Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 6 months ago
    The last part of the first stanza of the song "He knows my name" from the 2014 "If We're Honest" album of Francesca Battestelli states this:

    True to who You are

    You saw my heart

    And made

    Something out of nothing

    We really can't disengage the concept of the comprehension that we have nothing to offer but a "broken and contrite heart" as Psalm 51:8 states when we first come to a saving faith. God Himself grants repentance ( 2 Tim. 2:25 and 2 places in Acts) but this results in our heartfelt plea for God's mercy. In the same logic salvation isn't a one way street. Realizing our own unworthiness and helplessness is what unregenerate man cannot or will not concede in this lifetime as we see illustrated in Jeremiah 18:12. Man finds ways to justify demon worship as giving them something; of course we see a perfect example in Acts 19:25-28 for example where a whole town spent an afternoon rioting; or in 1 Kings 18:28 with the so called "prophetic contest" between idols and the true and living God.

    This illustration of what theologians title "Irresistable Grace" (not my favorite term) seems to fit here. Some could say that our response of realization of our sins; along with a verbal affirmation ( Romans 10:9-12) is a choice we make; rather than a response to the Spirit's prompting. I would agree as to the general search for truth that some have may come first for many; although we can't rule out a "Damascus Road" sort of conversion today either. In the mindset of unregenerate man; to be controlled or "possessed" by the Holy Spirit which results in a predictable response makes us robots and is a frightening concept in "losing our individual freedom of choice"; etc. Man's logic doesn't consider that our Creator should have ownership or mastery over His own created beings and of course we can struggle even as believers in trusting God to see us through the trials of life. This ties into the verse in Luke 17:33-37 in regard to really living when we lose our life

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