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  • Gloria on 2 Kings 17:38 - 10 years ago
    The fear of God is the begining of widsom. therefore,I will remember the promises He made with me.For fear of the enemy, people and things, we are often immoblized; because too often we forget or take for granted whose we are and who we are in Christ Jesus.The 39 verse states It is He who delivers us from all our enemies! Praise God, we are more than conquerors thuough Him that loves us.The Lord is the strength of my life whom shall we fear or whom shall we be afraid? When we are confronted with such trials and fears we must remember the coventant He made with us. He absolutely awesome in His doing. He always come through for us. David said that when my enemies came upon me they stumbled and fell. So, dont look back the enemy will not catch you because God stands between you and him to protect you from yhe hands of the enemy. Praise God!

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