Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Daniel Ch 8 V 23-25 , the peace that destroys many , its nuclear weapons , all nations are afraid of them , they create a false peace , people don't want war because they fear nuclear escalation . Putin knows this , Russia and Iran , once they get involved in the conflict in Israel , all of Israel's allies will leave them , abandon them . Israel has put a lot of confidence in its allies and their nuclear weapons but , no one wants a nuclear war especially not against Russia . Israel will be alone , undefended by humans . Israel has to learn to not put it's trust in humans , only God can and will save Israel . When it looks as if Israel is done for , surrounded by enemies and with no earthly allies , that's when Christ will return to defend Israel and destroy it's enemies . Tell everyone , comfort your friends and family with the Word of Truth , don't be afraid :) .Christ is coming !!!!!
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jema

    Some thoughts of mine about the end times. The Bible talks about a kingdom that will rule over the whole earth. Which Kingdom that might be? Assuming the end timea are now (I firmly believe so) what can be a good guess? In Daniel 2:40-43, we are given a description of that kingdom: 1. a union of kingdoms, 2. "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.", which means that there will be a dispersion of nations in that union., 3."And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.", which means some nations in that union will be weak and other strong. What does that remind you of? Definitely the European Union. But can Europeans dominate the world on their own? For the time being it doesn't look like it. So they are going to need a powerful ally. Who that might be? USA, maybe NATO. So my belief tends to be that that last kingdom will be in general the Western World, maybe NATO or something similar. How is it possible a person like the antichrist ascending to the highest place in that kingdom? With the aid of satan and with the abscense of the only obstacle which is the church (with our prayers and authority on devils), it seems he will manage to do it

    So I don't think either Russia or China or Iran or any alliance of those will ever manage to be a problem to that union. The Bible is definite about it, "And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise."

    So I believe sometime we will see the end of those problems with those countries. Now about Israel now and the fights in Gaza. I don't think it will lead to a general conflict. That general conflict will take place at the end in Armaggedon. So one way or another it will finish but with consequences in the economy worldwide.
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I agree with both of you. Jesus Christ Is coming soon. We must go out and witness and testify. God bless you ladies.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jema

    Israel will suffer during the end times. In a few words Israel will accept the antichist as the Messiah they are expecting. By that time a union of nations (who?) will rule on earth with its head the antichrist. When the antichrist puts His throne on the Temple (so it is going to be rebuilt) and asks people to worship him as a God, they will realize that he is not the person they were always waiting for. Under the threat to be destroyed totally and having realized that the antichrist is not the Messiah , and with the grace of God, they will turn to Jesus who they had crucified. They will repent and ask for Him. All the other nations by that time in alliance with the beast (the last kingdom, a union of the most powerful nations on earth which will be under the control of antichrist) will surround Jerusalem to destroy it. It is then that Jesus comes to earth with His saints and angels and destroys that army. Now God preserves Israel because He knows that they will accept Jesus in the future, but still they are paying the price of crucifying Jesus, we see that all the time. For 2 thoudand years they had been in a continuous tribulation and persecutions..

    By that time the church will already be in Heaven.

    This in general. This is how I know it but I don't say I am definitely right.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you so much for your reply , I appreciate it . I'm surprised more if us are not commenting on recent events , maybe it's because we are scared we might get it wrong ? I hope that isn't the case :) if I only ever posted when I believed I was 100 per cent right I wouldn't post very often :) . I think Israel will go too far in its retaliation against the Palestinians and this will turn Israel's allies away from it . Israel needs to remember what God says : vengeance is mine , I will repay . Israel is over confident because it is relying on its allies USA , UK etc . Only God can save Israel . Israel will be left isolated because Putin will throw his hand in with Iran and the other muslim countries and this will deter USA etc from getting involved . This has been brewing for years , Putin has been testing the world's response to his aggression , he has poisoned people with chemicals in their own countries , assassinated his enemies in exile , I believe he was responsible for covid and he's invaded Ukraine . What has anyone done about any of these things ? Nothing . He's been testing our response and he's very confident that no one will oppose him . My guess is that he's correct . God will save Israel . What are everyone else's thoughts please ? Thanks again Giannis :) .
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema,

    I agree with you, sharing the gospel with as many as we can.

    I do not think Russia will intervene they are depleted with their war in Ukraine, there may be a few nuclear bombs, but we know this world is not destroyed by nuclear war. Iran is already in it, whether the other militant groups join in is the big question. The U. S. with all the ammo and supplies they have given to Ukraine and have not replaced our supplies plus what they will give to Israel I would not be surprised if China makes their move.

    End times have many interpretations, some things that have already been fulfilled are looked for to be in the future. Many are looking for an antichrist when we see there is not one but there are three in Revelations, Rev. 12,13. I feel people are looking for things that are not coming like the Church being taken to heaven when there is not one verse in the Bible that says we are going to or we are taken to heaven. The earth is for man, this earth, and the new earth. It says those who are worthy will reign on earth not heaven, 2 Tim. 2:12 Rev. 5:10

    There will be those in the first resurrection that will meet Jesus in the air on His way down to earth, (the world is round) Matt. 24:31 Mark 13:27 After the tribulation, it does not say He then goes back up to heaven.

    We see that on that day His feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives, Zechariah 14:4, and also Jesus along with the 144000 first fruits will stand on Mount Zion/Sion the mountain just in front of Jerusalem. Much of the end times are tied to the world economy there is so much behind the scenes we do not see and will not see until the end starts.

    Whatever comes we are told to watch, this life is not our hope, 1 Cor. 15:19, it is the one we have been promised, Titus 3:7. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints, Rev. 13:10. It will be things coming that have not been, Matt. 24:21,29. My understanding I will leave it there.

    God bless,

  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks for your take on this Ronald , I see your points clearly :) . I can't help but get excited , I'm just that kind of girl ! We read throughout the Old Testament how many times Israel hired allies to help them and how many times they were let down by their so called friends , only God has ever and will ever save Israel . They should have learned that by now , we now see a confident aggressive Israel taking vengeance , their confidence is in their friends support . Again . You are correct of course we must be patient , not something that's easy for me . Thy Kingdom Come means exactly that , the meek shall inherit the earth and no one goes to heaven except for the Sinless Son , he will return to us to set up his Father's Kingdom on earth , I wish it were today !!!!! We must tell our nearest and dearest what to expect so that they are not afraid and worried for us when we disappear or die suddenly . Looking forward to meeting you all :) Love in Christ to all my family on here , I'm gonna hug you all :) .
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    AMEN Brother Ronald:

    We are told to WATCH and SEE.

    Isaiah 21:6 For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go set a watchman, let him declare what he SEETH.

    Isaiah 21:10 Oh my threshing, THE CORN (SEED) of MY (Christ's) FLOOR: that which I (Christ) have heard of the Lord of host (my God and Father) have I (Christ) declared unto YOU (my SEED).

    The anointing IN US will teach us all things.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sister Jema:

    Nothing is happening today than has not been happening now for 2000 years.

    At Christ resurrection, HE OPENED the seven seals of Revelation.

    For 2000 years wars, pestilence, and famine has PREVAILED on earth.

    Christ has divorceded OLD ISRAEL, they were never THE PROMISED SEED of Isaac, Christ was the promised Isaac, the true ISRAEL, from the house of Judah.

    The OLD temple is no more, THE NEW TEMPLE was raised THREE DAYS after Christ died on his cross.

    Old Israel along with all the other DEAD will be RAISED back to live when the JUDGES of the earth have been gather.

    Those judges have to first be harvested,

    When harvest, they become the IMAGE OF CHRIST.

    This mortal shall PUT ON IMMORTALITY, Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ..... 1 Timothy 6:16

    All those already harvested; are already the image of Christ, they have been in the 1000 year: ONE DAY, reign with Christ NOW, some for 2000 years. the parable of the workers in God's vineyard, is representative of this, all CALLED at different hours of the DAY.

    All these at present are ministering Spirits, angels of fire. At some point, Christ will resurrect all back to there bodies of flesh and blood, and God will say to the JUDGES; APPEAR, and all the world will see Christ appearing in the CLOUDS OF HEAVEN, his judges, his IMAGE.

    2 Kings 6:17 ..... open their eyes, that they may see, And the Lord opened the eyes of the young men, and they SAW, and, behold, the mountain was FULL of horses and chariots of FIRE (our God is a consuming fire) round about......

    Everyone, is going to see, some NOW, some LATER.

    Don't try to predict TIMES, only God knows, but we can know that it is all just ONE DAY, TODAY the day of salvation.

    God BLESS YOU!

    Until Christ has ASSEMBLED all the JUDGES of the EARTH, thing will continue as they are.

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