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  • Fred neal on John 7:24 - 10 years ago
    Even though we are not firemen, we can not sit by and let our neighbours house burn down without trying to help. As Christians, we need to help our brothers in Christ if and when we see their walk is weak or even wrong. We have to remember the sin in our own lives, repent from them, clean them up with the blood of Christ before we reprove or rebuke another brother, or sister. When Jesus said to not try and remove the mote from thy brothrers eye ( Matthew 7:5 ) before we remove the beam from our on eyes, He said "Then we can see clearly to remove the mote from thy brothers eye". Many people miss the last part of that verse. It is not that we judge not, but that we make sure there are no greater sins in our own lives before we judge another. Apostle paul said, He that is spiritual judgeth all things. We can not be Christians and not judge. We can not be THE judge and we dare not judge someones salvation. Thus, Judge not according to appearence, but judge righteous judgement

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