I would like to share my thoughts on archeology findings used to date some of ancient beings and dinosaurs ect.ect.
In the middle east just a few years ago, (maybe 3 or 4) there was an archeology finding of what was supposedly bones and a skull of a caveman over a million years old. The Archeologists made this assumption due to the settlement and depth of the earth during the excavation.
Then there was a problem!
They also found a coin with the imprint of a Pharoah in the same settlement that dated around 7000 years.
The unique imprint of this Pharaoh gives the identity of the Pharaoh and Archeologists are able to research the time he reign.
We are dealing with two things here when concerning dinosaurs.
1) When were they created.
2) When did they die.
By the scriptures we know that the Lord created everything that was created. John 1:3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Also, by the scriptures we know that death came into the world by Adam's sin.
Romans 5:12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
By Scriptures we know that that extends to all creation, even the very ground we walk on! Genesis 3:17. and
Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
The whole world groans and is waiting on a redemption, meaning restored to its formal intentions.
So, this may atleast help us with the "when" the dinosaurs could have died.
certainly not before Adam and Eve because death had not entered the world yet. (Possibly the flood)
Some hold the view of a gap theory between verses 1 and 2 in Genesis 1:1-2. as a possibility when dinosaurs may have been created.
The Holy Bible is a Unified Story Leading to Jesus! The other matters you inquire you will need to reference Britannica et al (and others). Because The Holy Bible is for believers it does not need to be all-inclusive with the other aspects of life/living. There are more than a plethora available - hardback and digital!
Perhaps this will eliminate your quest for finding non-correlated "evidences" @ Holy Bible. :)
God (including Jesus) created everything, including what we call dinosaurs. These facts are not in conflict. If you believe they are and have a question about it maybe others can help.
Often atheists who practice the sciences are motivated to make claims of an old billions of years old earth, which is based on inaccurate carbon dating. As an example there have been relatively recent events, such as the Mt. Saint Helens eruption, that when similar science has been applied it dates the lava to being over a million years old, but we know it was from 1980.
English is not my native language,for me it's harder to speak of the theories of man-made than to speak of the Word of GOD.
To those that say age of the Earth is around 14 billions of years,we can counter argue that the number is not accurate,although to the common man it could be, the gods of this world(the common men made of the dust of the earth- Genesis 2:19)have blinded the minds of them which believe in them,believe in them which trie to plagiarize the science of the Most High and Almighty GOD, but the best of their conceptions in this field is nothing more than foolish conjectures and deceitful theories given by man-made scientific apparatus.
What we belivers must say to the atheists is that the age of the Earth is much much more than that billions of years age they claim.This assert lefts them very astonished,of course.What we must say to the atheists in the reply, is that the age pointed in their posts is the maximum limit that man-made scientific apparatus or measuring equipments of the scientists is ABLE to measure.So it has nothing to do with the age of the Earth.We could say unto them or would say that for measuring the age of the Earth the men need to invent a scientific apparatus more qualified and ABLE to measure beyond or over of what has been measured by the scientists to this date, then the false current theory of the Earth's age will be changed for a new theory.I'm sure they will never get do it first because the Universe is a GOD's secret,second because they not know that the Devil's world in which they are living will END now,even now,from now on,it has been pre-determined to start in this current decade,it with great and traggic destruction as was previously prophesied-confirmed by Revelation 11:18-,whereof GOD has given assurance unto all men in His former secret book of Apocalypse-Re.1:1-,sealed with seven seals,which were revealed to JESUS and were broken and opened by Him around 65 years after His ascension.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. It's clear that this is a topic you've given a lot of consideration to.
You're absolutely right that scientific evidence and religious texts often provide different perspectives on questions about our world and its origins. These two sources of knowledge have different methodologies and purposes, which can lead to different conclusions.
Scientific evidence is based on empirical observations and experiments. Scientists observe the natural world, form hypotheses, conduct experiments, and then interpret the results. This process is iterative and self-correcting, with each new piece of evidence potentially refining or even overturning previous understandings. The age of the Earth, for example, is estimated at 4.54 billion years based on a variety of scientific methods, including radiometric dating of rocks and minerals.
Religious texts, on the other hand, are often based on revelations, spiritual experiences, and the wisdom of religious leaders and communities. They provide guidance on moral and ethical issues, give meaning to life, and help individuals and communities navigate their spiritual journeys. Some interpretations of the Bible, for instance, suggest a much younger Earth, around 6,000 years old.
It's important to note that these two sources of knowledge are not necessarily in conflict. Many people find ways to reconcile their religious beliefs with scientific understanding. Others see them as addressing different kinds of questions - science answering "how" questions about the workings of the natural world, and religion addressing "why" questions about purpose and meaning.
Thank you again for sharing your perspective. It's through open and respectful dialogue that we can all learn and grow
You're welcome,Andre4risca,I enjoyed a lot your post.I thank you very much for your kind and wise reply.I confess that I was very surprised and amazed by your response.
Yes,among theologians,and believers,followers of them,there is a conception the Planet Earth is around 6,000 years old,what is a false conception.
In the other hand,the scientific conception about the age of the Earth also is empiric,I would say the empiric conception of science on Earth's age is also false and a nonsense.
That said,what matters and prevails is the Truth.Once the two conceptions above described are wrong,both are good for nothing,I will not be brought under the power of any,I will not allow myself to be carried away by either,but where I will find the Truth?This reminds me of Pilate.What is Truth?For me what matters is the Truth, exclusively.
What I know is that JESUS' own testimony about Himself is wonderful,and reveals to us in depth the mystery of His existence in the greatness of the Universe created by GOD,the Word,GOD Father,full of heavenly bodies,and here on Earth,specifically,He populated the planet with living beings,and sat in the CIRCLE of the Earth,as is written in Isaiah 40:21-22:
21Have ye not known?have ye not heard?hath it not been told you from the beginning?have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?
22It is GOD that sits upon the CIRCLE of the Earth,and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers;
I remember what JESUS said from His own existence: John 17:4-5,as follow:
4I have glorified thee-Father-on the earth:I have finished the work which thou gave me to do.( John 1:3 & 5:17,and Hebrews 1:1-2 testify about this that JESUS said.Take a look)
5And now,O Father,glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the WORLD was. John the Baptist,the angel of the LORD,testified about this,saying: John 1:18- No man hath seen GOD at any time,the only begotten Son,which is in the bosom of the Father,He has declared Him.
The Bible is not any book on our natural world. Dinosaurs ammonites all have their place. God is a Spirit and God's kingdom has its own rules as there are rules for grammar. Any one who would move in a polite society and wants to be looked up speaks as a cultured well educated person.So don'be drawn by atheists whose little knowledge is from Science that is incomplete. After Galileo they want only proof so they shall keep on driving a square block in round hole. Faith with works is simply trust in our Savior Lord and work as he would want us.
If one has the Son he has the Father as well. So understand the word of God by the indwelling Spirit and it is the only way.
Hello Tdianne, go to this link (gotquestions.org/dinosaurs-Bible.html) and get your answer. I could copy and paste but it would be long...lol.
Here's a partial section of the biblical answer:
The topic of dinosaurs in the Bible is part of a larger ongoing debate within the Christian community over the age of the earth, the proper interpretation of Genesis, and how to interpret the physical evidence we find all around us. Those who believe in an older age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does not mention dinosaurs, because, according to the old-earth paradigm, dinosaurs died out millions of years before the first man ever walked the earth, so the men who wrote the Bible could not have seen living dinosaurs.
Those who believe in a younger age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does mention dinosaurs, though it never actually uses the word dinosaur. Instead, it uses the Hebrew word tanniyn, which is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles. Sometimes it's "sea monster," and sometimes it's "serpent." It is most commonly translated "dragon" in the KJV. The tanniyn appears to have been some sort of giant reptile. These creatures are mentioned nearly thirty times in the Old Testament (e.g., Psalm 74:13; Isaiah 27:1; Jeremiah 51:34) and were found both on land and in the water. Another Hebrew word, livyathan, transliterated leviathan, is used six times in Scripture (e.g., Job 41:1; Psalm 104:26) and refers to some type of large, fierce sea creature. The description of leviathan in Job 41 gives the impression of a strong yet graceful, unstoppable creature against which weapons are unavailing: "Nothing on earth is its equal" ( Job 41:33).
The fossils are real, but I can't get any answers to this question.
I would like to share my thoughts on archeology findings used to date some of ancient beings and dinosaurs ect.ect.
In the middle east just a few years ago, (maybe 3 or 4) there was an archeology finding of what was supposedly bones and a skull of a caveman over a million years old. The Archeologists made this assumption due to the settlement and depth of the earth during the excavation.
Then there was a problem!
They also found a coin with the imprint of a Pharoah in the same settlement that dated around 7000 years.
The unique imprint of this Pharaoh gives the identity of the Pharaoh and Archeologists are able to research the time he reign.
I find that interesting.
God bless you.
We are dealing with two things here when concerning dinosaurs.
1) When were they created.
2) When did they die.
By the scriptures we know that the Lord created everything that was created. John 1:3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Also, by the scriptures we know that death came into the world by Adam's sin.
Romans 5:12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
By Scriptures we know that that extends to all creation, even the very ground we walk on! Genesis 3:17. and
Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
The whole world groans and is waiting on a redemption, meaning restored to its formal intentions.
So, this may atleast help us with the "when" the dinosaurs could have died.
certainly not before Adam and Eve because death had not entered the world yet. (Possibly the flood)
Some hold the view of a gap theory between verses 1 and 2 in Genesis 1:1-2. as a possibility when dinosaurs may have been created.
Would you like for me to get into that?
God bless
The Holy Bible is a Unified Story Leading to Jesus! The other matters you inquire you will need to reference Britannica et al (and others). Because The Holy Bible is for believers it does not need to be all-inclusive with the other aspects of life/living. There are more than a plethora available - hardback and digital!
Perhaps this will eliminate your quest for finding non-correlated "evidences" @ Holy Bible. :)
#Serve The One True Yehovah-God Jesus! Se'Lah
Sh'ma Israel: The LORD our God is One
Often atheists who practice the sciences are motivated to make claims of an old billions of years old earth, which is based on inaccurate carbon dating. As an example there have been relatively recent events, such as the Mt. Saint Helens eruption, that when similar science has been applied it dates the lava to being over a million years old, but we know it was from 1980.
English is not my native language,for me it's harder to speak of the theories of man-made than to speak of the Word of GOD.
To those that say age of the Earth is around 14 billions of years,we can counter argue that the number is not accurate,although to the common man it could be, the gods of this world(the common men made of the dust of the earth- Genesis 2:19)have blinded the minds of them which believe in them,believe in them which trie to plagiarize the science of the Most High and Almighty GOD, but the best of their conceptions in this field is nothing more than foolish conjectures and deceitful theories given by man-made scientific apparatus.
What we belivers must say to the atheists is that the age of the Earth is much much more than that billions of years age they claim.This assert lefts them very astonished,of course.What we must say to the atheists in the reply, is that the age pointed in their posts is the maximum limit that man-made scientific apparatus or measuring equipments of the scientists is ABLE to measure.So it has nothing to do with the age of the Earth.We could say unto them or would say that for measuring the age of the Earth the men need to invent a scientific apparatus more qualified and ABLE to measure beyond or over of what has been measured by the scientists to this date, then the false current theory of the Earth's age will be changed for a new theory.I'm sure they will never get do it first because the Universe is a GOD's secret,second because they not know that the Devil's world in which they are living will END now,even now,from now on,it has been pre-determined to start in this current decade,it with great and traggic destruction as was previously prophesied-confirmed by Revelation 11:18-,whereof GOD has given assurance unto all men in His former secret book of Apocalypse-Re.1:1-,sealed with seven seals,which were revealed to JESUS and were broken and opened by Him around 65 years after His ascension.
GOD bless
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. It's clear that this is a topic you've given a lot of consideration to.
You're absolutely right that scientific evidence and religious texts often provide different perspectives on questions about our world and its origins. These two sources of knowledge have different methodologies and purposes, which can lead to different conclusions.
Scientific evidence is based on empirical observations and experiments. Scientists observe the natural world, form hypotheses, conduct experiments, and then interpret the results. This process is iterative and self-correcting, with each new piece of evidence potentially refining or even overturning previous understandings. The age of the Earth, for example, is estimated at 4.54 billion years based on a variety of scientific methods, including radiometric dating of rocks and minerals.
Religious texts, on the other hand, are often based on revelations, spiritual experiences, and the wisdom of religious leaders and communities. They provide guidance on moral and ethical issues, give meaning to life, and help individuals and communities navigate their spiritual journeys. Some interpretations of the Bible, for instance, suggest a much younger Earth, around 6,000 years old.
It's important to note that these two sources of knowledge are not necessarily in conflict. Many people find ways to reconcile their religious beliefs with scientific understanding. Others see them as addressing different kinds of questions - science answering "how" questions about the workings of the natural world, and religion addressing "why" questions about purpose and meaning.
Thank you again for sharing your perspective. It's through open and respectful dialogue that we can all learn and grow
Yes,among theologians,and believers,followers of them,there is a conception the Planet Earth is around 6,000 years old,what is a false conception.
In the other hand,the scientific conception about the age of the Earth also is empiric,I would say the empiric conception of science on Earth's age is also false and a nonsense.
That said,what matters and prevails is the Truth.Once the two conceptions above described are wrong,both are good for nothing,I will not be brought under the power of any,I will not allow myself to be carried away by either,but where I will find the Truth?This reminds me of Pilate.What is Truth?For me what matters is the Truth, exclusively.
What I know is that JESUS' own testimony about Himself is wonderful,and reveals to us in depth the mystery of His existence in the greatness of the Universe created by GOD,the Word,GOD Father,full of heavenly bodies,and here on Earth,specifically,He populated the planet with living beings,and sat in the CIRCLE of the Earth,as is written in Isaiah 40:21-22:
21Have ye not known?have ye not heard?hath it not been told you from the beginning?have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?
22It is GOD that sits upon the CIRCLE of the Earth,and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers;
I remember what JESUS said from His own existence: John 17:4-5,as follow:
4I have glorified thee-Father-on the earth:I have finished the work which thou gave me to do.( John 1:3 & 5:17,and Hebrews 1:1-2 testify about this that JESUS said.Take a look)
5And now,O Father,glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the WORLD was. John the Baptist,the angel of the LORD,testified about this,saying: John 1:18- No man hath seen GOD at any time,the only begotten Son,which is in the bosom of the Father,He has declared Him.
The Bible is not any book on our natural world. Dinosaurs ammonites all have their place. God is a Spirit and God's kingdom has its own rules as there are rules for grammar. Any one who would move in a polite society and wants to be looked up speaks as a cultured well educated person.So don'be drawn by atheists whose little knowledge is from Science that is incomplete. After Galileo they want only proof so they shall keep on driving a square block in round hole. Faith with works is simply trust in our Savior Lord and work as he would want us.
If one has the Son he has the Father as well. So understand the word of God by the indwelling Spirit and it is the only way.
Here's a partial section of the biblical answer:
The topic of dinosaurs in the Bible is part of a larger ongoing debate within the Christian community over the age of the earth, the proper interpretation of Genesis, and how to interpret the physical evidence we find all around us. Those who believe in an older age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does not mention dinosaurs, because, according to the old-earth paradigm, dinosaurs died out millions of years before the first man ever walked the earth, so the men who wrote the Bible could not have seen living dinosaurs.
Those who believe in a younger age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does mention dinosaurs, though it never actually uses the word dinosaur. Instead, it uses the Hebrew word tanniyn, which is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles. Sometimes it's "sea monster," and sometimes it's "serpent." It is most commonly translated "dragon" in the KJV. The tanniyn appears to have been some sort of giant reptile. These creatures are mentioned nearly thirty times in the Old Testament (e.g., Psalm 74:13; Isaiah 27:1; Jeremiah 51:34) and were found both on land and in the water. Another Hebrew word, livyathan, transliterated leviathan, is used six times in Scripture (e.g., Job 41:1; Psalm 104:26) and refers to some type of large, fierce sea creature. The description of leviathan in Job 41 gives the impression of a strong yet graceful, unstoppable creature against which weapons are unavailing: "Nothing on earth is its equal" ( Job 41:33).
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