesn't chasten us then we are illegitimate and have no place in His House. Hebrews 12:5-13 Hope and Pray then for Judgment from God.
Wow, I say that God is MORE than just a book, that the holy bible points to God, it doesn't define God (if you can't understand this Revelation then I worry for you). Then, I say that God ISN'T limited by a translation or book. Finally, I say that God The Holy Spirit puts His law in our heart NOT a book so that we are doers of the law NOT merely hearers of the law.
And then you say that my perspective is worldly?!! Just, WOW.
Oseas, you can quote to me everything in the holy bible but the Fact that you don't understand what I'm saying is evidence that the enemy has deceived you! I'm a very BLESSED man who Sees The Sunrise, and you are a blind man rebuking me for describing what I See, then you go on describing a sunrise that was described to you but have Never seen. So, when I tell you that what you are describing barely scratches the surface of THE TRUTH, you rebuke me for my sight, as I struggle (and fail) to NOT rebuke you for your blindness. Here's the thing about blindness;I would be remiss if I rebuked a blind man for his blindness, yet it's my Duty as a man of God to Rebuke a person who is blind because they refuse to open their eyes.
There seems to be a lot of communication issues here! If we are to study scripture; we of course can start with the Pantateuch (or the first five books of the O.T. from Genesis to Deuteronomy. In the ORIGINAL hebrew scrolls things were copied and counted letter for letter; and if the copy was off by even ONE letter the whole manuscript would be trashed and it would be started again!
With the prophecies and other quoted references in the New Testament so well integrated and inextricable from the Old testament; as well as similar patterns seen in the New Testament (some of these relating to mysterious patterns of repeated cryptic messages skipping the same number of letters); not to mention historical proofs show the New Testament as well is the Word of God.
We of course have the immense number of manuscripts which remain; ultimately we have to trust the 1st Century scholars who rejected spurious texts such as the Gospel of Thomas or Judas and other such things; much as the Apocrypha was correctly left out of Holy Writ because of either errant doctrines (such as praying for the dead in Maccabees).
The New Testament accounts vary based on the emphasis of the author; and certain books have details about events that aren't i others. A few examples exist where the original manuscript may have an issue with a section (such as the later part of the woman at the well). It is possible at tines that similar events could seem the same. Many things are in more than one Gospel; such as His rule on divorce (not allowed in Luke and Mark); mentioned twice in Matthew with the "fornication" clause for an exception. Matthew has the complete sermon on the mount; others parts of it. The Lord's prayer is in Matthew with a slightly abbreviated version in Luke (again this is only a model or type of prayer). Geneology is emphasizing different things in Matthew and Luke as well; (Joseph in Matthew; Mary in part for Luke). Each Gospel writer is verified by historical record.
You said "its silly to get caught up in which translation is the "true" translation, I will give everyone a different view; and I'll do that by asking a question". (YOU will give a different view by asking a question)? Where did we see that before?
The first question in the Bible was asked by the serpent ( Gen 3:1) "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" This question by the serpent was to cause the woman ((to doubt)) the True commandment of God. It was a lie from the Devil, and it worked!!
You also said "What is the holy bible but paper and ink"?
The Word of God says ( Ps 138:2) "for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name".
( 1 Pet 1:25) "But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is (the word) which (by the gospel ((is preached)) unto you)".
The word (gospel) is #2097; it means to announce good news ("evangelize") especially the gospel.
The word which by the gospel is preached unto us today, so we do have that TRUE gospel being preached from a book today.
( Proverbs 30:5-6) v5 "Every word of God is pure" v6 "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar".
You are on the wrong side of the fence here Daruled, Your words are going against the Words of the Lord.
If you truly seek the Truth in this matter then find (Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch a video called, The Bible in our hand is the Twoedged SWORD of His MOUTH- Clear Evidence!
Please stop claiming the Word of God is only ink and paper, seek and Pray and you will find the Truth!
May God open your eyes to see that His pure Words are in the KJB.
( Jer 23:36) And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; FOR YE HAVE ((PERVERTED)) THE WORDS OF THE LIVING GOD, of the LORD of hosts our God.
The word (perverted) is #2015; it means TO CHANGE.
TO PERVERT the words of the living God, is to Change the word of God!
Modern versions pervert the words of the living God!
Yes, I gave a different view by asking a question. Sometimes, a question "tills the field" better than a statement because it gives the reader a chance to come to the conclusion on their own. You see, perspective is key to understanding, and it's perspective that allows us to "see" the another's eyes and understand! Now, concerning the serpent in The Garden; God said Do Not, and the serpent asked "why not"? The serpent did what "the flesh" (sarx) always does, tempt! I'm sure doubt is a part of this, yet I ask is God really ALMIGHTY? Because if He is, and He TRULY is, then "the fall" of man was always The Plan of God from The Beginning! I'll put it more clearly, the fall of mankind was Always supposed to happen. It is either, accept this truth, or believe that satan is at least as Powerful as God. How else did satan get into The Garden and have access to Adam & Eve? God allowed it.
Furthermore, it saddens me to think that you can't tell the difference between The Word Of God (The Holy Spirit), and the holy bible. You see the holy bible is holy, just, and good BUT it is a created thing and God is The Creator of the thing! We are Commanded to Worship The Creator NOT the created! Romans 1:20-25 It is for this transgression that our understanding is darkened. For The Word does and will Endure Forever, somehow I Understand that The Word is God and not a book made of paper and ink! Why else does God place His Law in our inward parts (heart) Jeremiah 31:33-34 Again, The True Gospel is NOT from a book, It is from The Holy Spirit of God.
I am with God sir, and where ever I am it is where God put me! What irks me the most is that I have to speak against a book not because of any ill will for I LOVE the holy bible, I speak against a book because people can't tell the difference from a book and God ALMIGHTY! God is Spirit and we are HIS tabernacles.
Copyright law dictates that any written book must be different from that which has a copyright by 60% different meaning and 60%different wording which means anything other than the KJV 1611 is at the very least 60% wrong.
I apologize if I have offended anyone with infallible truth.
It's important to note that these translations do not use the Westcott and Hort text exclusively but incorporate various critical scholarship and manuscript evidence to produce their editions of the New Testament. Different editions and revisions of these translations may have variations in the Greek text used. Additionally, some translations, like the KJV and the New King James Version (NKJV), continue to use the Textus Receptus as their Greek text source for the New Testament.
NOW that being said... Here is the REAL issue now.
Even if a NEW KJV version would be done using the Textus Receptus TODAY! It would not be as good as the KJV for ONE reason. The men and now "women" translating it are viewing it through the lens of a POST-Feminist Western culture. So they can't help but misinterpret its true meaning. Telling women to submit to their husbands for example in 2023 is NOT socially acceptable.
It's not that I don't see what you're getting at, I truly do. But I feel that not many people are getting what I'm saying! I keep getting from people the reasons other translations are inferior, but my point is; Truly, it doesn't matter! To put things in perspective I'll illustrate: More often than not scholar think that the best way to get the true meaning from scripture is to learn and read scripture in its original language. Now, the obvious problem arises, I have to learn the original language, and this takes time. The obvious response to this problem is, "Well, then learn the original language! For if God means so very much to someone then it's a small price to pay!" And, for the worldly wise this answer may seem appropriate, yet the obvious problem is that until I learn and become fluent in the original language I'm in jeopardy of condemnation because I'm ignorant of the truth!
Now, this is an exaggerated situation but my POINT is exemplified: if the Real Truth is only found in a book then one Must have the "right" book. Some will say "Well, that's true because if someone doesn't have the holy bible then how can they KNOW Christ?" To that I say, if someone needs a book to know God then he truly isn't God! My God and Father isn't bound by ANYTHING, least of all a book! Now, the enemy might stir some to think that I speak against the holy bible, I don't. What I speak against is ANY limitation placed upon God! If God can use a demon or a donkey, why would He be limited by a words or a translation? The obvious question to my statement is, "If someone doesn't have the holy bible then how would they hear of Christ?" To that I refer to Proof that God isn't limited by ANYTHING! Romans 2:13-16 This passage is my Evidence that God is FAITHFUL even though we are faithless. And, that is what the holy bible is, evidence, not God. For how did the Gentiles know the law, thought they never had the law? God placed His Law upon their hearts so that they live by It.
The King James Version ER (Easy Read) is also good but no longer in print. :(
The Apostles were writing this stuff down for a reason. They wrote letters to the churches for a reason and demanded they be read to the entire church. Sure initially it was verbal but with time these Epistles of the NT were collected and canonized in part to stop the ton of forgeries circulating claiming to be from Paul and Peter. So "babes" in Christ could know for sure what was legit and what wasn't.
We are in a spiritual battle and Satan was busy creating chaos before the canonization of the bible and continued even after. He used the likes of Westcott and Hort to sow his leaven into the future bible perversions.
Here we are 2000 years later... Not having it written down was not practical.
None of what you said truly addresses what I wrote, that is, you ignored the "meat" of what I said! Quick recap: the holy bible is not God, God isn't limited by anything least of all a translation or a book, God The Holy Spirit engrafts His Law in our heart not a book. I could go on but you didn't address the things that mentioned so I'll stop there. I understand why the apostles wrote things down,( see, I'm addressing your statements),it was to "make" God "accessible" to people not chosen (by God) to "Hear" The Holy Spirit. I also understand that the holy bible, along with scripture and translations, are like crutches for people who are learning to walk; crutches are needful and helpful for those unable to "walk" on there own. But, and hear me out, if someone has God in their heart there is no need for a "crutch"! There is MUCH more I would love to say but unless one has a certain Understanding about Who God and what He actually accomplishes to say more is hurtful; I fear that even what I already said is unhelpful.
Is God a universalist?
Isaiah 48:16 ...and HIS Spirit has SENT ME ......
1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify, that the Father SENT his son to be SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD....
ONLY the carnal mind of man refuses to BELIEVE that Christ will not do what his Father SENT him TO DO.
Can one be the saviour of the world UNLESS he saves the world.
Hebrews 2:8 ... we see NOT YET all things put under him .....
Ephesians 2:8 .... that in the AGES TO COME ......
Is one foolish enough to believe this age is all there is, why is it so hard to believe Christ will save most in the AGES TO COME.
Your SAVED from DEATH.
God Bless YOU!
No I do not believe God is a universalist. I was referring to the prior comment above that one wondering what sin Daruled has been entertaining.
Thank you. I'm sorry that you feel that I berate. I get why you might think that I berate, but Truly it's done in LOVE. What I'm Professing is The Truth, you see, everyone is missing The Message! I'm NOT speaking against the holy bible, I'm rebuking Any declarations that a book is God! God is SO MUCH MORE! A book doesn't "bring" anyone closer to God, and you wonder HOW God reveals Himself to people, Romans 2:13-16. And here is The Prophecy from which it came Jeremiah 31:31-34. You think I call the holy bible frivolous? I call the holy bible holy, just, and good. But, I will never call the holy bible God. Everyone is so incensed that their anger is causing them to sin.
Jema, you ask for a Revelation to "prove" that God has sent me with His Message. Well, Christ was asked the same, Luke 11:29-30; so, what is The Sign of Jonah? Jonah hated the Ninevites, so the Ninevites had No reason to listen to Jonah because Jonah made his distaste obvious. The sign of Jonah is God sending a man who is disliked and even hated to people, who dislike and hate him, to declare their destruction. Why? For if the people "Listen" to their hatred then they will not hear God in the message, but if the people "put away" their hatred they may avoid Destruction.
Jema, you ask me to imagine how quarrelsome we would be without the Bible, very quarrelsome indeed; but, I ask you to imagine how MUCH Faith we would have as a consequence. You see, if everyone yells for you to go left, but God's Holy Spirit directs you right, And you obey God, my God, The Wonders we would witness!
Jema, you ask why the people killed Christ. I tell you, it wasn't because they didn't know He was the Messiah! John 3:1-3 the Pharisees killed Christ because He came to take away their power as priests of God; they were necessary to the people because if a person wanted to seek God, they had to go to them. God "did away with this by making All people a holy nation and priests! Put away anger and Listen!
And a warning which all of us have to take seriously.
The belief that many christians have that it is only them who were revealed the truth by God among many other millions of christians woldwide and through all centuaries since Christ is very dangerous. It is not only us that God loves and we are not only us who love God so much and seek for the Truth passionately and sincerely. One who walks such a path will loose his mind and soul at the end. We all have to listen to others and learn from them comparing what they say to the Bible. Sometimes it takes time to accept a different opinion or to understand something but if we are true seekers we will be eventually led to the truth by God. Our brothers and sisters today but also since the ancient times have a lot to teach us, things that were revealed to them centuaries before we were born.
If I may intervene in your discussion with Jema.
In a sense you are both right.
You are right that the Bible is not God. It is a written book about God. The only true book that talks about God.
Jema is right that we need the Bible that reveals us what God wants us to know about Him. Is the Bible necessary to us? Definitely yes. Think about Paul and Timothy. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul asks Timothy, "1Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
The teachings about Christ and salvation were at that time progressing from mouth to mouth. But eventually they were written down in what we call The New Testament. Nowadays we don't have Paul (neither the other wittnesses and apostles) with us to teach us what Christ said to people or what Christ revealed specifically to them BUT we have what the wisdom of God has preserved for us to know (gospels and epistles) which are adequate for our salvation. We don't know everything, but neither Paul did. That is why he said that we know in part, the perfect and complete knowledge about God will be aquired by us when we go to Heaven and speak to God face to face. But what we have now is adequate.
In what you are right is that we need the Spirit of God to give us a deeper knowledge and revelations about the written word of God. But again God will never reveal to somebody something which is in contrast with His written Word. If that may be the case one has to reject such revelations, they are not from God, God doesn't contradict/cancel Himself. A deeper knowledge can be also aquired when we live the Word of God. Example, one may know that God baptizes believers in His Spirit, but the real sense and knowledge about what just a baptizm is, will only be felt by one when they are going through such a baptizm. I hope you get what I want to say.
The Word is GOD, GOD the Father, two thousand years ago the Word -GOD- was made flesh, and the NAME He chose for He Himself was JESUS( John 1:18).
Hebrews 1:2-3:- 2 In these last days (last two days) GOD has spoken unto us by His Son,whom He hath appointed heir of all things,by whom also He made the worlds; 3 Who being the brightness of His Glory, and the EXPRESS IMAGE OF GOD's PERSON -the Word-...He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
1 John 5:7 - There are THREE that (TESTIFY)bear record in heaven,the Father(the Person of GOD the Father-the Word),the Word (GOD Son-the Word made flesh-JESUS),and the Holy Spirit-the Paraclete,the Confort- John 16:12-15 combined with Jn 15:26 (who is not a ghost as is written in English language, but a Person, actually the Ancient of Days- Daniel 7:22, and the God of the earth- Revelation 11:4):these three are One.
By the way, Judgment was(will be) given to the saints of the most High;the time came that the saints possessed(will posses)the kingdom-Dan.7:22-(in LITERAL fulfillment of Rev.11:15to18.Take a look.)
Unfortunatelly, Your thinking is from a human perspective,a stumblingblock,not from GOD's perspective.Who is of the earth is earthly,and speaks of the earth- John 3:31-who is from above is above all.
JESUS said:He that believeth on me,as the Scriptures-the Bible- hath said,out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water- Jn 7:38.And more:Search the Scriptures(the Bible);for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life:and they are they which testify of me- Jn 5:39.
JESUS said to the Devil:Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceedeth out of the MOUTH of GOD-Mat.4:4. By the way,GOD who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,Hath in these last days(last two Days or two millenia)spoken unto us by His Son,whom He has appointed heir of all things,by whom also he made the worlds-Heb.1:1-3
Be careful or get ready
The Word is GOD,self-executing
I'll touch on this as briefly as possible...
1. The KJV uses the Textus Receputs other translations don't.
2. Some of the other translations use the Wescott & Hort Greek New Testament those too guys were heretics.
The Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament, also known as the "Critical Text," was a significant edition of the Greek New Testament published in the late 19th century. It represented a departure from the Textus Receptus, which had been the basis for many earlier English translations, such as the King James Version (KJV).
Many modern Bible translations use the Westcott and Hort text or a revised version of it as the basis for their New Testament. Some of the popular Bible translations that use the Westcott and Hort Greek text or a similar critical text include:
1. **Revised Standard Version (RSV)** - The RSV was one of the first major English translations to incorporate critical text principles, including the Westcott and Hort Greek text, when it was published in 1952.
2. **New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)** - The NRSV is an update of the RSV and also uses the Westcott and Hort text as a basis for its New Testament.
3. **English Standard Version (ESV)** - The ESV is a more recent translation that has its roots in the Revised Standard Version and the Westcott and Hort text.
4. **Common English Bible (CEB)** - The CEB, published in 2011, also relies on the critical text tradition, which includes the Westcott and Hort Greek text.
5. **New International Version (NIV)** - While the NIV is not based directly on the Westcott and Hort text, it incorporates elements of modern textual criticism and is influenced by critical text principles.
6. **New American Standard Bible (NASB)** - The NASB is another translation that relies on modern critical editions of the Greek New Testament and is influenced by the Westcott and Hort text.
In regard to the previous conundrum; it is clear that there is no perfect word for word translation from the Hebrew; Greek or Aramaic to the English language. Therefore; we can get closer to the original text; or closer to understandable English for sentence composition and keep a balance to preserve the basic integrity of the text. Greek has MORE meanings to the same word so that often we can say several different words for the meaning. Certain words such as and; but etc can be added to make more sense; and Paul's famous "run on" sentences can be shortened a bit to maintain sanity.
Obviously the 1611 version and older Tyndale etc are very hard to understand. The biggest issue for other more modern versions is care needs to be taken so that Christ isn't somehow reduced from being part of the Godhead. Certain politically skewed versions clearly are spurious and need to be avoided.
One other issue is older vs newer commentaries; for instance before the 20th Century no one knew Israel would become a nation again although some were able to ascertain the fact from prophetic truths. The church was often subtituted for Israel; and a Pope said to be Antichrst (who today is more apt to be the False Prophet). There is no doubt that many justified Holy Wars based on a militant church rather than holding to the admonition of Christ that His Kingdom is not of this world. I would say that concepts of Predestination the Reformers revisited are crucial points; but again any doctrine can't be divorced from the rest of scripture (such as the need for Repentance; and Holy living).
In the end; the countless thousands of cross references between the Old and New Testament show how it functions as one book; despite centuries between the lives of the authors we see numerous fulfilled prophecies and many yet to come for the Millennium and beyond related to Christ; Israel and the church.
Hope some of this helps.
Agape; Rich P
Thank you for your comments, but I don't think that you are understanding what I'm trying to articulate. Look at my comments to Jimbob: Jimbob was saying that the true translation is the KJV. I responded that the holy bible is only a book, and that the TRUE Word of God is The Holy Spirit not a book of paper and ink, thus translation doesn't mean much because God (The Holy Spirit) makes things make sense rather than a book. Jimbob replied back that the holy bible is more than just a book, (true by the way). Then I said in response to that, that I Love the holy bible and that I only speak against it, NOT out of any I'll will, but ONLY because many people can't tell that the holy bible is NOT God, for God created the holy bible and we are to Worship The Creator NOT the created!
Now, to your response: You go on about how important accurate translation is from the original text so that we may accurately get all patterns and mysteries (cryptic messages numbers of letters etc). To all that I see where you are coming from, in fact I had a conversation with God about this very issue! I point to Jeremiah 8:8-9 and ask, "Father! How can I believe the holy bible when you rebuke the lying pen of the scribes!" My Father said to me "Am I God?", to which I replied "Yes Father." Then He said, "Then accept that though man has changed scripture, I Am God and they have not changed it beyond usefulness." Thus, The True Word of God, (that which He placed in my heart) is intact. Let me be even clearer, The Holy Spirit tells me what to pay attention to and how to lose" it!
You wrote to Jimbob:
"the holy bible is only a book;
"the TRUE Word of God is The Holy Spirit not a book of paper and ink"
"God(The Holy Spirit)makes things make sense rather than a book".
Your thinking is from a human perspective,a stumblingblock,not from GOD's perspective.Who is of the earth is earthly,and speaks of the earth- John 3:31-who is from above is above all,so if you really belived in the Holy Scriptures,you would never say or write what you said above,belittling or underestimating the Book of the Lord,in fact a library of 66 books,called Bible,where you can read even the content that GOD Himself wrote with his finger, understand?
JESUS said:He that believeth on me,as the Scriptures-the Bible- hath said,out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water- John 7:38. And more:Search the Scriptures(the Bible);for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life:and they are they which testify of me- John 5:39.JESUS also says unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book(of the Bible),If any man shall add unto these things,GOD shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:if any shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,GOD shall take away his part out of the book of life,and out of the holy city,and from the things which are written in this book(of the Bible)
JESUS said to the Devil:Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceedeth out of the MOUTH of GOD-Mat.4:4.By the way,GOD who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son,whom He has appointed heir of all things,by whom also he made the worlds;Who being the brightness of His glory,and the EXPRESS IMAGE OF GOD's PERSON,and upholding all things by the Word of His power,when He had by Himself purged our sins,sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high- Hebrews 1:1-3
Be careful or then get ready, the Word is GOD,self-executable, OK?
Wow, I say that God is MORE than just a book, that the holy bible points to God, it doesn't define God (if you can't understand this Revelation then I worry for you). Then, I say that God ISN'T limited by a translation or book. Finally, I say that God The Holy Spirit puts His law in our heart NOT a book so that we are doers of the law NOT merely hearers of the law.
And then you say that my perspective is worldly?!! Just, WOW.
Oseas, you can quote to me everything in the holy bible but the Fact that you don't understand what I'm saying is evidence that the enemy has deceived you! I'm a very BLESSED man who Sees The Sunrise, and you are a blind man rebuking me for describing what I See, then you go on describing a sunrise that was described to you but have Never seen. So, when I tell you that what you are describing barely scratches the surface of THE TRUTH, you rebuke me for my sight, as I struggle (and fail) to NOT rebuke you for your blindness. Here's the thing about blindness;I would be remiss if I rebuked a blind man for his blindness, yet it's my Duty as a man of God to Rebuke a person who is blind because they refuse to open their eyes.
Who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth- John 3:31. Your earthly and devilish verbiage and chatter is good for nothing, what matters and prevails is the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD, self-executing, understand? By the way, be sure that your satanic spiritual guide( 2Corinthians 11:12-15) will be cast down into the bottomless pit from now on, day by day, understand?- Revelation 20:3.
Furthermore, the LAST and main partner of your spiritual guide according Genesis 3:1-, he will be elected soon, that is the LAST Beast to be elected- Revelation 13:1- called Vicarivs Filii Dei, a filii of Devil; he will be cast into the lake of fire - Revelation 19:19-20 - burning with brimstone by the Power of the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD-self-executable- , understand? including their followers, those which he deceived(have been deceived) and received (have received) the mark of the Beast, and they worshipp the Beast making a signal of CROSS- CROSS is CURSE - with right HAND completing the satanic sign on FOREHEAD-AS WAS PROPHESIED- Revelation 13:16- combined with Isaiah 44:20.
These will be cast alive into the hell's fire from now on- 2 Peter 3:7 combined withn Revelation 19:19-20, even in this LORD's Day, in this seventh and last Day, that is the seventh and last millennium, the current millennium, THE MILLENNIUM OF CHRIST, according the righteous Judgment of GOD, the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Get ready, for Revelation 21:8 will LITERALLY be fulfilled: "the fearful(the COWARDS), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Get ready
God gave me, not unique understanding, but truth. Sadly, truth has been skewed to the point of unrecognizability. I actually Love to explain why I believe what I believe, where I get it from and what it means to believe as I do. But, I find that God also calls me to do battle with demons and strongholds. You see, God doesn't Judge us for what me might do, no, God judges us for what we actually do! So, I find that I, more often than not, bring out demons in people so God may JUDGE them. Unfortunately, because demons reside in us, they must be brought out and it looks ugly. To the unknowing, it looks like I say things to get under peoples skin but Truly, I speak Truth! Remember, it is to be HOPED for that God chastens us for that is Proof of sonship. For if God doesn't chasten us then we are illegitimate and have no place in His House. Hebrews 12:5-13 Hope and Pray then for Judgment from God.
Wow, I say that God is MORE than just a book, that the holy bible points to God, it doesn't define God (if you can't understand this Revelation then I worry for you). Then, I say that God ISN'T limited by a translation or book. Finally, I say that God The Holy Spirit puts His law in our heart NOT a book so that we are doers of the law NOT merely hearers of the law.
And then you say that my perspective is worldly?!! Just, WOW.
Oseas, you can quote to me everything in the holy bible but the Fact that you don't understand what I'm saying is evidence that the enemy has deceived you! I'm a very BLESSED man who Sees The Sunrise, and you are a blind man rebuking me for describing what I See, then you go on describing a sunrise that was described to you but have Never seen. So, when I tell you that what you are describing barely scratches the surface of THE TRUTH, you rebuke me for my sight, as I struggle (and fail) to NOT rebuke you for your blindness. Here's the thing about blindness;I would be remiss if I rebuked a blind man for his blindness, yet it's my Duty as a man of God to Rebuke a person who is blind because they refuse to open their eyes.
With the prophecies and other quoted references in the New Testament so well integrated and inextricable from the Old testament; as well as similar patterns seen in the New Testament (some of these relating to mysterious patterns of repeated cryptic messages skipping the same number of letters); not to mention historical proofs show the New Testament as well is the Word of God.
We of course have the immense number of manuscripts which remain; ultimately we have to trust the 1st Century scholars who rejected spurious texts such as the Gospel of Thomas or Judas and other such things; much as the Apocrypha was correctly left out of Holy Writ because of either errant doctrines (such as praying for the dead in Maccabees).
The New Testament accounts vary based on the emphasis of the author; and certain books have details about events that aren't i others. A few examples exist where the original manuscript may have an issue with a section (such as the later part of the woman at the well). It is possible at tines that similar events could seem the same. Many things are in more than one Gospel; such as His rule on divorce (not allowed in Luke and Mark); mentioned twice in Matthew with the "fornication" clause for an exception. Matthew has the complete sermon on the mount; others parts of it. The Lord's prayer is in Matthew with a slightly abbreviated version in Luke (again this is only a model or type of prayer). Geneology is emphasizing different things in Matthew and Luke as well; (Joseph in Matthew; Mary in part for Luke). Each Gospel writer is verified by historical record.
You said "its silly to get caught up in which translation is the "true" translation, I will give everyone a different view; and I'll do that by asking a question". (YOU will give a different view by asking a question)? Where did we see that before?
The first question in the Bible was asked by the serpent ( Gen 3:1) "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" This question by the serpent was to cause the woman ((to doubt)) the True commandment of God. It was a lie from the Devil, and it worked!!
You also said "What is the holy bible but paper and ink"?
The Word of God says ( Ps 138:2) "for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name".
( 1 Pet 1:25) "But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is (the word) which (by the gospel ((is preached)) unto you)".
The word (gospel) is #2097; it means to announce good news ("evangelize") especially the gospel.
The word which by the gospel is preached unto us today, so we do have that TRUE gospel being preached from a book today.
( Proverbs 30:5-6) v5 "Every word of God is pure" v6 "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar".
You are on the wrong side of the fence here Daruled, Your words are going against the Words of the Lord.
If you truly seek the Truth in this matter then find (Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch a video called, The Bible in our hand is the Twoedged SWORD of His MOUTH- Clear Evidence!
Please stop claiming the Word of God is only ink and paper, seek and Pray and you will find the Truth!
May God open your eyes to see that His pure Words are in the KJB.
( Jer 23:36) And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; FOR YE HAVE ((PERVERTED)) THE WORDS OF THE LIVING GOD, of the LORD of hosts our God.
The word (perverted) is #2015; it means TO CHANGE.
TO PERVERT the words of the living God, is to Change the word of God!
Modern versions pervert the words of the living God!
Truth matters!
Yes, I gave a different view by asking a question. Sometimes, a question "tills the field" better than a statement because it gives the reader a chance to come to the conclusion on their own. You see, perspective is key to understanding, and it's perspective that allows us to "see" the another's eyes and understand! Now, concerning the serpent in The Garden; God said Do Not, and the serpent asked "why not"? The serpent did what "the flesh" (sarx) always does, tempt! I'm sure doubt is a part of this, yet I ask is God really ALMIGHTY? Because if He is, and He TRULY is, then "the fall" of man was always The Plan of God from The Beginning! I'll put it more clearly, the fall of mankind was Always supposed to happen. It is either, accept this truth, or believe that satan is at least as Powerful as God. How else did satan get into The Garden and have access to Adam & Eve? God allowed it.
Furthermore, it saddens me to think that you can't tell the difference between The Word Of God (The Holy Spirit), and the holy bible. You see the holy bible is holy, just, and good BUT it is a created thing and God is The Creator of the thing! We are Commanded to Worship The Creator NOT the created! Romans 1:20-25 It is for this transgression that our understanding is darkened. For The Word does and will Endure Forever, somehow I Understand that The Word is God and not a book made of paper and ink! Why else does God place His Law in our inward parts (heart) Jeremiah 31:33-34 Again, The True Gospel is NOT from a book, It is from The Holy Spirit of God.
I am with God sir, and where ever I am it is where God put me! What irks me the most is that I have to speak against a book not because of any ill will for I LOVE the holy bible, I speak against a book because people can't tell the difference from a book and God ALMIGHTY! God is Spirit and we are HIS tabernacles.
Responding with worldly wisdom in response to spiritual wisdom is the epitome of folly. I apologize if I have offended you.
I apologize if I have offended anyone with infallible truth.
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