Bible Discussion Thread

  • Hadassah - 11 months ago
    Zechariah 2:6

    "Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the LORD: "

    In these last days, we see satan copy the LORD. The above verse calls into question the tradition of Santa Claus. Did you know that early Christian's in America refused the idea of Santa Claus? It offended them.

    Jesus said to be watchful of deception in the last days. We must ask if Santa is a deception? . How can santa be omniscient and all knowing? That is the realm of God. There is more to this santa than meets the eye. Research its occultism roots for yourself.

    Are we being deceived?

    I tried to post this earlier and the moderators blocked it. I am not sure why? I read the comment guidelines. This is a basic and legitimate concern. I am going to try a second time to post a warning about this deception. It's time for all Christians to question everything.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Dear Hadassah,


    I have refused to bring Santa into the picture of celebrating the birth of or Lord because:

    1) He is an imaginary figure that draws the glory away from our Lord.

    2) He is a false "christ figure" that gives the divine qualities of God to an imaginary figure.

    3) Robs children of knowing that their parents give them good gifts, just as our Father in heaven does.

    4) Develops greed in children instead of appreciation for what their parents' generosity.

    5) Promoting belief in Santa involves generating and perpetuating what is a lie to children.

    Most children's literature has an element of fantasy including imaginary characters, but we generally do not teach our children that these characters are real. Blurring the lines between fact and fantasy is not helpful to children.

    As parents, we did not promote Santa, and now that we will have a grandchild in our family, we will also not promote Santa in the lives of our grands, either.

    This has been our conviction for all of our marriage.

    Hadassah, we are in agreement on this matter , which I am glad to say.
  • Hadassah - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you GiGi,

    And doesn't it seem odd that Santa could be a mixed spelling of Satan? It's a hard pill to swallow for so many people, of which I was once one. We left the deception about 15 years ago. Too late for my adult children. But, yes with the grands. We celebrate the 8 days of Hanukkah now. And, tho Hanukkah is not a feast of the LORD, it was mentioned that Jesus was in Jerusalem during the Festival of Lights.

    Anyway, thanks for responding. :)
  • GiGi - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hello Hadassah,

    We've been married 44 years now and we made that decision right off the bat.

    I believe that Paul spoke in Colossians 2:16 about the freedom of believers from the necessity of keeping the OT feasts and holy days. I believe we are free to do so or not dot do so. We also are free to celebrate the seasons of the year, national holidays, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, family feasts, etc. or not to do so.

    But we do need to be on guard about using celebrations for idolatrous practices; as a license to sin and debauchery, drunkenness, and hedonism; as an devotion to the holiday or persons instead of to the Lord.

    So, as Paul said, in whatever we do, we are to do it with a clear conscience unto the Lord, with thanksgiving to God and respect for His holiness and supremacy as the only true God.

    We are headed over to family today to celebrate Thanksgiving. We have not all been together with nieces, nephews, and grands for a few years with this brother of mine. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. We always have a good time. Also, my other brother is up from Hawaii, so we will see him today and he will come down to stay with us for a few days. He usually divides his time between four households of family members that we all get along with. There are 4 other siblings of mine which is a different story as to their spiritual outlook, love for God, and lifestyles.

    I hope you are well during this season with all that is going around. I pray to not get any respiratory viruses since I usually have severe problems due to asthma and reactive airways. For this reason, I don't gather with large groups much and usually hang with people who respect this weakness of my physical body, rescheduling if they have a cold, cough, or any other respiratory symptoms. It has been an adjustment for us, but since I retired from teaching, I have been much more well each cold/flu season by practicing this "social distancing". Not everyone needs to do this, tho.
  • Hadassah - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hi Gigi,

    You do make a good point that the feasts are not a mandatory requirement to be kept (with the exception the seventh day sabbath).

    But, the prescribed feasts are God's teaching tools. Through the feasts we learn of God's plans, his character, his personality, the reasons he does what he does. The spring feasts pointed to Jesus who did come as the Passover lamb. The fall feasts point to the great day of atonement and the ingathering of Israel, (you, me, all believers).These things are yet to come, but hopefully very soon.

    With the great day of atonement (Yom kippur) we see the end of sin, and the banishment of the scapegoat (Satan) into the desert wilderness. That's exactly what will happen. When Christ takes his church up to heaven for 1000 years, Satan will be roaming all alone on a desolate earth. This will give him plenty of time to think about what wickedness he has done while he waits for his fate. And, through Yom Kippur services, we are able to visualize our High Priest Jesus Christ officiating at the altar and interceding on our behalf. The tabernacle and the temple in Jerusalem were COPIES of the original, which is in heaven.

    Now, nobody studies any of this because Paul said don't bother? I don't think that is what he meant at all. But anyway, because Paul said everyone is free of that, many Christians instead embrace Easter (pagan roots bunny, Ishtar, eggs), Valentine's Day (Catholic saint), Christmas, (Santa reindeer, elves) , Thanksgiving (which was probably the feast of tabernacles). And, Halloween.

    Halloween, the Devils most important holiday.

    "Anton LaVey, the founder of the church of Satan said that by dressing up, either by wearing a costume or coloring oneself for Halloween, is tantamount to worshipping the devil and signifies that you allow Satan to own you." Nila Eslit 25 Oct 2019. Culture. Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween.

    Thanks for your ear, enjoy that family time, and stay healthy.



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