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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Discussion-Thread/index.php on line 2 BIBLE DISCUSSION THREAD 221249
The grk for Holy Ghost is Agio Pneuma, the grk for Holy Spirit is again Agio Pneuma. There is no difference. There is a difference in Engl. but in other languages there isn't such, especially in grk. Why did the translators of the KJB use the word ghost instead of spirit? Because it how it was called 400 years ago but not nowadays. The difference between OT and NT is not a matter of words but a matter of function. The Holy Spirit in the old days didn't dwel inside the bodies of believers, this was done after Jesus ascended to His Father after His resurrection and was given the Spirit who he since that time sends to believers .In the OT the Spirit did not reside permanently in any person, even in the case of the prophets, the Spirit was coming upon them, they prophesied and then He was gone until the next time. This is obvious in the case of Saul the first king. It says somewhere that the Spirit came to him and he prophesied, then the Spirit went away and an evil spirit came by and was torturing him, then after sometime again the Spirit came to him and prophesied again.thus showing that the Spirit was not residing permanently inside believers but was coming and going . GBU
TKL said he "knows the reference "Holy Ghost" did not exist in the OT" .
1John 5:7-There are three that bear record in heaven,the Father,the Word,and the Holy Spirit(who is not a ghost as is written in English language,but a Person):and these three are One.
Actually the Holy Spirit as a person is very similar to the Son of man,my Lord JESUS,but he has no light of his own as JESUS has,he has not message of his own,as JESUS had and has,and he as a person is very unknown because he has no genealogy as JESUS has,he has a written name,it is quite true,but his name is unknown,no man knows the name of the person of the Holy Spirit,despite being written,and being he SIMILAR to the Son of man-JESUS.In other words,BY ANALOGY,JESUS is the Sun,the Sun of Righteousness,JESUS is the Greater Light,the Greater Luminary,but the person of the Holy Spirit has no light of his own,he is the Lesser Luminary,as the moon is in the Solar system,the moon has not his own light,its light is from the Sun,is the reflection of Solar light.
That said,the light that the person of the Holy Spirit reflects is not from Himself,no,it is not,absolutely not,in fact he reflects the Light that he receives from JESUS,as the moon receives the Light from the Sun. I say this by the Word of the Father,by the Word of my GOD, the Father, as JESUS said: John 16:12-15 &15:26
12 I still have much to say to you, but you cannot bear it now.
13But when that Spirit of truth comes,he will guide you into all truth, for HE WILL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF,but he will speak whatever he hears and he will declare to you what is to come
14He will glorify me,for he will receive what is mine and declare it to you.
15All that the Father has is mine;therefore he told you that (HE)WILL RECEIVE WHAT IS MINE and will declare it to you.
The Person of the Holy Spirit is not a"Ghost" as is written in English language,the Person of the Holy Spirit is one of the three DISTINCTS Persons in GOD the Father,in the Word, the Word is GOD.
You are right that the Person of the Holy Spirit is one of the three DISTINCTS Persons that consist God.
Firstly we must say that God doesn't have a name like humans, say John, George, Michael... God's names have descriptive purposes. God, by using names revealed some of his characteristics to us, ie Lord of the powers, the self existing God, the almighty God etc etc. In the New Testament a new name has been revealed to us. That name is Father. He has become our Father now and we have become His children, when we accept Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
So the first person's name is Father. The second person is called the Word, since He is the person that brought the word of God to people. He is also called the Son, because it is the person that was born as a man. His HUMAN name is Jesus(which means God is salvation giving with that name the purpose of His ministry on earth) Christ (grk for the annointed one).
The third person is The Holly Spirit. He is also called the helper, the advocator, the intercessor, etc giving in this way details of His ministry on earth. After Jesus left our world physically the Holly Spirit took in charge in the church. He also comes inside the body of believers to help us aquire a character similar to God's and avoid the dominion of sin over us.
So we have 3 persons in one God, who have played and still play a distinctive role in the salvation of mankind. There isn't a person who is superior than the others, just their work, ministry is different. In this way the whole Godhead takes part in that magnificent work of our salvation. All 3 persons are completely similar to one another, they are all light, truth, love, righteouness ... They think the same, feel the same, act the same, everything they do is done together. They are not independent from the one other, they are one, one onside the others. We don't know much about the Godhead, how, what, when, so we must go with faith, just accept it as it written. This is how I know it.
In my understand and vision you need to re-study what you wrote for good self-correction. Remember: JESUS said: John 14:28 - 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is GREATER than I. I highlighted this detail in my prior post.
And about the person of the Holy Spirit I said and explained also he is the lesser among the three. By the way, in Revelation 11:4 JESUS called the person of the Holy Spirit as God of the earth.
Surely, as you said, "we must go with faith, just accept it as it written".
In your last paragraph you wrote: >>>We have 3 persons in one God, who have played and still play a distinctive role in the salvation of mankind. There isn't a person who is superior than the others, just their work, ministry is different. We don't know much about the Godhead, how, what, when, so we must go with faith, just accept it as it written. This is how I know it.
You said"God doesn't have a name like humans,say John,George, Michael..." .
Perfectly.Let us recapitulate what the Word reveals:In Exodus 3:14,when Moses wanted to know GOD's name,GOD said:I Am That I Am. In fact was not a name,for example,you are that you are,I am that I am. And GOD said unto Moses:Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel,I Am hath sent me unto you.
So,for Moses specifically the I Am was GOD, His GOD.
Well,it is interesting to consider that the people of GOD in Egypt, Abraham's descendants,were all Egyptians by birth,including Moses, in fact they became a people familiarized with the idolatry of the Egyptians, the Apis ox, so in their journey through the desert, a golden calf came out from their heart as was a god for them.
And for the people of Israel as a whole, then the I Am introduce Himself as the GOD of them, Moses was instructed to preach for the people, saying:"...the Lord GOD of your fathers, the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac,and the GOD of Jacob,hath sent me unto you:this is my NAME for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations(of Israel).The Lord GOD of your fathers,the GOD of Abraham,of Isaac, and of Jacob,appeared unto me- Exodus 3:15-16.
And prophet Amos preached: For, lo, He that formeth the mountains,and createth the wind,and declareth unto man what is his thought,that maketh the morning darkness,and treadeth upon the high places of the earth,The Lord( Exodus 6:3),The GOD of hosts is His NAME.
By the way, YHWH,and Yahweh,Jehovah,Yehovah,Elohim,Adonai, HaShem,Yahusha,YEHshia,YEHvah,these 10 names,rather, nicknames,are NAMES of the father and god of the Jews.Jn.8:44-45 combined with 2:Th2:3-4& Jn 5:43-47.Take a look.
Acts 4:11-12 say:11 JESUS is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.12 Neither is there salvation IN ANY OTHER:for there is none OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN given among men-EXCEPT JESUS- whereby we must be saved.
There has been a misunderstanding. What I intented to say is that God hasn't got a name like people have in order to distinguish them from others. The names (and He has got many) He uses for Himself have a unique purpose. Through His names He reveals to people some of His characteristics. Like say "YAHWEH", which means "I am who I am" and which is interpreted as "the self existing God". So God with this name reveals to us that nobody ever created Him. You see? More on this. "Lord of the hosts" means "the Almighty God". God is showing people through that name that He is the most powerful being in the universe.
Brother, I live in Greece. Here the time is 3 hours ahead of Greenwich time. So now it is 11:10 before midnight.
Blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Brasil and the whole of South America.
You said "'Lord of the hosts" means "the Almighty God", and He is the most powerful being in the universe'"; Yes, but the person you refer to be Him is not the true GOD, the Word, Father of the Lord JESUS Christ, and the name of Him you cited -"YAHWEH" - is wrong; In fact, it is the name of the father of the Jews- John 8:44-45-, Paul Apostle spoke about him: 2Thes.2:3-4:
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God(Jerusalem), shewing himself that he is God. Actually, YAHWEH is one of the several names of the father of the Jews, the Devil. I can listed them all.
The Word made flesh-JESUS-, said: I and my Father are One. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, THE ALMIGHTY- Revelation 1:8. In fact, my Lord JESUS is the LORD of the lords. And He said: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth- Matthew 28:18.
The "I Am" is Yeshua - JESUS - not YAHWEH, this is one of the names(or nicknames)of Devil.
You wrote that YAHWEH is the name of devil? You cited John 8:44-45. But in those verses there is no reference in such a name. Actually there is no mention of that name in the new Testament but only in the Old Testament.
In 2 Thes 2:3-4, Paul writes about the antichrist who will sit in the temple of God in Jerusalem and will ask people to worship him as a God. But he is not God and his name is not known now.
Brother, where have got those beliefs from? Claiming that YAHWEH refers to devil is something really extraordinary, never heard anybody say that before. You are completely wrong. Do you attend a church or you study on your own? You need somebody to lead you inside the Word of God properly. I suggest that you join a congregation.
Yeshua or Jesus means "God is salvation" in Hebrew.
I have read of some who believed this, Marcion was one of those in the early years of the church. And today, there are those who believe that Yahwaeh is an evil "god" of the Jews. I do not recall the particular teacher/leader of this doctrine nor a particular sect.
But it is a grave evil to call the "I Am Who I Am" of Exodus who also called Himself the Almighty God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ( Ex. 3) the devil. So, thank you for questioning Oseas on this. I hope he explains more of this to us because it is a blasphemous teaching.
Well I looked that up and yes, there was that person Marcion in the early church who was teaching that there are 2 different Gods. An inferior God in the OT who was strict with people and a superior God in the NT who was mercyful to people. Markion claimed that YAHWEH was the God of the OT. He could not understand why God behaved in different ways in the Old from the New Testament. So he found the solution of 2 different Gods each of them acting in a different age. Still Markion didn't call devil the person that was called YAHWEH, just an inferior God. His teachings were condemned by the early church.
Marcion taught that the Old Testament God Yahweh, was the creator of the earth, creator of evil, and lesser than the Father of Jesus, teaching that the Father of Jesus was a different God who is supreme and ineffable who is all love and mercy. So, Marcion believed there were two Gods and didn't include Jesus as one of them. He saw the Yahweh as vengeful, jealous tribal god who was merciless, and malevolent, calling him the "demi-urge". So, who does this description describe? To me, it describes Satan more that it describes the true God of all of the Bible or even the OT. The demi-urge idea is very ancient and most who taught and believed concerning it was that the Supreme God is good, and too pure to be involved with the created world. The demi-urge was the creator of the physical world and created evil. So Marcion had similar views as this dualism. He also believed that Jesus was not truly human, but only "put on an image of humanity" like a costume. This is called Docetism.
He was denounced as a heretic and rebutted by Tertullian and others. His views of God were not biblically sound, and Oseas' view of God is equally unbiblical and heretical. Sadly. But it is good to know this about him. It explains some of his posts and why they have left me wondering where he gets his ideas, as you queried. I hope he explains this.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man (YOURSELF; your carnal mind, where SATAN plays) DECEIVE YOU, For that day (LIGHT shined into darkness) will not COME, except there come a FALLING AWAY (from the lies and deceptions of your carnal mind in ALL MEN) and that man of SIN (the DECEIVED mind) be REVEALED, the son of perdition.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who (that man of sin, that man of unbelief) OPPOSESTH (truth and light) and exalts HIMSELF (his carnal mind) above all that is called GOD; of that is worshipped, so that HE sitteth in the TEMPLE OF GOD (the Lord God Almighty and the LAMB are the TEMPLE, not Jerusalem), showing HIMSELF (by the wisdom of himself) that HE ( and all his supposed free will) is GOD.
God Bless YOU as our Father shines LIGHT into DARKNESS.
JESUS left very clear sayng: Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?- Matthew 12:34. According to the your message you think or imagine to be a preacher of the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD, self-executing, understand? and in your preaching you interpreted 2Thessalonians2:3, saying: >>>> Let no man(YOURSELF; your carnal mind, where SATAN plays) DECEIVE YOU, 2Thessalonians2:4 Who(that man of sin, that man of unbelief) OPPOSESTH(truth and light)and exalts HIMSELF(his carnal mind) above all that is called GOD;of that is worshipped,so that HE sitteth in the TEMPLE OF GOD(the Lord God Almighty and the LAMB are the TEMPLE,not Jerusalem),
showing HIMSELF(by the wisdom of himself)that HE(and all his supposed free will) is GOD.
Until you AGREE with the WORD, who you (we) are; children of DECEPTION (satan), and it took the death and resurrection of Christ to MAKE you a NEW CREATION.
Your not going to understand the GOSPEL of the Kingdom of God.
You CANNOT SEE 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 is SPEAKING to you. The Kingdom ls a ONE on ONE encounter, we all deal with the mote in our OWN EYE, TODAY. Yesterday is no more, tomorrow is not yet come: yet tomorrow will become TODAY.
Today is the day of birth, Today is the day of death, today is the day of salvation.
I hope all is well with you. Thank you for your kind reply.
See, my objective was only and only to remind you of what is written: GOD the Father is greater than JESUS, GOD the Son, as JESUS Himself said - John 14:28.
For your knowledge and other posters, I live in the city of Joinville, south of Brazil, close to Argentina, so according to the time zone of the Greenwich laboratory, I think there is a difference of 4 hours based on the schedule indicated in the message on the website.
2 peter 1:21 for the prophecy came not in the old (testament) time by the will of man; but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost.
god bless you!
[Comment Removed]
May I intervene?
The grk for Holy Ghost is Agio Pneuma, the grk for Holy Spirit is again Agio Pneuma. There is no difference. There is a difference in Engl. but in other languages there isn't such, especially in grk. Why did the translators of the KJB use the word ghost instead of spirit? Because it how it was called 400 years ago but not nowadays. The difference between OT and NT is not a matter of words but a matter of function. The Holy Spirit in the old days didn't dwel inside the bodies of believers, this was done after Jesus ascended to His Father after His resurrection and was given the Spirit who he since that time sends to believers .In the OT the Spirit did not reside permanently in any person, even in the case of the prophets, the Spirit was coming upon them, they prophesied and then He was gone until the next time. This is obvious in the case of Saul the first king. It says somewhere that the Spirit came to him and he prophesied, then the Spirit went away and an evil spirit came by and was torturing him, then after sometime again the Spirit came to him and prophesied again.thus showing that the Spirit was not residing permanently inside believers but was coming and going . GBU
TKL said he "knows the reference "Holy Ghost" did not exist in the OT" .
1John 5:7-There are three that bear record in heaven,the Father,the Word,and the Holy Spirit(who is not a ghost as is written in English language,but a Person):and these three are One.
Actually the Holy Spirit as a person is very similar to the Son of man,my Lord JESUS,but he has no light of his own as JESUS has,he has not message of his own,as JESUS had and has,and he as a person is very unknown because he has no genealogy as JESUS has,he has a written name,it is quite true,but his name is unknown,no man knows the name of the person of the Holy Spirit,despite being written,and being he SIMILAR to the Son of man-JESUS.In other words,BY ANALOGY,JESUS is the Sun,the Sun of Righteousness,JESUS is the Greater Light,the Greater Luminary,but the person of the Holy Spirit has no light of his own,he is the Lesser Luminary,as the moon is in the Solar system,the moon has not his own light,its light is from the Sun,is the reflection of Solar light.
That said,the light that the person of the Holy Spirit reflects is not from Himself,no,it is not,absolutely not,in fact he reflects the Light that he receives from JESUS,as the moon receives the Light from the Sun. I say this by the Word of the Father,by the Word of my GOD, the Father, as JESUS said: John 16:12-15 &15:26
12 I still have much to say to you, but you cannot bear it now.
13But when that Spirit of truth comes,he will guide you into all truth, for HE WILL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF,but he will speak whatever he hears and he will declare to you what is to come
14He will glorify me,for he will receive what is mine and declare it to you.
15All that the Father has is mine;therefore he told you that (HE)WILL RECEIVE WHAT IS MINE and will declare it to you.
The Person of the Holy Spirit is not a"Ghost" as is written in English language,the Person of the Holy Spirit is one of the three DISTINCTS Persons in GOD the Father,in the Word, the Word is GOD.
You are right that the Person of the Holy Spirit is one of the three DISTINCTS Persons that consist God.
Firstly we must say that God doesn't have a name like humans, say John, George, Michael... God's names have descriptive purposes. God, by using names revealed some of his characteristics to us, ie Lord of the powers, the self existing God, the almighty God etc etc. In the New Testament a new name has been revealed to us. That name is Father. He has become our Father now and we have become His children, when we accept Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
So the first person's name is Father. The second person is called the Word, since He is the person that brought the word of God to people. He is also called the Son, because it is the person that was born as a man. His HUMAN name is Jesus(which means God is salvation giving with that name the purpose of His ministry on earth) Christ (grk for the annointed one).
The third person is The Holly Spirit. He is also called the helper, the advocator, the intercessor, etc giving in this way details of His ministry on earth. After Jesus left our world physically the Holly Spirit took in charge in the church. He also comes inside the body of believers to help us aquire a character similar to God's and avoid the dominion of sin over us.
So we have 3 persons in one God, who have played and still play a distinctive role in the salvation of mankind. There isn't a person who is superior than the others, just their work, ministry is different. In this way the whole Godhead takes part in that magnificent work of our salvation. All 3 persons are completely similar to one another, they are all light, truth, love, righteouness ... They think the same, feel the same, act the same, everything they do is done together. They are not independent from the one other, they are one, one onside the others. We don't know much about the Godhead, how, what, when, so we must go with faith, just accept it as it written. This is how I know it.
In my understand and vision you need to re-study what you wrote for good self-correction. Remember: JESUS said: John 14:28 - 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is GREATER than I. I highlighted this detail in my prior post.
And about the person of the Holy Spirit I said and explained also he is the lesser among the three. By the way, in Revelation 11:4 JESUS called the person of the Holy Spirit as God of the earth.
Surely, as you said, "we must go with faith, just accept it as it written".
GOD bless and be careful
In your last paragraph you wrote: >>>We have 3 persons in one God, who have played and still play a distinctive role in the salvation of mankind. There isn't a person who is superior than the others, just their work, ministry is different. We don't know much about the Godhead, how, what, when, so we must go with faith, just accept it as it written. This is how I know it.
Greetings in Christ JESUS
You said"God doesn't have a name like humans,say John,George, Michael..." .
Perfectly.Let us recapitulate what the Word reveals:In Exodus 3:14,when Moses wanted to know GOD's name,GOD said:I Am That I Am. In fact was not a name,for example,you are that you are,I am that I am. And GOD said unto Moses:Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel,I Am hath sent me unto you.
So,for Moses specifically the I Am was GOD, His GOD.
Well,it is interesting to consider that the people of GOD in Egypt, Abraham's descendants,were all Egyptians by birth,including Moses, in fact they became a people familiarized with the idolatry of the Egyptians, the Apis ox, so in their journey through the desert, a golden calf came out from their heart as was a god for them.
And for the people of Israel as a whole, then the I Am introduce Himself as the GOD of them, Moses was instructed to preach for the people, saying:"...the Lord GOD of your fathers, the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac,and the GOD of Jacob,hath sent me unto you:this is my NAME for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations(of Israel).The Lord GOD of your fathers,the GOD of Abraham,of Isaac, and of Jacob,appeared unto me- Exodus 3:15-16.
And prophet Amos preached: For, lo, He that formeth the mountains,and createth the wind,and declareth unto man what is his thought,that maketh the morning darkness,and treadeth upon the high places of the earth,The Lord( Exodus 6:3),The GOD of hosts is His NAME.
By the way, YHWH,and Yahweh,Jehovah,Yehovah,Elohim,Adonai, HaShem,Yahusha,YEHshia,YEHvah,these 10 names,rather, nicknames,are NAMES of the father and god of the Jews.Jn.8:44-45 combined with 2:Th2:3-4& Jn 5:43-47.Take a look.
Acts 4:11-12 say:11 JESUS is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.12 Neither is there salvation IN ANY OTHER:for there is none OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN given among men-EXCEPT JESUS- whereby we must be saved.
There has been a misunderstanding. What I intented to say is that God hasn't got a name like people have in order to distinguish them from others. The names (and He has got many) He uses for Himself have a unique purpose. Through His names He reveals to people some of His characteristics. Like say "YAHWEH", which means "I am who I am" and which is interpreted as "the self existing God". So God with this name reveals to us that nobody ever created Him. You see? More on this. "Lord of the hosts" means "the Almighty God". God is showing people through that name that He is the most powerful being in the universe.
Brother, I live in Greece. Here the time is 3 hours ahead of Greenwich time. So now it is 11:10 before midnight.
Blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Brasil and the whole of South America.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God(Jerusalem), shewing himself that he is God. Actually, YAHWEH is one of the several names of the father of the Jews, the Devil. I can listed them all.
The Word made flesh-JESUS-, said: I and my Father are One. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, THE ALMIGHTY- Revelation 1:8. In fact, my Lord JESUS is the LORD of the lords. And He said: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth- Matthew 28:18.
The "I Am" is Yeshua - JESUS - not YAHWEH, this is one of the names(or nicknames)of Devil.
You wrote that YAHWEH is the name of devil? You cited John 8:44-45. But in those verses there is no reference in such a name. Actually there is no mention of that name in the new Testament but only in the Old Testament.
In 2 Thes 2:3-4, Paul writes about the antichrist who will sit in the temple of God in Jerusalem and will ask people to worship him as a God. But he is not God and his name is not known now.
Brother, where have got those beliefs from? Claiming that YAHWEH refers to devil is something really extraordinary, never heard anybody say that before. You are completely wrong. Do you attend a church or you study on your own? You need somebody to lead you inside the Word of God properly. I suggest that you join a congregation.
Yeshua or Jesus means "God is salvation" in Hebrew.
I have read of some who believed this, Marcion was one of those in the early years of the church. And today, there are those who believe that Yahwaeh is an evil "god" of the Jews. I do not recall the particular teacher/leader of this doctrine nor a particular sect.
But it is a grave evil to call the "I Am Who I Am" of Exodus who also called Himself the Almighty God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ( Ex. 3) the devil. So, thank you for questioning Oseas on this. I hope he explains more of this to us because it is a blasphemous teaching.
Well I looked that up and yes, there was that person Marcion in the early church who was teaching that there are 2 different Gods. An inferior God in the OT who was strict with people and a superior God in the NT who was mercyful to people. Markion claimed that YAHWEH was the God of the OT. He could not understand why God behaved in different ways in the Old from the New Testament. So he found the solution of 2 different Gods each of them acting in a different age. Still Markion didn't call devil the person that was called YAHWEH, just an inferior God. His teachings were condemned by the early church.
Marcion taught that the Old Testament God Yahweh, was the creator of the earth, creator of evil, and lesser than the Father of Jesus, teaching that the Father of Jesus was a different God who is supreme and ineffable who is all love and mercy. So, Marcion believed there were two Gods and didn't include Jesus as one of them. He saw the Yahweh as vengeful, jealous tribal god who was merciless, and malevolent, calling him the "demi-urge". So, who does this description describe? To me, it describes Satan more that it describes the true God of all of the Bible or even the OT. The demi-urge idea is very ancient and most who taught and believed concerning it was that the Supreme God is good, and too pure to be involved with the created world. The demi-urge was the creator of the physical world and created evil. So Marcion had similar views as this dualism. He also believed that Jesus was not truly human, but only "put on an image of humanity" like a costume. This is called Docetism.
He was denounced as a heretic and rebutted by Tertullian and others. His views of God were not biblically sound, and Oseas' view of God is equally unbiblical and heretical. Sadly. But it is good to know this about him. It explains some of his posts and why they have left me wondering where he gets his ideas, as you queried. I hope he explains this.
To be honest I have never heard such a thing before. I am really surprised.
Thanks for addressing this with Oseas
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man (YOURSELF; your carnal mind, where SATAN plays) DECEIVE YOU, For that day (LIGHT shined into darkness) will not COME, except there come a FALLING AWAY (from the lies and deceptions of your carnal mind in ALL MEN) and that man of SIN (the DECEIVED mind) be REVEALED, the son of perdition.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who (that man of sin, that man of unbelief) OPPOSESTH (truth and light) and exalts HIMSELF (his carnal mind) above all that is called GOD; of that is worshipped, so that HE sitteth in the TEMPLE OF GOD (the Lord God Almighty and the LAMB are the TEMPLE, not Jerusalem), showing HIMSELF (by the wisdom of himself) that HE ( and all his supposed free will) is GOD.
God Bless YOU as our Father shines LIGHT into DARKNESS.
JESUS left very clear sayng: Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?- Matthew 12:34. According to the your message you think or imagine to be a preacher of the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD, self-executing, understand? and in your preaching you interpreted 2Thessalonians2:3, saying: >>>> Let no man(YOURSELF; your carnal mind, where SATAN plays) DECEIVE YOU, 2Thessalonians2:4 Who(that man of sin, that man of unbelief) OPPOSESTH(truth and light)and exalts HIMSELF(his carnal mind) above all that is called GOD;of that is worshipped,so that HE sitteth in the TEMPLE OF GOD(the Lord God Almighty and the LAMB are the TEMPLE,not Jerusalem),
showing HIMSELF(by the wisdom of himself)that HE(and all his supposed free will) is GOD.
Until you AGREE with the WORD, who you (we) are; children of DECEPTION (satan), and it took the death and resurrection of Christ to MAKE you a NEW CREATION.
Your not going to understand the GOSPEL of the Kingdom of God.
You CANNOT SEE 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 is SPEAKING to you. The Kingdom ls a ONE on ONE encounter, we all deal with the mote in our OWN EYE, TODAY. Yesterday is no more, tomorrow is not yet come: yet tomorrow will become TODAY.
Today is the day of birth, Today is the day of death, today is the day of salvation.
World without END, it's always TODAY.
God Bless YOU!
God Bless YOU
I haven't forgoten you. I will answer to your post tomorrow. Have a blessed day (or night, depending on where you live).
I hope all is well with you. Thank you for your kind reply.
See, my objective was only and only to remind you of what is written: GOD the Father is greater than JESUS, GOD the Son, as JESUS Himself said - John 14:28.
For your knowledge and other posters, I live in the city of Joinville, south of Brazil, close to Argentina, so according to the time zone of the Greenwich laboratory, I think there is a difference of 4 hours based on the schedule indicated in the message on the website.
Now here it is 10:10 at night (pm)
Christ is TRUTH
If you don't believe that the OLD TIME ( 2 Peter 1:21) is speaking of the Old Testament prophets then Luke 24:45 is FOR YOU, not me..
God Bless you, as the spirit of truth (Holy Ghost) destroyers you carnal mind.
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