Bible Discussion Thread

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago

    The Grace of God that appears to all mankind, begotten Paul & he declares in 1Cor 15:10 made what he now is.

    What the Apostles received by the Revelation of Jesus Christ from His Grace appearance, they wrote down in the Epistle's that bares their name, & they believed & attain unto this knowledge by the diligent exercising thereof Hebrews 5:14 Hebrews 12:11 Philippians 3:16

    Here's a small unfolding of His Grace / Light

    They let Patience James 1:4,25 James 5:11 1Pet 5:9,10

    Make you Perfect Hebrews 13:21

    Be ye Perfect Matt 5:48 indicating this perfection is the same as the Father, there's not a different standard of holiness for mankind describe here.

    The angel declared to Mary, Matt 1:21 not in their sin!


    Everything that God does is perfect, do you really believe that He would sent His only begotten Son to suffer all that He did for our sakes, & it not be a perfect restoration for His beloved creations.

    I tell you by the Scriptures, sound reasoning & the Holy Ghost it's goes beyond the state of Adam innocents before he fell

    Rom 6:3-5 the newness of life spoken of here is the likeness of His resurrection life & that is attain by working of His Divine Power 2Pet 1:2-4

    I'm talking Grace, here now in this life. Don't be deceived, it's accompanies all that Christ experience, 1Pet 2:21 this too is apart of being make in His image & likeness, walking as He walk, the Apostles final got it after Pentecost, being baptized unto His death. This is when 1John 1:1-5 truly came into spiritual experiential experience. John 7:17

    John 4:23,24 True worship is doing His will

    & that will is reveal by His Grace / Light appearance in your heart. 2Cor 4:6,7

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