Bible Discussion Thread

  • GiGi on Deuteronomy 2 - 11 months ago
    In Genesis 14 and 15 is the account of the wars fought by the kings of the east against the kings of the Dead Sea area in which Lot was taken captive, The text says that the eastern kings smote these peoples named on their way to the Dead Sea coming from the north to south (all extremely large people east of the Jordan River.) There were Amorites west of the Jordan and Ge. 14:13 says that Abraham dwelt with Mamre and his brothers, Aner, and Eschol, Amorites who fought with his men to retrieve Lot and peoples from the Mesopotamian kings.

    In Ch. 15 God makes the covenant with/for Abraham, prophesying that Abraham's descendants will go to Egypt and come out in the 4th generation when the sin of the Amorites will be fully grown. God lists the peoples Abrahams descendents will take the in the Exodus. It is unclear how many of these groups were related to the Rephaims, nor if these peoples all intermixed with these extremely large Rephaim descendants, but most likely did to a large extent by the time of the Exodus, thus necessitating the total extermination of all of these peoples including women and children. If they did mix with that of the Rephaims and were internally influenced by the wickedness of the 1st generations of Rephaims after the flood this explains why God determined that those with Rephaim blood needed to be wiped out.

    There are accounts of such extremely large humans from all cultures all over the world, some ancient and some more recent. Historians Josephus and Herodotus mentions them being real. Bones of enormous size have been unearthed all over the world, yet many of them have been mysteriously misplaced when given over to people in power. such as the Smithsonian.

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