Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 6 months ago
    Communication with God

    Completing my example 1 of prayer for someone to be saved; as I repeatedly nag it isn't something we find in scripture. Paul when on trial went as close as saying he wished to see someone saved ( Acts 26:28 with Agrippa). Just as we once were before the light broke through we were once blinded to the truth; and therefore shouldn't expect any efforts no matter how sincere or even faith filled will make one iota of difference in bringing someone to salvation. That is a really harsh statement at face value.

    We know for a fact it won't work with someone already physically deceased; and of course that would be a sin or necromancy and useless according to Hebrews 9:27. But we were once "dead in sin" ( Ephesians 2:13). It is easy as a true believer to be perplexed how people can have multiple and long term opportunities to hear the Gospel and still reject it. What is worse is those who go along and perhaps make a confession but are insincere in their hearts; thus never producing "good fruit". We know that if we hear the truth it is of God as our spirit testifies with His Spirit that we are children of God. ( Romans 8:16).

    The rest of the world is content that Christ is a good teacher or Prophet as that is all they can see; His humanity apart from Divinity as a member of the Godhead.

    I will leave this topic with a general statement. We should sow seeds with whoever we can; but not make an undo effort to spend an inordinate amount of time with those not open to the Gospel at the expense of the Great Commission at large.

    As Jesus stated in comparison to our service to God we must hate those closest to us; which doesn't mean of course to abandon care as that makes us worse than an infidel. Our motivation for service must be to serve God always; and that has to be despite whether all those we care about come to Christ or not.

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