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I find it so interesting that it says, "By whom He made the worlds." Would love to hear others thoughts on this. Also, we know through scriptures that the Lord's body did not see corruption but ascended while His disciples watched. It made me wonder if Jesus still is seen in heaven in His earthly body?
If this helps any, I can share this on the last part of Hebrews 1:2. Where it says, "by whom also He made the worlds," the word worlds in the Greek text is the word ages, which denote epics of time, stages of time in history.
In the beginning, i.e. in JESUS - GOD created the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd heavens, and the heaven of the heavens- Genesis 1:1, and the earth(not the planet), but the CLAY, the dry land- Genesis 1:9. Great mystery. By the way, in what heaven you spiritually are acccording to the Ephesians 1:3? Our conversation is in heaven according to the Philippians 3:20, from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, understand? By the way, "By whom He made the worlds".
The 1st world made by GOD through JESUS was/and is the 1st heavenly place established by GOD- The Old Testament.
The 2nd world made by GOD through JESUS was/and is the 2nd heavenly place established by GOD- The New Testament.
And the 3rd world? What does JESUS said of the 3rd world or 3rd heavenly place in Him to be established by Him? JESUS said: Luke 20:35-36KJV:
35 But they which shall be accounted WORTHY to obtain that WORLD(the Kingdom of GOD- Revelation 11:15 to 18), and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of GOD, being the children of the resurrection.
And the heaven of the heavens? The heaven of the heavens will be established after the END of the millennial Kingdom of GOD- Revelation 11:15-18 combined with Revelation 20:7-15.Then the Eternity will begin.
Don't forget:The heavens(The 1st and 2nd heavens) and the earth(Israel),which ARE NOW, by the same Word-the Word is GOD-are kept in store,reserved unto fire against this Day of Judgment(the Judgment Seat of Christ)and perdition of ungodly men -2Peter3:7 & 11-12:
11Seeing then that all these things shall be DISSOLVED,what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12Looking for and hasting unto the coming of this Day of GOD(the Lord's Day),wherein the heavens(the 1st & 2nd heavens) being on fire shall be DISSOLVED,and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
God made the universe, so all heavenly objects can be considered worlds. Perhaps the verse is speaking of the physical world and the spiritual world. But I am not really sure what this Scripture is speaking of when it says "worlds".
As to what Jesus is like in heaven now, He is as He was at His ascension, only glorified as He revealed at the Transfiguration and to John in the 1st chapter of Revelation. He is forever fully God and fully man, our Savior and High Priest and King. All the angels see Him in His physical, resurrected, and glorified human body. The angels at His ascension said that He would come back in the same way that He went up to heaven. Stephen saw Him sitting at the right hand of the Father before He died. Job said that in the end when his body is resurrected his eyes will see God and we can safely say that he will see Jesus because no one has o ever will see the Father who is Spirit, as Jesus was prior to becoming human and being born of Mary.
I agree with your thoughts on Christ and His earthly body. I believe you are right but I still find it amazing that He will appear both as a spirit and with His earthly body. How perfect that He being so unique will have retained His fleshly body.
God did this for us, before the world began, deciding that the Son of the Father would become human to redeem us and have this human nature within His divine person for all eternity. So wonderful that God condescend eternally for our sake, not His.
As to your thoughts about Jesus appearing as human and spirit, I am not sure what you are referring to.
let me take a stab at it:
1) If you are saying that Jesus, being the eternally divine Son of the Father Who, before He took on a human nature, was eternally Spirit as the Father and Holy Spirit are always. Then that is true. A Spirit does not appear to humans, as we could not perceive a Spirit. The Holy Spirit manifests himself at times, as with the dove manifestation at Jesus' baptism and the tongues of fire at Pentecost. But manifestations are not the true essence of the Holy Spirit. There is a difference between manifestation of God and His true essence (Who He actually is). In the OT there were many theophanies and manifestations of God. The burning bush with the Angel of the Lord speaking out from it, one of the three that visited Abraham, the person wrestling with Jacob all night, the pillar of cloud/fire in the wilderness, the visions given to prophets of the Ancient of Days, the shekinah glory of God's Presence in the tabernacle. These were manifestations but not God showing Himself as His true self in His pure Essence.
2) If you are saying that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same person, then I would direct you to the Last Supper Discourse in John chapters 14-17 to see how Jesus speaks of the Father as being truly another Person of the Godhead other than Himself and the Holy Spirit being another person of the Godhead other than Himself and the Father. There are three Persons in One Godhead (Divine Being). So, the Jesus asks the Father to send the Holy Spirit to the disciples (and subsequently to each believer).
Yes, just think, as Jesus said to Thomas, blessed are they who have not seen,, but believe. That is us! We will see
him in His resurrected, glorified body when we are bodily resurrected and glorified. His! And His scars from the wounds of His sacrificial and purposeful, voluntary death will be most beautiful to us.
While Jesus, the son, God the Father and the Holy Spirit are the God head, they are also unique and their own persons. If Jesus and the Holy Spirit were one and the same, then Jesus would not have said he would send the Holy Spirit to His disciples when He left.
I guess very recently it just occurred to me that Jesus would retain His earthly body. Even though I have read the Holy Scriptures since I was a young child, it has taken me until I am in my 60's to realize this. My whole life I have always thought of only spirits existing in heaven.
I praise God and I am so content that someday, I will know these mysteries of the gospel.
Many people go a long time before they realize that Jesus is in heaven with His glorified resurrected human body. I think that this is due partly to the common sayings we use of Him such as:
"You can ask Jesus into your heart"
"Jesus is always with you"
"Jesus abides in us"
"When two or more are gathered together Jesus is in their midst"
These sayings, though true, give the impression that Jesus is in Spirit form only. However, Jesus said that both the Father and Himself live in us when the Spirit of God dwells in us. This speaks to the unity of the Godhead and that God is everywhere present in His essence. But Jesus, (also everywhere present in His divine nature) retains his full human nature in heaven. He is the first fruits of what humans will be in heaven, perfected with glorified resurrected bodies. He is our High Priest who is a human who serves God as a mediator. Perhaps this is one reason for Him retaining His human nature. Other reasons for this is that our glorified human bodies will be able to physically see God in Him. Whether or not we will be able to see spiritual beings is known at this point. Will we be able to see angels with our physical eyes? Or will we have spiritual "eyesight" added to us as part of our glorification that would allow us to see spiritual beings.
Lots to think about, but we can take comfort and be at ease of mind and heart knowing that our Lord and Savior is like us in His human nature in every way but without sin. In His divine nature, He is like the Father and Spirit, which we are not. But these two natures are possessed by only one person, the divine Son of God. All of this was determined before creation int he Everlasting Covenant between the Persons of the Godhead for the redemption of mankind. Hallelujah! Now and always.
Yes, GOD made the Universe. In fact, GOD created four heavens, but He sat upon the circle of the earth - Isaiah 40:22KJV also Nevi'im (Prophets) Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 40:22 - Hebrew Bible - : "It is He Who sits above the circle of the earth, and whose inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heaven like a CURTAIN, and He spread them out like a tent to dwell" Ephesians 1:3KJV, and so on: 3 Blessed be the GOD and Father of our Lord JESUS Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places(Old and New Testaments) in Christ.
Now, in this current millennnium, two of the four heavens created by GOD through JESUS will be DISSOLVED(without JESUS was not any thing made that was made), in fact both heavens -the first and second - will be BURNED from now on- 2Peter 3:7 combined with Isaiah 33:14-15- , and the 3rd heaven will be established in this current millennium, that is the seventh and last millennium, and this 3rd heaven whose heavenly environment is described in Revelation 4 and 5 combined with Luke 20:35-36, among many other biblical references -comes up hither-, it will last 1000 years. After this, I mean ending the millennium, then will be established the heaven of the heavens for all Eternity.
Colossians 1:27 ..... this mystery ..... Christ in you ......
Galatians 2:20 I am CRUCIFIED with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet, NOT I, but Christ lives IN ME ....
Notice it's NO LONGER YOU that lives, you DIED on the cross, yoru NOW the BODY of Christ.
You were married to Christ at his resurrection, YOU and CHRIST became ONE.
John 17:22 And the glory that thou (God) gave me (Christ), I (Christ have given them (you Angel), that even as we (God and Christ) are ONE, that they (you Angel) are ONE in us.
If this helps any, I can share this on the last part of Hebrews 1:2. Where it says, "by whom also He made the worlds," the word worlds in the Greek text is the word ages, which denote epics of time, stages of time in history.
[Comment Removed]
In the beginning, i.e. in JESUS - GOD created the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd heavens, and the heaven of the heavens- Genesis 1:1, and the earth(not the planet), but the CLAY, the dry land- Genesis 1:9. Great mystery. By the way, in what heaven you spiritually are acccording to the Ephesians 1:3? Our conversation is in heaven according to the Philippians 3:20, from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, understand? By the way, "By whom He made the worlds".
The 1st world made by GOD through JESUS was/and is the 1st heavenly place established by GOD- The Old Testament.
The 2nd world made by GOD through JESUS was/and is the 2nd heavenly place established by GOD- The New Testament.
And the 3rd world? What does JESUS said of the 3rd world or 3rd heavenly place in Him to be established by Him? JESUS said: Luke 20:35-36KJV:
35 But they which shall be accounted WORTHY to obtain that WORLD(the Kingdom of GOD- Revelation 11:15 to 18), and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of GOD, being the children of the resurrection.
And the heaven of the heavens? The heaven of the heavens will be established after the END of the millennial Kingdom of GOD- Revelation 11:15-18 combined with Revelation 20:7-15.Then the Eternity will begin.
Don't forget:The heavens(The 1st and 2nd heavens) and the earth(Israel),which ARE NOW, by the same Word-the Word is GOD-are kept in store,reserved unto fire against this Day of Judgment(the Judgment Seat of Christ)and perdition of ungodly men -2Peter3:7 & 11-12:
11Seeing then that all these things shall be DISSOLVED,what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12Looking for and hasting unto the coming of this Day of GOD(the Lord's Day),wherein the heavens(the 1st & 2nd heavens) being on fire shall be DISSOLVED,and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
God made the universe, so all heavenly objects can be considered worlds. Perhaps the verse is speaking of the physical world and the spiritual world. But I am not really sure what this Scripture is speaking of when it says "worlds".
As to what Jesus is like in heaven now, He is as He was at His ascension, only glorified as He revealed at the Transfiguration and to John in the 1st chapter of Revelation. He is forever fully God and fully man, our Savior and High Priest and King. All the angels see Him in His physical, resurrected, and glorified human body. The angels at His ascension said that He would come back in the same way that He went up to heaven. Stephen saw Him sitting at the right hand of the Father before He died. Job said that in the end when his body is resurrected his eyes will see God and we can safely say that he will see Jesus because no one has o ever will see the Father who is Spirit, as Jesus was prior to becoming human and being born of Mary.
God did this for us, before the world began, deciding that the Son of the Father would become human to redeem us and have this human nature within His divine person for all eternity. So wonderful that God condescend eternally for our sake, not His.
As to your thoughts about Jesus appearing as human and spirit, I am not sure what you are referring to.
let me take a stab at it:
1) If you are saying that Jesus, being the eternally divine Son of the Father Who, before He took on a human nature, was eternally Spirit as the Father and Holy Spirit are always. Then that is true. A Spirit does not appear to humans, as we could not perceive a Spirit. The Holy Spirit manifests himself at times, as with the dove manifestation at Jesus' baptism and the tongues of fire at Pentecost. But manifestations are not the true essence of the Holy Spirit. There is a difference between manifestation of God and His true essence (Who He actually is). In the OT there were many theophanies and manifestations of God. The burning bush with the Angel of the Lord speaking out from it, one of the three that visited Abraham, the person wrestling with Jacob all night, the pillar of cloud/fire in the wilderness, the visions given to prophets of the Ancient of Days, the shekinah glory of God's Presence in the tabernacle. These were manifestations but not God showing Himself as His true self in His pure Essence.
2) If you are saying that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same person, then I would direct you to the Last Supper Discourse in John chapters 14-17 to see how Jesus speaks of the Father as being truly another Person of the Godhead other than Himself and the Holy Spirit being another person of the Godhead other than Himself and the Father. There are three Persons in One Godhead (Divine Being). So, the Jesus asks the Father to send the Holy Spirit to the disciples (and subsequently to each believer).
Maybe this will be helpful to you.
him in His resurrected, glorified body when we are bodily resurrected and glorified. His! And His scars from the wounds of His sacrificial and purposeful, voluntary death will be most beautiful to us.
I guess very recently it just occurred to me that Jesus would retain His earthly body. Even though I have read the Holy Scriptures since I was a young child, it has taken me until I am in my 60's to realize this. My whole life I have always thought of only spirits existing in heaven.
I praise God and I am so content that someday, I will know these mysteries of the gospel.
God bless you all in our quests to understand.
God is Spirit:
Christ is a man, the BODY of God.
Christ has a GOD and a Father, but is is not THE GOD.
God is the LIFE of Christ, God's BODY.
Christ, the Body, only does what the SPIRIT, his God and Father, CAUSES him to say and do.
All creation DIED on the cross of Christ, a NEW CREATION arose WITH CHRIST.
Only ONE BODY AROSE from the grave, the BODY of CHRIST.
IMMORTAL LIFE; Christ, never again to die, was resurrected, we were JOINT HEIRS with Christ at his resurrection.
John 17:22 And the glory that thou has given me, I have given them, even as we are ONE, that they may also be ONE.
Christ is a man with a glorified BODY, he can stand in the flesh, or be the spirit of truth, physically present or omnipresent.
When you are harvested by the angels, in the twinkling of an eye, you will be the IMAGE of CHRIST.
1 Corinthians 15:53 .....This mortal (you) shall PUT ON IMMORTALITY ...
1 Timothy 6:16 ...... Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ......
The gift of God is eternal LIFE, Christ is eternal life, your GIFT is being JOINT HEIR of GOD, by Christ
Christ is IN HEAVEN, at the right hand of his Father, but that heaven is the NEW HEAVEN ....this mystery ..... CHRIST IN YOU ....
Christ SECOND COMING .... like a thief, no one saw him save the one that RECEIVED HIM.
God Bless YOU!
Many people go a long time before they realize that Jesus is in heaven with His glorified resurrected human body. I think that this is due partly to the common sayings we use of Him such as:
"You can ask Jesus into your heart"
"Jesus is always with you"
"Jesus abides in us"
"When two or more are gathered together Jesus is in their midst"
These sayings, though true, give the impression that Jesus is in Spirit form only. However, Jesus said that both the Father and Himself live in us when the Spirit of God dwells in us. This speaks to the unity of the Godhead and that God is everywhere present in His essence. But Jesus, (also everywhere present in His divine nature) retains his full human nature in heaven. He is the first fruits of what humans will be in heaven, perfected with glorified resurrected bodies. He is our High Priest who is a human who serves God as a mediator. Perhaps this is one reason for Him retaining His human nature. Other reasons for this is that our glorified human bodies will be able to physically see God in Him. Whether or not we will be able to see spiritual beings is known at this point. Will we be able to see angels with our physical eyes? Or will we have spiritual "eyesight" added to us as part of our glorification that would allow us to see spiritual beings.
Lots to think about, but we can take comfort and be at ease of mind and heart knowing that our Lord and Savior is like us in His human nature in every way but without sin. In His divine nature, He is like the Father and Spirit, which we are not. But these two natures are possessed by only one person, the divine Son of God. All of this was determined before creation int he Everlasting Covenant between the Persons of the Godhead for the redemption of mankind. Hallelujah! Now and always.
glad to have this conversation with you.
Yes, GOD made the Universe. In fact, GOD created four heavens, but He sat upon the circle of the earth - Isaiah 40:22KJV also Nevi'im (Prophets) Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 40:22 - Hebrew Bible - : "It is He Who sits above the circle of the earth, and whose inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heaven like a CURTAIN, and He spread them out like a tent to dwell" Ephesians 1:3KJV, and so on: 3 Blessed be the GOD and Father of our Lord JESUS Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places(Old and New Testaments) in Christ.
Now, in this current millennnium, two of the four heavens created by GOD through JESUS will be DISSOLVED(without JESUS was not any thing made that was made), in fact both heavens -the first and second - will be BURNED from now on- 2Peter 3:7 combined with Isaiah 33:14-15- , and the 3rd heaven will be established in this current millennium, that is the seventh and last millennium, and this 3rd heaven whose heavenly environment is described in Revelation 4 and 5 combined with Luke 20:35-36, among many other biblical references -comes up hither-, it will last 1000 years. After this, I mean ending the millennium, then will be established the heaven of the heavens for all Eternity.
Get ready
The heaven of heavens has already been set up.
They (the new heavens) had to be set up before Christ could reign on earth.
They (the new heavens) had to be set up before the DAY of the LORD could come.
They (the new heavens) had to be set up before the Kingdom of God could come.
The were setup when creation was resurrected as the BODY of CHRIST.
The fourth heaven is YOU, where GOD DWELLS, YOU the house of God, YOU the BODY of GOD.
By whom (BY Christ) HE (God) made the worlds.
Angel, Christ's BODY is YOU.
Colossians 1:27 ..... this mystery ..... Christ in you ......
Galatians 2:20 I am CRUCIFIED with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet, NOT I, but Christ lives IN ME ....
Notice it's NO LONGER YOU that lives, you DIED on the cross, yoru NOW the BODY of Christ.
You were married to Christ at his resurrection, YOU and CHRIST became ONE.
John 17:22 And the glory that thou (God) gave me (Christ), I (Christ have given them (you Angel), that even as we (God and Christ) are ONE, that they (you Angel) are ONE in us.
God Bless YOU!
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