Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 4 months ago
    "Camping out" on the theme of Discipleship

    29'I will not,' he replied. But later he changed his mind and went. 30Then the man went to the second son and told him the same thing. 'I will, sir,' he said. But he did not go. 31Which of the two did the will of his father?" "The first," they answered. Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.

    ( Matthew 21:29-31).

    We see through Romans 8:30 the idea of being called; justified and glorified without any mention of sanctification implied through discipleship. We can look at immature believers in Corinth who likely died in some cases without really being effective disciples. Nonetheless; we want to ensure that as Paul says in Phillipians 3:14 that we run for the prize. Crowns given for ministry; patient endurance or martyrdom don't come easy or to all but nonetheless since it affects our stance and spiritual authority under the King at least for the Millennium if not all eternity these are vital goals for us to pursue!

    When we consider the Great Commission and God's calling for us to go and make Disciples of all men in Matthew 28:19-20 we certainly see that emphasized; and that seemingly over the concept of just leading men to Christ which of course is part of what it means to teach all the things Jesus meant and taught to His own on His earthly ministry.

    The concept of personal sanctification and becoming separate from the world; therefore is also part of our growth as well as teaching others to be FOLLOWERS of Christ and the sacrificial lives that should accompany their declaration of salvific faith.

    It has been stated and I wholeheartedly agree that today the message of coming to Christ is often watered down. This often is to keep attendance up and money coming in from unscrupulous church leaders. It also comes from the misguided notion that we may say something to scare someone off unnecessarily. We must share hard truth with love.

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