Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 7 months ago
    A comment on the eternal nature of the Godhead

    A simple point may do here. That point is; that God Himself created time along with gravity and all the other forces of nature in the universe that we still have today. He created light and all sources of light as well as the sun; moon and stars so that the measure of time could begin at its speed (186000 miles/second) along with mass and energy to verify Einstein's theory of E=MC2.

    The movement of the heavenly bodies then designated times and seasons (in years and divisions of such into days; weeks and months). The fact that death entered into the world before sin shows that before that and of course after it is finally removed from the world man and all of nature will live eternally; which of course is in tandem with an eternal God.

    Before my original post got wiped out; I was going to say that the Godhead is much like Adam before Eve was taken out of him; complete in unity. It's not a perfect example; as Eve didn't exist as a separate entity before she was taken out of Adam's rib; but does demonstrate through Christ and God's relationship something akin to the human marriage relationship with the wife being submissive to the husband. John 14:23 shows how the Father and Son make their abode within a believer; who also of course has the indwelling Holy Spirit as many other verses indicate sealing us until the day of Redemption ( Eph. 4:30).

    In this posting I will also end for now my exploration of the "emotions" of God once again reminding everyone that everything God has in perfect righteousness in terms of His reactions is reflected in some degree with man created in His image. Perhaps the next series should be discussing the actions of God. In light of the earlier mention of the situation between Moses and God where a dialogue seemed to stop God's intention of destroying everyone we can learn ourselves to never let emotions dictate action without careful counsel with the Lord on the right action.

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